Are you anxious about preparing for offline board exams after 2 long years? Don’t worry! I have come up with 8 smart study tips for board exams 2022. Thus, stress and fear are the biggest motivators, but they can also be the biggest enemies to your success. In this article, I will share my experience and strategies that worked.

The anxiousness, stress, frustration, and doubts are all around the corner these days. Board exams are one of the most crucial exams in students’ life. As a result, every student strives to get their highest possible grades or to qualify the Delhi University’s cut-offs.
Moreover, You might also think of it as the first challenge of your life. Thus, make sure to study smartly and effectively to score bigger. Smart study habits will help you to retain the knowledge as well as overcome the exam blues.
Here are the strategies and study suggestions for board exams 2022.
1. Don’t Ditch Your NCERT

Other resources, believe me, are only valuable if you are thorough with your NCERT. There are numerous resources available online. However, none of them will help you if you’re not well-versed with NCERT. It is one of the most useful tips I can offer you based on my experience. CBSE board exams completely follow NCERT’s syllabus. So, try to pay attention to every math question and in-depth text to achieve good grades. Furthermore, using outside resources can confuse you more if you’re not able to solve NCERT questions. So, Stick to your NCERT and practice every question from it religiously.
2. Avoid Procrastinating

One of the most effective study tips for board exams is to overcome procrastination. Procrastination can be your biggest enemy during these exam days. It’s natural for your brain to procrastinate during such days, but you must train your brain to overcome the tendency.
You can use the Pomodoro technique in which you set a timer and study for 25 minutes on the topic. As soon as you reach 25 minutes, you take a 5-minute break. You need to complete 4 cycles of 25 minutes of studying with 5 minutes of break and then take a 15-20 minutes break before starting all over.
This routine will help you overcome procrastination and make your studying effective. It is one of the best time management tips for board exams. The 5-minute breaks act as a reward for your brain. Moreover, it encourages you to stay focused and creative.
Related Article: Helpful Tips To Overcome Procrastination During Exam Times
3. Practice Previous Year Question Papers

Develop effective study skills by going over the previous year’s question papers. Go through question papers before your exams. Thus, the best outside resources to study are the previous years’ exam papers. Furthermore, different question papers will provide you with a good understanding of the exam pattern and weightage of questions from different chapters. Thus, consider it one of the smartest study tips for board exams. As a result, this strategy can assist you in focusing more on chapters that are more important than others. Furthermore, this time management tip can help you save time and focus on important chapters.
4. Sleep & Eat Well

Consider it one of the most simple, vital and effective study tips for board exams. Eating healthy and sleeping for 8 hours at night will lock your energy and assist you in your studies. Moreover, if you don’t take proper food and sleep, you will lack motivation and feel drowsy while preparing for the exam. Sleeping and eating nutritious food will help you retain the information for longer periods. It increases memory, focus, and concentration. Include nuts, smoothies, fresh juices, fruits, seeds, and more in your diet to sharpen your memory. Furthermore, sound sleep and healthy food also help in boosting your brainpower. So, hit your bed and eat at the table on time.
5. Make Chunk Notes For Fast Revision

This tip helped me the most during my examinations. The idea is to read, learn, and make chunk notes for fast revision the day before your exams. Moreover, a day before the exam, you can’t open your books and mug up things. So, one of the best study tips for board exams is to make notes for a quick revision. Write down important dates, points, or any information that will be useful for you to read when there is no time to open books. It is also an effective strategy to cope with exam stress. You can stick your chunk notes on the study table or walls to read them every time.
6. Begin The Difficult Chapters In The Morning

If you have taken sound sleep at night, you’ll probably be the most physically and cognitively active in the morning. So, the time management tip is to use the morning time smartly. If you save the difficult chapters for later in the day, your brain will most likely struggle to memorize and understand them. Furthermore, starting difficult chapters when your brain is at its most active will save you time and allow you to complete your syllabus on time.
7. Stop Multitasking

Multi-tasking is not a smart way to study, and it can often confuse the brain. Thus, one of the best preparation tips for board exams is to focus completely on your studies and not on your mobile, social media, or other television shows. Don’t confuse your brain by multi-tasking. Let your mind relax and focus completely on the task at hand. It will increase your productivity and will help you to finish your study session earlier. This will give you time to study other topics and enhance your memory. You will also be able to complete more in a single session efficiently.
8. Take Productive Breaks

You can go out for a walk or exercise during your breaks to keep your mind off getting exhausted. It will also help you to relax and de-stress. This will help you to stay focused and maximize your potential. Physical activity improves cognitive performance and aids memory retention. You can also join 1:1 online yoga classes to relax your tense head and mind and avoid back and shoulder aches while studying. Moreover, when you go out in parks for a walk, nature and greens revive your senses and bring back motivation.
Related Article: Effective Practices To Follow A Day Before Your Board Exams
Final Words
I know board exams come with stress and so much fear. Though, if you learn to manage your time and study smartly, you can score well in the board exam 2022. Moreover, sometimes fear is good to motivate you to study, but when fear turns into anxiety, it can mess with your head. So, the point is to keep calm and study effectively. Avoid getting anxious and instead work hard to overcome procrastination. The best way to do this is to focus on what you can do rather than stress.
Plan your time, work hard, take short breaks, and go through these 8 smart study tips for board exams 2022. These tips will help you to score better and keep your calm. To make your journey smooth, you can also enroll your kids in interactive online classes offered by PiggyRide. You can take 1:1 classes from expert tutors to help you with your weak subjects. You can clear all your doubts and concerns on any subject through our classes. The team of PiggyRide wishes everyone all the best!
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