The idea behind the fact that your kid is responsible for things is not inborn- it doesn’t happen by itself. As a responsible parent, you need to teach your kids and make use of effective strategies that will make your little ones more responsible and accountable. Moreover, it’s not a hidden fact that children are born with no responsibilities, and everything that they do is either by instinct or by looking at people who are around them. They cry when they are hungry or thirsty, and they might sleep when they are feeling tired and lazy. There’s no responsibility here, it’s all instinct and cause and effect. Hence, responsibility isn’t born.
As parents, it is your responsibility to ensure that your kids don’t feel pressured with the constant urge of behaving in a responsible manner. Give them enough time and space so that they can behave well and are disciplined too. At the same time, your child is starting to be more responsible and probably make some important decisions.

You can help your child by setting some tasks and let them know that they are capable of doing them. This will also let them know that they can take care of themselves, and the world around them. This, in turn, will prepare them for the bigger responsibilities later in their life.
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Let’s take a look at some of the effective strategies that will play a significant role in making your kids more responsible and disciplined.
1. Set Age-Appropriate Tasks
Think of something that your child can do perfectly well without much pressure and hassles so that they can succeed at it. It is your responsibility to make sure that you give clear instructions about what exactly you want from your child so that they exactly know what’s expected of them. You may ask your child to clean their cupboards. Since it’s not a specific task, it may involve a series of steps, such as putting away dirty clothes, making the bed, and cleaning the rug and the carpet.
Hence, you should try to give your child the tasks that are achievable and can be easily accomplished. For instance, you could ask your kids to “put that crossword puzzle back in the cupboard”. Giving your kids a list of daily chores requires some effort, so make sure that the tasks are achievable and will also increase their sense of independence.
2. Show and Tell
Children often imitate their parents and try to do things the way their parents do. Whenever you give your child a task to do, you need to explain it to them in simple terms. For instance, if you have asked them to set the dining table, make a little space for yourself too. Let’s consider an example where you can show them-“ See how I am aligning one plate on the table, right in front of the chair”.
Hence, just by looking at you, your kids will also learn to lay the table properly. In case you find yourself spending too much time showing your child how to do a particular task, it may get complicated for them at this age. Rather, you can make your children responsible for a small part of the task, such as putting out spoons right beside the plates.
3. First Work and Then Play
It has been observed that children have a relatively short attention span when compared to adults. As a parent, you can start teaching them to get the household chores done in a way that is equally relaxing and full of fun. To inculcate such healthy habits you can start by saying- “Yes, I will take you to the park! But first you need to help me in making your bedding”. You need to be friendly in your approach and assure them that even you will have fun with them.
Also, show them that you are not being bossy, all you are asking them to do is to behave responsibly, just like the way you do it!
4. Make the Household Chores More Fun
Just like our kids, even we enjoy all the tasks especially when they are fun and social. We all are aware of the fact that your kid loves to spend time with you, and may not even see cleaning the study table as a chore. Do you know what’s more fun? Pulling out your warm and fluffy clothes and piling them up together and humming on your favorite songs. Or else you are arranging their cupboard and have a race to see who can put the clothes in the cupboard first.

5. Avoid Threatening Your Kids
Negative threats are considered to be the biggest roadblock especially when it comes to making your kids more responsible. Make it clear to your kids that they are supposed to follow a set of rules, but try to make them understand in a positive way, without threatening them. In case your child wants to eat a biscuit, respond with, “when you sit on the chair, you can have that biscuit”.
6. Provide a Good Example
You need to teach your child what responsibility is by taking good care of your own things and at your own pace. Make sure that you properly keep the TV remote beside the television set and carefully place the cushions on the sofa set. Make sure that you also explain to your little kids that why you are doing this so that they can understand and learn why it’s important to be responsible.
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7. Emphasize on Efforts Rather Than Results
When your child is trying to tie his shoelaces, as a parent it is quite common to go to them and help them tie their laces with perfection. But, practice makes a man perfect. So, rather than helping them out, you should constantly motivate them no matter what just tie your laces even if it’s wrongly tied. Don’t criticize them, as it may lower their confidence levels.
You should carefully choose your words and try to put forward your suggestions in a gentle and polite manner. “Well done for trying so hard”.
8. Keep Praising Your Little Kids
Whenever your child takes an initiative to act in a responsible manner, even if they don’t succeed, praise them for their sincere efforts. This will show your child that their efforts are important and valued. You need to be as specific as possible for instance, “Well done for watering the plants!”. Don’t forget to appreciate their efforts and hard work.

Parenting is one of the most beautiful phases and as parents, we have an end number of responsibilities towards them. Right from teaching them the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, to make them responsible for the future, your responsibilities are endless. Therefore, to lower your burden and make your parenting journey a memorable one, we at PiggyRide are committed to offering the best and the most sort after parenting solutions.
From making your children confident to making them empathetic towards others, we are constantly striving to offer the best parenting advice. So what are you waiting for? Head to our website and make way for a memorable parenting journey.
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