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10 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Kids

Time is the best gift that we can give our kids, spending quality time with kids gives immense pleasure to them. It makes them feel important & they cherish it. In the fast-moving life, where each parent is busy due to work commitments or house chores, sometimes a kid gets neglected.  It does not make a good impact on kids & it’s necessary we pay attention to it as soon as possible.

Spend quality time with kids develops their personalities. Take time off your hectic schedule, even if it’s just for a few minutes in between your day, it will work wonders. Don’t ever forget family comes first & kids are a blessing. Here are some simple Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Kid.

spend quality time with kids

1. You Can Fix It for Anytime

Whether you are a working parent or not, make sure you give some time in your routine schedule for your kid. It can be as soon as they wake up, or after lunch, or before going to bed. I being a working parent also follow it – I usually give 15 -20 minutes with her talking as soon as she gets up & then before she sleeps as well.

2. Let them be With You While Doing Chores

You can make them sit in the kitchen while you are washing dishes are preparing food, or folding clothes and talk about their favorite things. This I usually do on weekends, also my kid offers me small help same time- Touch Wood.

3. Don’t Use gadgets while You Are Spending Time With Them

Either they are talking/sitting with you, or you are playing any indoor/outdoor game with them, make sure you don’t use your mobile phones until any urgency is there. For me, Sunday is no gadget day especially when I am with my little girl.

4. Go for Walks

After you logout or finish your house chores, you can go for a walk with your kid. It is a good way to spend time with them, it may not possible every day, but alternate days or anything that suits you. I usually go 3 days a week. A good walk and little curious questions I answer in that time for sure.

spend quality time with kids

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5. Free Play & Let Them Lead

This probably is a weekend thing, especially for working parents. Let your kid choose what they want to play with you. I have been playing with kitchen sets, remote car toys, indoor badminton in this lockdown, and I was asked to be a kid and she reacts as a teacher/grown-up. Cute!

6. Happy Meal Time

Make sure you have a happy meal time with them. Don’t rush them just because you have tasks to complete, schedule everything accordingly. Eat with them, wait till they finish, and don’t talk about any issues on your dining table.

spend quality time with kids

7.  Make Memories

Spend time, click pictures and make memories. I am a fan of this thing and my gallery is full of memories. At times I sit with my daughter and show her the photos of when she was born, first birthday, first trip, first swim, etc. The time you spend with them sharing memories always helps them in a better way. They feel good, recall things, ask curious questions, and much more.

8. Practice Mindfulness Together

Try doing mindful activities together, be it yoga, meditation or dancing. Not only you can spend time together but it helps in bonding in a good way. Mindfulness will strengthen your bonding, and increase your well-being.

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9. Accompany Them for Their Online Classes

It’s good if you get time to accompany them to their online classes or at least you can stay in the same room if possible. A little amount of time spent there also can give you a view of their interaction and learning behavior.

10. Don’t Ever Say Don’t Waste My Time

At times, kids through tantrums, and we also turn impatient due to work pressure or any other reasons. Give them time with your heart & if you are busy, be polite and promise them to give it later. Don’t brag about you are giving time & raise a hue and cry that they wasted it etc.

Take Away:

Keep it simple and connect with your kid in every possible way. The quality time you spend with them has a lasting impact on them. Time is valuable, spend it in the best possible way and make good use of it.  Are you spending quality time with kids?

Check More Parenting blogs on PiggyRide & be an awesome parent.

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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very interesting , good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.
