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10 Ways To Keep Your Kids Cool From Summer Heat

Summers have finally arrived and we know that kids love summers- clear blue skies, long days, and the sun shining and smiling brightly. But with all the fun it is equally important to keep your kids safe from the scorching summer heat. Simply because sometimes heat can be way too strong and can make your kids sick. So to enjoy the summer weather, you must make sure your kids are safe both indoors and outdoors. Remember that sweat and heat can pose a serious challenge and even lead to dehydration. So, to make your summer months bearable we have prepared a helpful guide on effective ways to keep your kids safe and cool from the scorching summer heat.

 boy smiling from the pool

Top 10 Tips to Keep Your Kids Cool and Safe from Summer Heat

1. Keep Your Kids Well-Hydrated

small boy drinking water

Well, one of the important and effective ways to keep your kids safe from the sweltering summer heat is to keep your kids well hydrated. Drinking water plays a key role in maintaining the total amount of fluid and Ph level in your body which is easily lost in the form of sweat. It is advisable to consume 2 liters of water especially when the summers are unbearable. As parents make sure that you take all the necessary precautions to overcome the fluid loss from your kid’s body. Apart from water, you should also give your kids fresh fruit juices, coconut water, and fruits to consume.

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2. Wear Comfortable and Light-Colored Cotton Clothes

kids wearing cotton clothes

Summers are all about wearing light clothes thereby allowing you and your body to breathe freely. Make sure that your kids wear comfortable cotton clothes during the summer months. This is because tight-fitted and dark-colored clothes will not only make them uncomfortable but also sweaty. Remember that thick clothes are not capable of evaporating sweat. Furthermore, dark colors absorb more wavelengths of light and will make you feel hotter. Therefore, make summer months more relaxing for your kids by replacing their thick clothes with easy-to-breathe cotton clothes.

3. Cool Your Kid’s Toes

boy dipping his feet in water

The best and the most effective way to bring down the summer heat in your kids is by dissolving their toes in a tub of ice water. In case your kids feel excessively hot then bring down the temperature by cooling their toes. Putting on wet clothes and soaking feet in cool water for some time will not only relax your kids but will make them feel less hot. You can also make your kids wear wet socks for a short period of time.

4. Serve Your Kids Light Meals

2 girls eating fruits

Eating heavy and oily meals can also generate heat in the body and it can make you feel uncomfortable. After a large and heavy meal, your body has to put in a lot of hard work to digest the food and metabolize it. And this will increase your core body temperature and make you feel sweaty and lethargic. Therefore, make sure that you and your kids consume light and freshly prepared meals during the summer months. Also, minimize the amount of processed food intake including salty foods.

5. Ask Your Kids To Bathe in Lukewarm Water

boy in a bath tub

A cold shower seems to be relaxing and comfortable, especially in summers. But as per some scientists, this can actually make you feel hotter. That is because when you take a cool shower your body has to put in a lot of effort to warm up again. As per some medical research, warm water cools your bloodstream, so it is a good idea to opt for a lukewarm shower.

6. Encourage Your Kids to Use Fans

small girl sitting in front of a fan

An air conditioner can surely offer immediate relief to you and your family against the scorching summer heat. But you must have forgotten about how powerful a fan can be. Therefore, encourage your kids to make proper use of fans as they are capable enough for clearing the warm air out of your home and will allow the cool air to settle in.

7. Cool Off Your Kids With Water

cold compression on feet

Another efficient way to keep your kids cool and safe from the summer heat is by cold water compression. This is the reason why swimming pools are a popular concept in summers. Hand over a towel to your kids and make sure that it is dipped in cold water. Ask them to place the towel on their forehead and shoulders. This activity will offer immediate relief from the summer heat and you can ask your kids to bathe twice a day.

8. Lay a Strong Emphasis on Mint

mint water

We all are aware of the cooling properties of mint and its health benefits. Moreover, mint can also create an illusion that will make you feel cool when the surroundings are extremely hot. From mint raita to using mind air fresheners and adding mint to water, you can put mint to a variety of uses and create awareness about the same for your kids. Remember, at the end of the day you’re just trying to make the summer heat bearable for your kids.

9. Refrigerate Your Lotions and Moisturisers

mini fridge with creams and lotions

Another great and perhaps healthy way to stay cool during the summer months is to refrigerate your kid’s lotions and moisturizers. This will make sure that the product does not get spoiled and will offer a refreshing sensation to your kids.

10. Educate Your Kids on Summer Illnesses

woman feeling irritated from summer heat

With precautions come safety. It is the responsibility of every parent to make their kids aware of summer illnesses and the harmful effects of summer heat on kids. There is a high risk of heat-stroke, dehydration, skin rashes, dry cold, etc during the summer months. So make sure that your child stays indoors, especially during the afternoon. As parents, you need to ensure regular and adequate intake of fluids and make them wear comfortable clothes to help them stay at ease and cool.

Related Article: 10 Summer Safety Tips for Kids


These are the 10 essential tips that will keep your child safe and cool from the scorching summer heat. Spending time in the sun is healthy because it is the best source of Vitamin D, however, we cannot deny the fact that excessive heat exposure can lead to heatstroke, dehydration, and other serious illnesses in kids. So, these are the 10 helpful tips that all the moms swear by. Make sure that your kids enjoy the summer months by following all the necessary safety precautions. You can also enroll your kids in online classes and workshops offered by PiggyRide.

Our online classes will keep your little ones busy all throughout the summers and this will limit their exposure to heat. Apart from this, PiggyRide is constantly striving and trying hard to make the parenting journey a memorable one. So, you can follow our website and keep yourself updated with all the important information. And in case you have any questions feel free to reach out to us by sharing your doubts on our Q/A or else by shooting an email to us.
Get ready to bask under the sun with complete safety and precautions!

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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