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7 Important Life Lessons to Teach Your Kid

How good one feels if child is inculcated with right life lessons!! Well, parents always want their kids to be successful and have great moral values. Parents need to make sure that their kids can deal with all the struggles, hurdles, criticism and failures that are part of life. It is absolute necessity that parents use their own life experiences and knowledge to impart some basic life lessons to their kids, so they are all set for making their life worth.

Important life lessons

Unwrap the 7 important life lessons to teach your kid right away in this blog with PiggyRide

1. Good Manners

Good manners – something which is very basic for everyone to have. Kids with good manners definitely grow up being better individuals. The manners your kid learn at an early age remain with them throughout their life. So, making your kids a well-mannered and cultured individual is a prime responsibility of each parent out there.

Good manners include teaching kids to say magic words like – sorry, thank you, not to interrupt when two individuals are talking, basic table manners, greeting others, respecting all and not criticizing anyone etc.

Related Article: 10 Good Manners To Teach Your Kids

2. Honesty

Honesty is the best policy, heard of it? Yeah, teach them this. Don’t just preach, practice it as well. An ideal way to impart honesty lessons in your kid is during different situations that occur. Example – There are many times when my daughter does anything my mistake, and she reveals it to me, I don’t yell, I appreciate her honesty.

Few days back she went to kitchen to take out her chocolate from the refrigerator & by mistake the bowl of curd fell down inside it, with puppy eyes & head down she came and asked mummy I am sorry, I went to eat my chocolate & curd fell down. I did not say anything but guess if I had seen that suddenly & would have never known that it has happen because of her. I appreciated her honesty and said it’s okay. While cleaning that messy, she even helped me happily.

Important life lessons

3. Being Respectful

Teaching kids to be respectful to everyone younger, elder, rich, poor etc. is a great life lesson. Teaching them that giving respect has nothing to do of who an individual is, what tag he carries or what social status he/she has! Being respectful to each individual should be a basic etiquette & should be practiced each time while dealing with anyone.

Make sure while you teach this life lesson to your kid, & you practice it yourself as well. Always treat your helpers, gatekeepers, waiters, delivery boys, janitors with smiling face and in well manner. These people are the backbone of our easy lives, appreciate it.

4. Time Management

This is something which I am completely aligned with – I am an individual who values time. Punctuality & valuing time is something that I can’t brush off. This habit is with me since my childhood which my father has inculcated in me, and I want this legacy to pass on to my little daughter.

Time is valuable and should be never wasted. Kids who understand the value of time to prioritize things are organized efficiently. They plan their schedules without mess when they grow up.  Good time management can also help to increase focus, concentration and enhance decision-making skills in an individual.

5. Forgiveness

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind” – Mahatma Gandhi. So, teach your kids the virtue of forgiveness and let them forgive people.

Encourage your kid to maintain feelings of forgiveness towards others. This life lesson is important for peace of mind and for being calm, focused and happy in life. I am practicing it myself at this age. Though years back I was not same, even if I forgave, I don’t use to forget, but this insanely makes you crazy.  So practicing it now.

Important life lessons

6. Empathy & Kindness

Having a good heart with empathy in it is magical. Teach your kid to have empathy towards others. Being supportive in hard times with others is a great value.

Similarly, kindness is important, and helping others is equally to be appreciated & imparted in children. Heard of if you can be anything, be kind? Follow it!!

Related Article: The Value of Sharing: How to Teach It to Our Kids

7. Money Management

Money management plays a very important role in everyone’s life. Savings, and not wasting money is a good quality and this can be taught to kids so that they understand the value of it. Also, it is vital to let them know how hard one works to earn money so valuing it is sheer necessity.

Wrap Up –

Awesome Upbringing don’t happen overnight. Set realistic expectations and be their role model. For imparting any life lessons make sure you follow them too. All life lessons can be taught with patience & examples. Make sure you don’t forcefully make them to just learn it for the sake of it. Tell them the benefits of it & appreciate their efforts when they show any good actions.

I know much more can be added to the list, Will you like to add more to it? Do comment & don’t forget to read more parenting blogs on the PiggyRide.

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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Well written Nafiya. Gone through all the session to make sure that there exists a parenthood in a brother’s life to his younger ones.
Thank you for this piece and expecting more timely.