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10 Life Skills to Teach Your Child by Age 10

Mom, Can I help you to wash the dishes? This line i often here from my 4-year little one after a tiring day. Though I don’t let her do dishes, yes but small tasks like carrying her plate etc. to kitchen, keeping her clothes in closet, putting toys back after playing etc. our kids are more capable than we realize. So, it’s good to instill some life skills right from childhood with no gender bias or favoritism for quick learning for routine life such as – making a simple meal, helping with house chores, taking care of own belongings etc.

life skills

The need for making kids learning life skills are simple and clear -that is to make them active, independent and make them ready for any basic challenges. There’s so much for our kids to learn in today’s digital world, and it has become easy for them to learn practical life skills with the help of it.

Here goes a list of 10 life skills that can be taught to kids with ease.

1. Preparing A simple Meal

Everyone who eats (obviously all!)need to have this skill, grow up your kid with this logic, someone from 7 to 10 yrs Old is good enough to learn this with guidance. It can be simpler one like a fried egg, fresh juice, making fruit chat or salad etc. Make sure you help them initially, especially while showing them to operate different appliances.

2.  Treating a Wound

Make sure you teach your kid not to freak out for minor injuries, and not to overact and panic. Show them how to use first aid for bruises etc. till they get medical help or parent assistance if required.

3. Decision Making Skills

Children should be encouraged for making small decisions for themselves, they should be not too dependent on others for it. Begin with basic decisions like chocolate or ice cream, socks or stockings, indoor games or outdoor cars. Teach them the importance of making right decisions at the right time and about the rewards of good decisions and the consequences of bad decisions.

life skills

4. Health & Hygiene Habits

This life skill is very important, and you don’t need to wait for any specific age, make sure your kid picks each hygiene habit at each age. No compromise of this life skill. Explain to them why health and hygiene habits are always going to be crucial parts of their life in the long run. Healthy & Hygiene habits are established over time, and your kids will mentally go through it if you initiate it as early as possible.

Related Article: 5 Personal Hygiene Habits You Should Teach Your Kids

5. Getting Ready of their Own

Getting ready and choosing outfits is also basic thing and kids should be not dependent for it. Kids can learn how to get ready on their own at an early age. Let them pick out the clothes, Lay out their hairbrush and toothbrush etc. keeping dirty clothes in laundry basket, and picking washed clothes back etc.

6. Household Chores

Small household chores like – Clearing plates after meals, setting table for meals, feeding pets, watering plants, basic cleaning of rooms etc. These skills made them patient and also make them realize that everything one does need efforts and hard work.

7. Helping Others

Helping others, it can be anyone parents with chores, needy with any monetary/non-monetary help, old people with general help, may be in park or holding gate for them, helping friends if they need etc.

life lessons

8. Acceptable Tolerance

Kids should be tolerant to every different individual and their beliefs etc. Expose your kids to people of all kinds, from different races to different mental conditions. Show them that it is OK to be different, and on different pages, and it should be celebrated, and respected.

9. Dealing with Change/Failures

It’s okay if things change, it’s okay if you fail – Make kids learn it and follow it. We can’t give our children a set of skills to learn, a career to prepare for randomly, when we don’t know what the future will bring, so make them ready to be flexible.

10. Finding Passion

Children should not be forced for picking new hobbies/skills etc., instead help your kid find things that are passionate about — it’s a matter of trying a bunch of things, finding ones that excite them and keeps then keenly interested.

Related Article: 7 Tips to Motivate your Kid for Learning New Skills

Take Away –

Teaching Life skills to kids is for making their future good and prosperous. These life skills will help them to remain active and independent for their basic routine life. The kids who are great in life skills also get their academic performances good with time. Meanwhile, kids should be exposed to learning all other skills that makes them use time for good, for that don’t miss to check with free workshops and best courses with PiggyRide.

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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