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11 Effective Tips on How to Raise a Confident Child

Confidence is one of the most precious gifts a parent can give to their child. And if you are wondering how to raise a confident child, well you are not alone. Parents are often seen complaining about how their children lack confidence and how this might impact their future. And certainly, for any parent, it is not a good sight to see your kids struggling with self-esteem. Hence, they may shy away from challenges, or dislike studying or even lack the courage to try new things. As a parent, you just want your child to be happy and successful. You need to remember that confidence is a skill. And just like any other skill, there are certain tips and tricks that you can follow to make your child more confident.

Confident Child

In this blog, we will walk you through some effective ways and strategies that will help you in raising a confident child.

1. Give Them Responsibilities

One of the easiest and the most important ways to make your child more confident is by giving them more responsibilities. You should try out important yet straightforward tasks. You can ask them to assist you with cooking or taking care of their younger siblings. Children will give their best when they know that they are an important part of the family. As a parent, you need to ensure that your child is occupied with all the necessary activities and this in turn will make them more confident.

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2. Ask Them For Their Valuable Opinion

When you ask others for their opinion, you are letting them know that you care about their thoughts and feelings. So, if you are looking for effective ways to raise a confident child, ask your kids for their opinion as it will make them feel more valued and important. You can involve your children in a range of different household decisions such as deciding what to eat for dinner. If you are struggling with some problem, you can also ask them for their suggestions and who knows that their solution might turn out to be a big help. Also, you will be astonished to see how insightful they are, and how easily they come up with solutions.

3. Set Age-Appropriate Challenges for Your Kids

Another effective way of raising a confident child is by setting achievable goals that can be easily achieved without any hassles. Now, imagine a 2-year-old child. It is quite obvious that you won’t give a toddler a pair of shoes with laces and expect them to tie properly. Even with practice, a 2-year-old doesn’t have the important fine motor skills. Hence, this task is not a good match for their abilities. You need to be cautious about the kind of task that you are assigning to your child. Make sure that it is age-appropriate.

Confident Child

4. Show Respect for Everyone

Children constantly observe and learn by watching their adults. They’ll treat the people the same way you do, so be kind and humble. If you will show respect to people irrespective of their caste, creed, social status, and color, your kids will learn to do the same. As a parent, it is your responsibility to model the behavior you want to see in your children. Lay a strong emphasis on the fact that character is more important than looks and appearance. Your children will also learn that self-worth is far more important than the external factors mentioned above. And when they’re respecting others, they will learn to respect themselves.

5. Show Off Your Confidence Like a Pro

Since your kids are always observing you, don’t forget to show off your confidence to them. As a first and foremost step, value positive self-talk. If by any chance your kids hear you say you’re not capable enough or you cannot take up new challenges all by yourself, well they’ll adopt this mindset. You need to show them that you are ready to go that extra mile which is outside your comfort zone. There might be a situation where you have to do a presentation at work, and you are extremely nervous about public speaking. That’s normal. You can tell your kids that you are scared and let them know that even you face such fears. As already stated above, you can ask them for their valuable advice. How would they deal with such a tedious challenge of public speaking? What measures do they follow when they feel anxious? As a result, your kids will develop an understanding that even confidence is a skill, and this will help you to grow together as a family.

6. Let Them Make Choices

Today, the majority of the children have very little control over their lives. As parents, you tell them what time to wake up, what to wear, what to eat, and how to plan their days ahead. Well, the main problem is that everyone feels powerless when they’re not able to make they are not able to make their own decisions. But once you start giving your kids choices, they learn how to take up the responsibility for their actions and decisions and grow into more confident adults. You can start giving them choices in their day-to-day activities. It can be right from choosing if they prefer a bath or a shower. It could go on by deciding that at what time of the day they’d like to complete their homework or any new task strategies that they can learn. These little choices will add up to improve their self-esteem.

7. Show Interest in Things They Like

Does your child have a creative niche for writing, drawing, or music? What might appear as a waste of time for you, maybe an important activity to your kids? Well, kids indeed need boundaries but they also require encouragement so that they can pursue their interests and passions. Start developing an interest in their activities. Hence, your kids will understand that you love them no matter what.

8. Celebrate Small Triumphs

Celebrating small triumphs and victories makes everyone feel good about themselves. As humans, we realize how far we’ve come, and will also feel inspired to take on challenges in the future. Similarly, when your kids make progress and overcome challenges, and their fears, celebrate with them. The best celebrations can include something that you do together as a family, like going to the park for a picnic, for instance. Make this a regular part of your everyday routine to say something positive to your kids. This will further motivate them to perform better in all aspects of their lives. You should celebrate your small victories so that your kids not only acknowledge your progress and also learn from your achievements.

Confident Child

9. Don’t Safeguard Your Kids

It’s not easy to see your kids go through any kind of hardships or difficulties. But as a responsible parent, resist yourself from helping them. However, it might make their life easier in the short term, but it can create dependency on issues in the future. Well, the main problem here is that rescuing your kids from their struggles is like doing their homework. Rather you should support them and motivate your kids to become more independent and responsible teenagers. Help them to discover strategies that will play a key role in solving their problems, but as already mentioned don’t do everything for them. Let them be independent.

10. Help Your Kids to Develop Gratitude for Others

Kids and teenagers who struggle with self-confidence tend to think about themselves. They’re so focused on their problems and their flaws that they forget to develop gratitude towards others. Help your kids to look outside themselves and see the wider world. This is because everyone has certain responsibilities and commitments. Enable your kids to empathize with them. Once they understand that life is all about making a difference in someone’s life and helping others, their mentality will certainly shift. As a result, they will spend more time thinking about how they can contribute and make a difference in someone’s life.

11. Perform Activities With Them, Not For Them

Right from an early age, motivate your kids to do things independently. Try assigning them simple and easy-to-do tasks such as:
i) Preparing their school bags as per the timetable.
ii) Serving drinks and snacks.
In case your kids are too small to undertake a tedious task like making dinner, you can ask them to help you with laying the table or serving the dinner. This stage requires a lot of patience from you. Over some time, your child will develop confidence and a greater sense of responsibility.

Related Article: The Value of Sharing: How to Teach It to Our Kids

Final Words

When you are working on the effective strategies that will help you in raising a confident child, it is important to be patient and take one step at a time. Be careful of your actions and show positive behavior in front of them, and make a sincere effort to develop their confidence. As already mentioned above, rather than rescuing your kids, give them responsibilities, and let them showcase their abilities to you. Make sure that they show equal respect to everyone and don’t forget to celebrate their small victories.

Hence, to make your kids more confident, we at PiggyRide are working tirelessly to make the parenting journey more enjoyable and blissful. Head to our website and look for the most effective and efficient parenting solutions.

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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