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6 Proven Solutions To Video Game Addiction In Kids

Are you stressed because your child spends long hours playing video and mobile games on a couch? Video games are fun, but if a child overuses the technology, it evolves into addiction. This article will discuss 6 proven solutions to video game addiction in kids.

Moreover, as a parent, you will relate that video game addiction is rapidly growing, but it has become a challenging task for you to control your kids to keep them out of negative influences. In the International Classification of Diseases, the World Health Organization defined gaming disorder as a disease (ICD-11).

Video game addiction

Moreover, according to a survey undertaken by WHO in 2005, video game addiction ranked the 10th of the top health problems found in teenagers and is associated with the following health risks: sleep deprivation, depression, anxiety, emotional issues, academic difficulties. Furthermore, numerous research studies demonstrate that video game addiction is a significant threat to a child’s intellectual development. Such addictions can harm a child’s physical and mental health as well. 

If your child exhibits any of these 7 behaviors, this article will be valuable to you.

1. If your child spends all day playing video games.

2. Kids are not showing interest in any other household activities.

3.  When your youngster throws a tantrum when you ask him or her to put away the phone or tablet.

4. Lying to you about how much time they spend playing. 

5. Using gaming to alleviate negative emotions.

6. Not eating food because they want to play video games.

7. Low academic performance due to excessive time devoted to online playing.

6 Proven Solutions To Video Game Addiction In Kids 

1. Redirect Their Attention To Positive Activities

A child is painting in substitute of video games

Kids should be aware that there’s a more positive and better life beyond video games. As a parent, you need to redirect their attention to positive activities that they can enjoy.

For instance, they should engage in reading, cooking, sports, or painting classes. The key to redirecting kids is to keep them away from negative influences and engage their brains in something rewarding. Such habits will assist them in their physical and mental growth.

The idea is to identify things that they enjoy while also learning something from them. Thus, fun and learning should go hand-in-hand while redirecting their attention to productive activities. Also, this is one of the most successful solutions to video game addiction. 

Related Article: 8 Assured Ways To Manage A Child’s Daily Screen Time

2. Assist Your Kids to Be More Grounded

more grounded practices to avoid addiction

Parents have the most effect on their children’s life. As a result, you must assist your child in becoming more grounded, as well as teach them how to cope with cravings, stress, and addictions. Furthermore, technology and video game addiction contribute to a more anxious life. So, incorporate such behaviors and daily chores into your life to encourage your children to do the same.

In addition, children are the biggest imitators of their parents. So, if a parent is addicted to their phone, their children will be as well; yet, if a parent practices grounding and wellness habits, their children will follow that. Instead of using phones from dawn tonight, you could implement a grounding regimen with your children to assist them in resisting their mobile and video game addiction.

Practicing good habits such as sleeping schedule, waking up early, gardening, soaking up some sunlight, preparing good food, and consuming positive content are also some of the best-proven solutions to video game addiction. These activities keep kids more grounded and make it easier for kids to avoid their addiction. 

3. Don’t Force Kids To Quit & Set A Time Limit

According to the experts, a child should not spend more than 2 hours in front of a screen. Thus, track your child’s playing time while setting a timer. Make clear boundaries for how much time they can spend on mobile and other video games. The idea is to reduce the amount of time you spend playing.

When the timer runs out, make sure the child engages in a different and purposeful activity. A warning should be issued if a youngster does not turn off within the stated time frame. If the limit gets violated again, you can limit their gaming time the next time they play. Setting restrictions is also one of the best solutions to deal with video game addiction.

4. Develop Daily Schedules & Routines 

prepare daily schedules to avoid video game addiction

Living life by incorporating schedules and routines is one of the healthy solutions to video game addiction. You can make proper schedules for kids that are fun, engaging, and full of learning. Moreover, schedules provide a sense of direction in life and make life more meaningful.

If you make schedules for your kids, they will become more responsible and disciplined as they know what to do at a particular time. It will promote positive behaviors and self-control in kids, which will eventually result in decreased video game addiction. Thus, it is vital to develop schedules for your kids. 

5. Clear Communication On Side Effects Of Gaming Addiction

5. Clear Communication On Side Effects Of Gaming Addiction

Kids should be aware that their addictions come together with side effects. If you won’t tell them, they won’t know the repercussions. Kids should be aware that their addictions or even excessive use of technology come with side effects.

Tell them that if they get addicted, it will lead to bad mental health, anxiety, poor academic scores, physical health issues, and social disconnection. Thus, as parents, you should have clear communication about the side effects of video games on them otherwise they will develop negative habits including sleep deprivation, depression, anxiety, violent behavior, and poor self-esteem. 

6. Find A Productive Substitute For Video Games

father and son playing chess

You can enroll your child in online classes for kids so that they can have fun while learning. Additionally, extracurricular activities are one of the best alternatives to video game addiction.

Kids need a medium to stimulate their brains and maximize the creativity that will help them to reduce their gaming addiction. If your child is a dance and music enthusiast, you can enroll them in online dance classes or online music classes.

You can also find yoga, online chess classes, and more. According to your child’s interest and preference, assist them in activities that will help them creatively develop their potential. However, ensure you do not overburden your child with too many activities. You need to set limits and ensure they are reasonable.

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Final Thoughts 

Building a healthy relationship with technology is the foremost important thing you can teach your child in this tech-savvy environment. The digital world is a boon but comes with unlimited fears.

We understand that it’s not easy to redirect your kids’ addiction to something more positive, but these 6 proven solutions to video game addiction in kids mentioned above will assist you in this journey to help them focus on productive things in life. Moreover, PiggyRide is a platform that provides unlimited online extracurricular activities for kids according to their interests and preferences to help them redirect them positively. You can visit our website and browse our popular online classes. 

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Nidhi Arora

Hi Friends! I am Nidhi Arora.
I am working as a content writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in literature and am currently pursuing an MA in Literature. I am an enthusiastic reader and a dedicated writer.

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