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6 Best Techniques to Deal With Strict Conservative Parents

Do you also not align with your parents’ decisions, ideas, and beliefs sometimes? Are they also strict and conservative? There’s a generational gap between this generation and our parents that makes it challenging to be the true individual self in front of them. This article will explain the 6 best techniques to deal with strict conservative parents.

A family sitting together and discussing

What Is Meant By The Generational Gap?

The generational gap refers to the differences in values, ideas, ideals, and expectations between two generations. In more simple words, A generational gap is a conflict of thoughts between people from different generations. It occurs when two generations are unable to agree because they perceive the world at different levels of understanding. Thus, due to this, you face strict conservative parents. 

Consider the following scenario: you and your parents have opposing viewpoints. If you’re liberal enough to think tattoos are cool, but your parents are against them because they believe inking harms the skin and it’s bad. So, here’s the generational gap between you and your parents. 

Furthermore, as a teenager, you need to understand that there is a rift between thoughts and opinions and not between people. Also, you cannot change your parents because they have experienced and absorbed a culture which they will always carry in themselves. 

So, let’s learn how to deal with strict conservative parents without trying to change them or yourself. 

6 Best Techniques to Deal With Strict Conservative Parents

1. The Goal Is To Find A Solution & Not To Win An Argument

A teenager talking to her mother

As a teenager, you might feel boil-headed and have an urge to win an argument with your parents when they don’t agree with you. But in most cases, it’s best to look for a solution and not try to win an argument with your parents. 

The goal is to reach a compromise and to make a decision that will be considered acceptable by both parties. In the case of your parents, you might not be able to convince them to change their minds over several discussions, and if they are firm on their beliefs, you would have to decide how much time and energy  you’re willing to spend on the matter. 

But even if you were unable to convince them with logic, you can still try to understand their point of view. If you have strict conservative parents, you have to find a solution rather than win an argument.

 For example, if you want to go on a trip with your friends but your parents are completely against it, understand their concern and instead of arguing, show them how you will take care of yourself, how safe the location is, how you will travel, with whom you will go, and so on. Assure them. A solution is a method of dealing with problems rather than simply debating them.

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2. Don’t Try To Be Hell-Bent On Situations

A child studying

It’s a relationship, not a battle that must be won at any cost. Respect your parents’ beliefs and thoughts rather than attempting to persuade them. Furthermore, it is perfectly fine to give in to a few things that your parents like since they are happy. 

If you are an atheist yet your parents are very spiritual, you should not argue or debate changing their beliefs; instead, you should support them on their path while not forgetting your own. Both parties should respect each other’s views and beliefs. In the end, this is what you should strive for in your relationships. 

A relationship should be one of respect and not a competition for the victory of arguments or opinions. 

3. Create A Barter Relationship

Learning how to talk to parents

Growing up in a conservative family can sometimes take a toll on mental health. They sometimes get so rigid with their opinions that they forget to give enough space for your individual growth. 

Thus, in this scenario, you can consider a barter system in assisting you to handle and learn how to talk to your strict parents.

 If your parents don’t like you going late, don’t want you talking on the phone much, don’t like certain friends, it’s because somewhere by being strict their only motive is to protect you from the harm they detect before you, or maybe they just want to be controlling because you’re their child. 

Furthermore, to deal with such a circumstance, you can engage in a barter relationship with them.

For example, you may make proper time for using the phone and studying more by showing them the accomplishments in your studies, or if they don’t like you going late, try to strike a balance and have fun before a deadline that your parents will allow.

This way, you can live your life while not affecting your relationship with your parents.

4. Acknowledge & Hear Their Opinions

Hearing your parents to keep them happy

You should learn the art of how to talk to your strict conservative parents. We all need someone to understand and hear us out, and our parents deserve and expect the same.

Don’t lose your temper with them because of your logic and rationality; instead, attempt to listen to them and grasp their point of views first.

Moreover, once you hear them out, try to understand their opinions, thoughts, and then build your logical communication around it so that it gets a little easier for them to understand you.

Debates about disagreements will cause more schisms, and it is not the appropriate method to deal with strict conservative parents.

5. Win Their Trust & Make Them Believe In You

A teenager talking and winning their parents' trust

It’s vital to wrap a sheet around your parents’ insecurities, prejudices, and their set of opinions that don’t match with yours. Trust can create wonders if you are growing up in a conservative family. 

Make them believe that you’re confident, courageous, intelligent, trustworthy, and mature enough to handle any challenging situation. Moreover, these are not things you can tell them verbally, but your actions will speak out for you. 

You cannot simply go to your parents and ask them to believe you to go out and party late at night because you are mature and confident in your ability to handle yourself. 

Thus, you must consistently prove and win their trust via your actions to prove yourself and make them believe in you. Take part in discussions with your parents, take charge of a critical situation and prove yourself. 

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6. Clear Communication & Spend Time With Your Parents

Having clear communication with parents

It’s important to sit with your parents and spend time with them. When two individuals don’t spend quality time together, they often find it hard to continue a positive relationship.

Talk about things, bring on discussions while eating together, go on walk dates, watch a liberal movie together that can help them understand the importance of evolving with time, and more.

 Communication makes things a lot easier since it allows parents to get to know you and allows you to get to know their points of view. This may not be an immediate solution to dealing with strict conservative parents, but it will help you, in the long run, to bring about a small shift in your parents’ behavior. 

Take Away 

Every teenager or even an adult faces a generational gap. Though, you need to remember that there’s no remedy to change your parents overnight because they perceive the world differently. Moreover, it’s not even your mistake if you see things differently than your parents, but arguing, disagreeing, and fighting will create rifts. So, try to have clear and fruitful discussions with them, understand their perspective, and then try to address your issues. These 6 best techniques to deal with strict conservative parents will help you to strengthen your relationship with your parents. 

PiggyRide has turned out to be the most preferred choice in solving parenting and teen-related issues. Follow the official website of PiggyRide for more tips and advice. 

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Nidhi Arora

Hi Friends! I am Nidhi Arora.
I am working as a content writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in literature and am currently pursuing an MA in Literature. I am an enthusiastic reader and a dedicated writer.

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