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10 Basic Principles Of Good Parenting You Should Know

To be a good parent, you must follow some basic principles of good parenting that will help you in the upbringing of your child. Raising a happy and healthy child can be a daunting task for any parent and also a rewarding experience at the same time. However, the way people approach parenting can differ significantly. As a parent, it is always seen that the basic thumb rule to effective parenting is to understand your child and that is only possible when you can adjust your parenting style as per your child.

A happy family

Before we proceed with the 10 basic principles of good parenting make sure that you foster your child’s independence. There is no need to be harsh on your kids. You must be consistent when it comes to explaining your parenting style to kids. And most importantly you must treat your child with respect. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the 10 basic principles of good parenting that you as parents must be aware of.

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Parenting Principles That You Must Know

1. Your Actions Matters

We all know that kids learn from their parents and adults. They observe every action with utmost care and precision. From the way you talk to the way you behave, treat others, or handle the situation at the time of crisis. Remember that your kids are making a point of each action. If you want your child to behave in a certain way, you must make changes in yourself. And it is always a wise move to ask yourself first “will any of my decisions have any effect on my child”?

2. Show Involvement in Your Child’s Life

basic principles of good parenting

Striking a balance between work and home together can be a cumbersome task for any parent. There will be days when you would be more focused and inclined towards your work due to an upcoming work deadline. However, that thing should not come in the way of you and your child. You need to act responsibly and rearrange your priorities and make sure to be available for your child both mentally and physically.

3. Show Respect Towards Your Child

basic principles of good parenting

To be a better parent you need to show respect to your child. And we know that this is the stage where most of the parents make mistakes. Therefore, one of the essential and basic principles of parenting is respect. If you want your child to respect you and your decisions, first you need to respect them and their views. Always remember that it is a two-way process. Respect cannot be demanded as it is always earned. Keep a watch on your tone while interacting with your child and treat them kindly. And you’d be surprised that even they will talk to you with the same respect and care.

4. Explain Kids About Your Rules

basic principles of good parenting

This is the stage where you need to be reasonable with your child. Hence, explain to them your rules and expectations. You must explain to them why have you set these rules, what will be the result, what do you expect them to do. If you will set and impose unreasonable rules and impose your decisions forcibly on them there is a 100% possibility that they might resent your decision.

5. Avoid Strict Discipline

basic principles of good parenting

To be better parents you must avoid taking strict action against your children. Punishing your child for bad behavior is important. But as parents, you ought to be careful about your choice of punishment. Make sure that the punishment is as per the mistake made. There is no room for physical punishment such as slapping and spanking. Rather opt for healthy punishment strategies.

6. Be Consistent With Your Parenting

basic principles of good parenting

Good and efficient parenting is not an overtime thing. As a parent, you cannot enforce disciplinary actions on 1 day and let go of all the mistakes your child makes the next day. You need to be consistent. Again one of the important principles of parenting, is that you must identify your non-negotiables as per the rules you have set for your children.

7. Embrace Your Child’s Independence

basic principles of good parenting

We know that parents are very protective of their kids. But the reality is that you cannot be present with your children every single time. That is why you must give your children independence. This will play a key role in developing a sense of direction and boost their self-esteem. Controlling all of their life decisions will only make your kids rebellious.

8. Establish Rules for Your Kids

basic principles of good parenting

To impart good behavior in your child, you must set proper rules and regulations from an early age. You need to communicate with your children that is what is expected out of them and what is not. Tell them the repercussions of breaking the rules. There is a possibility that they may find it difficult to adjust in the beginning, but in the end, these rules will shape a better future for them.

9. You Cannot Be Too Loving and Caring

basic principles of good parenting

We all love our kids and adore them. But at the end of the day, we also need to set proper boundaries. However, there is no limit to the warmth and affection you have for your kids. The initial problem begins when you start taking things lightly in the name of love. Lowered expectations or material possessions as a way to express love and care will only spoil your kids.

10. Adapt Your Parenting Style According to Your Kids

basic principles of good parenting

Well, there is no fixed way to bring up your child. However, all you can do is try out different parenting styles and methods to see what fits your child’s needs and expectations. Also, the parenting style and training method will differ for elder children and younger children accordingly. Try to understand what your child needs, and help them nurture accordingly.

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If you are struggling with your child don’t worry because these 10 basic principles of parenting will come to your immediate rescue. Always remember that every child comes with unique traits and attributes. Hence, you need to ensure that your child is guided properly. As parents, you can only try out different things and see what works best for your child and what does not work fine. There will be days when they may fail while other times they will emerge victoriously.

Again we will empathize with the fact that there is no proper rule to raise a child. However, these 10 basic principles of good parenting will help you make more thoughtful and conscious decisions. Ranked as the best and the most immersive parenting platform in India, PiggyRide has turned out to be the most preferred choice of parenting website for parents across India. Follow the official website of PiggyRide for parenting tips and advice.

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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