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7 Tips to Motivate your Kid for Learning New Skills

We all are learners in this world and learning is a continuous process. When it comes to kids, it is important they keep on learning new skills and should be encouraged for the same. No skill is impossible – interest, efforts, dedication and right guidance can do wonders. Any kid, who possesses the basic aptitude & receives the encouragement from parents/mentors, can become a good learner.

We live in digital and fast era and learning should be not only remain confined to classrooms, and academics only. It has to go beyond that like learning new skills, picking hobbies that prove beneficial and much more. The classroom education is the primary need for academic growth of course, but if you want to really enhance a child’s desire and ability to learn you should think beyond the walls of classrooms etc.

Learning new skills

For today, let me take you around some proven tips that will motivate your kid to learn new skills. Guide, encourage them, and you’ll see your kid discovering their potential.

1. Develop an Environment for Learning

Let your kid pick their own books to read, watch a new video, and create activities for them that will help them to learn something new. You’ll create an atmosphere of learning this way, and they will feel interested.

Create a family learning time when everyone focuses on reading/watching video for 20 minutes a day or however convenient as per your other engagements.

2. Put Your Kid in the Driver Seat

Do you understand this? Yes, you need to let them find their interests and pick it up. No spoon-feeding or forcibly asking them to choose what you want. Each individual is different, just because you are interested in dance, not obvious that your kid too will be, they can be more into art or playing guitar.

When a kid feels controlled, when it comes to their learning, they often withdraw their focus and motivation to do so.

3. Encourage Communications

As I wrote earlier, we should not force our kid to pick learning if they are not interested, instead you should be open to communications and interactions. Make an excellent atmosphere where your kid feels comfortable expressing his/her likes, dislikes or concerns without any fear.

When your kid shares an opinion, make sure to validate their feelings with love and care – even if you disagree or have another point of view.

Learning new skills

4. Focus on Your Kid’s Interests

Let’s assume you kid loves dancing and asks you to enroll them in an online dance class. This choice you need to appreciate and take it ahead. When kids choose anything for themselves, they are likely to engage in it with by all their hearts. Learning becomes fun, and you don’t need to make them attend/practicing it afterwards.

5. Introduce Different Types of Learning Styles

Every kid learns via different style, for me my little girl loves learning in group classes especially when it comes to learn online. Some kids have a dominant learning style, while others prefer to learn to use a mix of learning styles.  Also, when I was in college, I prefer learning myself with books plus I need silence, and preferably alone in the room. No distractions were what I opted for!

Similarly, kids love both online classes either group or one on one and offline classes as per their choices for learning new skills. Have you explored PiggyRide One-on-One classes or group classes for your kid to help them for learning new skills?

Related Article: PiggyRide – Redefining Online Learning for Kids | Explore Now!

6. Share Your New Learning Stories

Each week when I write a new blog – particularly a parenting blog, I tell me a kid I wrote about XYZ things and mentioned her as well and share my key points with her. She becomes happy and also becomes passionate for newer things. I recall once she said she too wants to write on PiggyRide as a blogger and when I inquired what she wants to write, she said about your love for me. It was overwhelming and maybe someday she too will find her interest of writing.

Learning new skills

7. Focus on Learning than Performances

Not everyone can get first prize in dance or art competition. So, chill and let this not affect your mind and lessen the spark of your kids interests. We need to come out of First Position Zone, and need to accept grades are not the only thing to sustain in life. Learning is much more important and should be the only focus point.

Take Away –

Turning every day into a learning day seems quite impossible, but it really isn’t, if you go with the right plans and on the right platforms. Encourage your Kid to explore the world around them by enrolling them with PiggyRide and add new skills be it art, music, dance etc. in their list with the help of top instructors. PiggyRide has been catering learning exposure since quite a long them now, and we are sure your kid will learn too!

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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