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7 Essential Tips To Prepare Your Child For Preschool

Is your little one going to enter school for the first time this April? The cases have finally dropped, schools are opening, and many kids will attend their first day of school next month. Starting preschool is a big transition. Are you anxious about exposing your child to the outside world? If that is the case, then this article is for you. We have put together 7 essential tips to prepare your child for preschool.

preschool activities

A good preschool year for a child assists in developing a proper foundation for future study and development. The beginning of your child’s school career is a vital period for building self-esteem, confidence, relationships, creativity, and a sense of independence. For many young children, the journey from home to school is an overwhelming experience, especially on the first day of preschool. Thus, If you consider these crucial ideas, coping with the transition will be easier. 

7 Essential Tips To Prepare Your Child For Preschool

1. Communicate To Your Child About The Transition

communication with child before preschool

Preparing the mind is the foremost and the most vital step to prepare your child for preschool. They should know what they are going to expect, what they will be doing, and how the atmosphere will be at preschool. A child needs to be prepared a bit and not overprepared. 

As a parent, you should provide them with a rough idea of what they will be exploring, who they will meet there, and what they will learn. In addition, you should encourage them to make friends. 

Also, be patient with them and not rush them. It will help them understand the importance of friendship, social skills, and self-reliance. The most important thing is to let them know that you love them and will always be there for them. 

2. Help Them To Take Care Of Personal Needs

teaching kid to lace their shoes

 It is a positive and a healthy habit to help your kids to foster independence. Moreover, kids who can take care of their personal needs are more confident about going out to explore and benefit from preschool. 

This is why it is important to help your child prepare for the new experience by providing them with the right skills. 

Before preschool learning, you can introduce your child to subtle tasks such as watering the plants, folding clothes, putting their toys in the correct place after playing, and lacing their shoes. Moreover, providing toilet training to kids avoid embarrassment in classes. These are some vital skills to prepare your child for preschool.

3. Set A Proper Routine

Set a timetable for kids

Setting proper routines is one of the most essential tips to prepare your child for preschool. Kids learn the best when you set proper routines for them. Set a schedule for television time, dinner time, bedtime, activity time, playtime, and more. Moreover, Routines introduce structure, and it helps kids develop self-discipline and self-regulation. Ask your child to follow the structure every day to make the transition easier for them. A good guideline for children is to have a clear idea about what they should do each day. These habits also help youngsters acquire a sense of responsibility, which will benefit them in the classroom. Furthermore, they will also understand how time management and planning are important in maintaining a sense of order in their lives. So, proper schedules assist kids in adjusting better with classroom schedules. 

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4. Help Kids Develop Fine-Motor Skills 

sketching and painting classes

Working on their fine motor skills will help them grow and learn new things more readily. This is why kids should be encouraged to spend time on activities that develop fine motor skills. These skills include the ability to manipulate small objects. 

Developing these skills helps kids develop their thinking, reasoning skills, hand-eye coordination while improving their ability to concentrate better. Thus, the development of early fine motor skills will also help them learn to read, write and spell easily in classrooms.

You can help children with preschool activities such as playing with clay, enrolling in sketching classes, gardening, introducing paper cutting, and eating independently, among other things.

5. Acknowledge Your Child’s Emotions

letting kids express emotions

Acknowledge your little ones’ emotions. Allow them to be intrigued about their new life and ask questions or express their feelings. Inquire about their feelings and emotions about going to school, and reassure them.

 Tell them that making new friends and learning new things will be exciting and interesting. It’s also fine if kids feel sad or scared at first. Moreover, your job is to assure them that if they face an uncomfortable situation in school, you will always assist and support them. Furthermore, Make sure they are aware of the timings and at what time you will arrive to pick them up. 

6. Read Books Together 

reading books with kids

Reading to your child or assisting them to read books or solve activity books together can help in the preschool preparation checklist. The tip is to not leave the fundamental knowledge for schools but to prepare kids beforehand to develop their confidence. 

Kids should have an idea of alphabets, a few words,  know how to join letters and form three-letter words. Consider this one of the vital preschool activities for kids to build their basic and core foundation. Furthermore, it will aid in the development of their oral skills, reading ability, listening skills, and patience.

7. Introduce The Concept Of ‘Bad Touch’ & ‘Good Touch’

bad and good touch

Explain to your youngster the distinction between bad and good touch. Holding hands, hugging, and shaking hands are examples of good touch, whereas kicking, touching private parts, or any touch that makes a child uncomfortable is an example of a bad touch. Communicating about bad and good touches helps children respect limits and keep themselves safe. Teach them when to say ‘No’ to something they don’t like or want. 

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Final Thoughts

Entering preschool is the foremost and the biggest transition in the lives of kids. Before that, they were small with no responsibilities. Now that they are on their own, they will have to manage their time and activities. They need to be encouraged to make decisions, and it can be extremely stressful in the initial days. Thus, changes are always painful, but these 7 tips to prepare your child for preschool will ease your anxiousness and your child’s fears. If you follow this preschool preparation checklist, your child will be on the way to a happy and successful school year ahead. Provide an exciting and joyful school experience for your child. PiggyRide has turned out to be the most preferred choice in solving parenting and teen-related issues. Follow the official website of PiggyRide for more tips and advice. 

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Nidhi Arora

Hi Friends! I am Nidhi Arora.
I am working as a content writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in literature and am currently pursuing an MA in Literature. I am an enthusiastic reader and a dedicated writer.

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