Did you know that 6.1 million children have ADHD, according to a national survey conducted in 2016? Are you a parent who is having difficulty assisting your ADHD child with studies and homework? Don’t be anxious! We know, no youngster enjoys sitting for homework, but it is more difficult for an ADHD child. However, we have 7 strategies to help ADHD children with homework and studies.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is one of the most common childhood neurological disorders. A child becomes hyperactive and unable to focus on any tasks. Having ADHD changes the biology of the brain, which leads to changes in behavior in kids. Such children don’t think much before doing any actions and are hyper-active. Moreover, children are easily distracted and have difficulties following the rules and directions.
Symptoms Of ADHD
1. The child gets restless most of the time.
2. Unable to concentrate on studies.
3. A child is distracted and can’t focus on tasks.
4. These kids talk too much and can’t remain calm.
5. They make careless mistakes.
6. Kids are always jumping and moving.
7. Take trouble taking action without thinking much about results.
8. Such kids have difficulty in getting along with other kids.
9. Always daydreaming.
10. Forget about things easily.
7 Strategies To Help ADHD Children With Homework
1. Design A Kid-Friendly Homework Station

Find a comfortable spot in your house to set up a kid-friendly homework station. Choose a quiet corner in your home for your child to study. This corner should be secluded from any sort of distractions. This place should be devoid of noises of siblings, televisions, or any other sounds.
Such kids have limited attention spans, and they get easily distracted. So, if you won’t make them sit in a quiet spot for studies, they will zone out in a few minutes and start daydreaming or get hyperactive.
You can add some calming and concentration-boosting music. Moreover, after the consultation with the doctor, you can also use essential oils in diffusers which induce calmness, relaxation, and reduce anxiety. Thus, use essential oils like Sandalwood, Orange, Lavender, and Chamomile. So, create a calming environment to help ADHD children with homework and studies.
2. Split-Up Homework

Such kids can easily get overwhelmed with a large pile of homework lists. The aim is to make the child work on small chunks of tasks to eradicate the overwhelming emotions in kids.
Consider this scenario; you are hungry, and seeing too much food on your plate, lessens your desire to eat. And if you start eating, you won’t be able to finish it in one go. On the contrary, you can eat the same amount of food in smaller quantities or one at a time.
Similarly, ADHD children become overwhelmed when faced with a large amount of work; however, introducing the task in smaller portions makes it easier for them to work.
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3. Individualized Education Program (IEP)

It is one of the most effective strategies to help ADHD children with homework and study. Through this, you can ask the school teachers to lessen the homework load, provide study aids, extra time, supplement questions banks, 1:1 online tutoring, valuable resources to study, and bonus learning materials to modify the education of the students according to the need or requirements.
For example, if a teacher assigns four chapters to learn, they can decrease it to two to help an ADHD student focus better. Moreover, you can create schedules for the child to finish the homework according to it without making them feel stressed or frustrated.
4. Physical Exercise For ADHD Child

We’ve all heard how important it is to exercise. It is not only beneficial to ADHD children but also for every individual. Exercising is an integral part of life to lead a healthy and positive lifestyle.
Moreover, It’s a proven fact that if parents expose ADHD kids to daily exercises, it can help them concentrate and focus better on studies and homework. Moreover, If you can combine physical workouts, yoga classes, and breathing techniques with medications, they will be able to control their symptoms better.
Thus, exercises can help ADHD children enhance their mood and focus. Also, Exercises increase the activity in the hippocampus, a brain region involved in learning and memory. Moreover, playing sports helps kids to be more mindful and active.
5. Provide Verbal Feedback & Rewards

When your child finishes the homework on time, offer verbal feedback to motivate them. Helping ADHD child focus is a long journey, and it requires a lot of pampering, feedback, and rewards for encouragement.
Tell them words like, “I am proud of you,” “You’re intelligent,” “You’re doing good,” and more. Words carry positive energy and value. If you provide feedback to kids, they will feel good about themselves. It is a great way to motivate ADHD kids and make them feel important. Moreover, Make a point of praising their efforts rather than criticizing them. They may become defensive, believing that you do not appreciate what they have done.
Furthermore, give them regular rewards such as 1 hour extra game time, their favorite ice cream, 1-hour extra playtime, and so on. It will also encourage them to complete their homework.
6. Introduce The POMODORO Study Technique

Helping ADHD child with homework is not a child’s play because they can’t focus for more than 30 minutes. The POMODORO study strategy is the finest way to help ADHD children with homework. It’s a technique that allows youngsters to take proper breaks while also allowing them to focus better.
What is the Pomodoro technique?
1 – Choose a pending homework.
2 – Set a timer for 25 minutes.
3 – Work till the timer beeps.
4 – Take a break for 5 minutes!
5 – Repeat this cycle four times.
6 – After completing 4 cycles, take a longer break for 15-30 minutes.
7. Let Them Choose What They Want To Study

Allow your children to choose what they want to study or which subject’s homework they want to complete first. Forcing them to study will anger, disappoint, and irritate them. As a result, the goal for such children should be learning rather than grades. Let them have their own choices and ideas. Make sure children understand the concepts taught. Also, It is a great way to teach them. They will feel motivated and empowered knowing that they have chosen something for which they are interested. Moreover, This will also help them focus and learn without being distracted.
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Final Thoughts
ADHD is a disorder and it cannot be treated without medications. Thus, if you combine these strategies along with medications, then this will work wonders for your child to overcome study challenges and distractions. They cannot handle their behavior and can get out of control sometimes.
Hence, parents need to provide a safe and positive environment. Create a home that is conducive to learning and provides a learning environment. Do not give your child a lot of homework. Moreover, Give them the freedom to choose what they want to study.
Moreover, Do not make them study for too long. It will tire them out, and they’ll have difficulty concentrating. Keep the learning fun and interesting so that they can focus.
These 7 strategies will help ADHD children with homework and study. Furthermore, PiggyRide has turned out to be the most preferred choice in solving parenting kids-related issues. Follow the official website of PiggyRide for more tips and advice.
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