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10 Effective Tips To Handle Unruly Kids & Make Them Well- Behaved

10 Effective Tips To Handle Unruly Kids & Make Them Well- Behaved

Kids bring joy to our homes and lives but the same kids can bring stress and anxiety when they are unruly. It is difficult to deal with such kids at times and out of frustration, we pour the waves of anger on them. It may help at that particular moment but it is surely not a solution to end the indiscipline created by them all the time. Parents need to act wisely – Yelling and punishing for every tantrum won’t help always.

We as parents need to behave first and set rules for them. Parents are the Live examples for children – They practice what we show them. They become mini versions of us at times. So, Let’s begin with some simple effective tips that can be helpful:

1. Setting Rules And Limits

 Make a simple rule and a rule should be for all, everyone in the family. Be it table manners, greeting everyone, keeping clothes in the laundry or clearing mess before sleeping whosoever created it (Children always spread toys and colors all the time). Make sure they stick to it always. Keep Limits for certain activities like watching the cartoon and Playing outdoor. This will help them to organize their routines in the long run.

2. Always Encourage

 Encouraging your kids brings happiness and a sense of achievement in them. It motivates them to do better. They feel pride when parents’ applause them for their little things. Praise them in front of their other family members especially grandparents. You can reward them occasionally too, not necessarily any materialistic thing. It can be a travel trip or a visit to their favorite place.   

10 Effective Tips To Handle Unruly Kids & Make Them Well- Behaved

3. Be Polite And Respectful

 Politeness is a virtue that every parent should possess.  We need to be polite enough to listen to them at times. They are too little to know good and bad. It is our responsibility to make them understand the consequences of certain things which they find good otherwise.  Keep your voice firm, explain without yelling. Respect their existence, don’t embarrass them.

4. No Means No

 Yes, the policy of No means No.  Whatever the circumstance if it’s wrong, and not in the rules. Don’t encourage it ever, no matter what tantrum he/she throws, be it home/public/ Friends place.  For example, Misbehaviour is a big no, and should never be ignored. Watch them and teach them If they ever behaved likewise.

5. Don’t Compare Your Kids:

It’s for long, maybe from our times’ parents compare their own kid with others. No matter how much you love them but this comparison of Mr. XYZ’s son/daughter getting 99.9% discourages them. They develop a sense of low self-esteem and turn Cranky. It affects them badly and turns them arrogant.

10 Effective Tips To Handle Unruly Kids & Make Them Well- Behaved

6. Never Publicize The Failures

So, what next, if your child is weak in mathematics/ or he/she was not selected in a Hockey team of the school; – Stop telling it to every uncle, aunt and friend of yours who visit you especially in Infront of your children. Don’t embarrass them, Inspite appreciate them what they are good at. It brings a treasure of smiles on their face.

7. Keep Promises

Promise only when you can keep it, never ever make it out of excitement. Make promises and fulfill them. It brings a good bond, and feel of trust between a child and a parent.

8. Magic words

Teaching them to use magic words: Sorry, Please and thank you.

Use these words yourself too, whenever required, they too will get used to it. These words bring vibes of mannerism in a kid, who surely grows up as a decent adult.

9.  No Favoritism/Gender Biasness

 As a parent, I don’t feel either of the children can be more loved, and especially on the base of gender, Heck NO!

 but still, sometimes our actions may give wrong vibes. Please take care of your words and actions.  

” Be neutral when you are a referee in the ring- Say No to gender bias “

10. No Hitting:

 No, never and ever. 

Have you ever did it? Did you fall guilty afterward? Are you still, doing the same when they are unruly?

Please Don’t hit children. Say no to such violence.  It devalues the image of the parent and affects the image of the child negatively.

Being angry for every small thing becomes a behavior for them. 
Be careful while handling your kid, and see how life changes. Practice what you preach and set examples for them.

Do you use have different tips to make kids well-behaved? Comment below and help all the parents out there.

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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