Good manners – something which is very basic for everyone to have. Kids with good manners definitely grow up being better human beings. Good manners can be taught as early as possible – Be it a small little thing. It’s always good to make kids understand the difference between good and bad manners. The manners your kids learn at an early age remain with them throughout their life. So making your kids a well-mannered and cultured individual is a prime responsibility of each parent out there.

It’s not difficult but yes it needs little patience, a pinch of strictness, and being firm on your words. I know someone whose kid was 1.5 years and was throwing spoons and forks on his toys continuously (Kind of a game fun), don’t know what made him do it but I saw his parents laughing and giggling over it. I did not find anything to laugh at it, it was a big NO. What they called kid is having fun, it was actually something stupid and definitely not a good manner. Watching your kid having fun and letting him/her doing something weird is not acceptable. Better teach them some fun game instead of letting them learn something which is not the right etiquette.
Small steps and small learnings can help to nurture your kid with good manners. This blog is simple and not rocket science which parents can’t do, I am doing all that I have put in it and I know many of you are on the same page. Let’s talk about 10 good manners every kid should have:
1. Not to Interrupt when Two Individuals are Talking
This line we have been listening since we were kids and we need the same to impart to our kids. This is a basic manner and can be inculcated patiently and can be practiced whenever a child tries to interrupt. Kids are impatient and want attention all the time. So, it is important that they learn not to interrupt in between when two people are having a conversation and if they want, they have to be reasonable.
When I started teaching this manner to my daughter, I told her even she wants to speak about anything else, she can start with excuse me mummy/papa I have to say something, will you mind if I say it now? Trust me, she does this, also we do same, if she is talking with someone and we have to talk, we repeat same words. Preaching never helps, Practice makes things perfect.
2. Using Magic Words – Sorry & Thank you
Magic words bring wonderful experiences, teaching your kid to say sorry and thank you always look cute to me. other words such as excuse me, it’s okay, you are welcome, etc. These are some basic words that can be taught to kids. Make it a point you use them too while dealing with them and other people. They note it and follow your footsteps.
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3. Basic Table Manners
This should be taught as soon as they go to playschools, it does not mean to force them to eat with forks, etc, but basic like, not talking while having food, chewing slowly, wiping their mouth after having food, not spreading food on the table, etc.

4. Knocking on Door Before Entering Someone’s Room
Knocking on the door before entering someone’s room is also a good manner. Encourage knocking on the door or asking ‘may I come in’. Similarly, not to touch or use the belongings of other people without their permission.
My daughter asks me if she can use my hairbands if it matches her dress, I find it cute and equally important that she is learning these small things right at her home.
5. Greeting People
Greeting everyone they come across with Good morning, Salaam, Namastay – Whatever they wish. It is to be for everyone. Greeting makes kids cheerful and also others feel joyful. Greeting anyone with respect and a good smile makes the day brighter and cheerful.
6. Sharing Toys
Encourage your kid to share toys and take turns while playing. They will not be too keen to do so but don’t give up at any cost. It took me a lot of time to teach this to my daughter, but I managed it each time by saying, that they will give it back and if they won’t I will ask their mummy to return it.

7. Responding When Someone Talks With Them
It looks rude if someone asks anything from your kid and they don’t reply. It’s not they don’t know but most of the time they get shy. Teach them even if they are shy, answer them like – We will tell you later or anything. It’s good to be polite and make them understand this is blissful.
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8. Never Calling Elders With Their First Name.
It is important to teach your kid to not call an elder person by their first name. Kids should be taught to use uncle, aunty, sir, mam, etc while talking with elders. My daughter calls my teammates with Mam & Sir Prefixed to their name, she does it by herself. Also, she added Massi(Usually we call that Mom’s Sister) to one of my teammate’s names, maybe she found that she is a great friend to me.
9. Picking Up Your Plate & Clearing Your Mess
Picking your own plate, cup, or anything that you used after having food. It is basic, age/gender has nothing to do with it. When they are asked to do it right from the beginning, they slowly become independent for small and chores.
Similarly, clearing the mess they creating out of their toys, colors, etc. They can organize their toys after playing with them. I seriously follow it.
10. Not Commenting on Personal Appearances
This is something we often don’t talk about, however, it’s important to teach children not to comment or pass any remarks on anybody. They should be taught Almighty has created all of us and it’s not acceptable to put any bad remarks over his creation.
Take Away:
There are numerous easy to follow manners that can be taught to kids, kids can be molded the way you want, apart from giving the best things of life, make sure you raise them into well-cultured human beings. Good manners will open doors of success for them. When teaching manners and etiquette to a kid, you need to be patient. Awesome results don’t happen overnight. Set realistic expectations and be their role model. For a well-mannered child, be a well-mannered parent is essential.
I know much more can be added to the list, Will you like to add more to it? Do comment!
It’s an amazing feeling while reading articles related to kids because kids are our future. So we should take care of them carefully. I am also working in “The British School of Etiquette” where we meet so many kids and try to teach them the best things of life that can help them in future.