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8 Unique Ways to Improve Your Child’s Creative Writing Skills

Creative writing skills play an important role in boosting problem-solving skills and innovation in your child. It also helps in enhancing strategic thinking and resourcefulness. Helping your kids to develop these skills is an integral part of early childhood education. Moreover, it enables your child to think creatively and out of the box. Statistics reveal that writing plays a significant role in the development of cognitive skills, fosters organizational abilities, and has the power to influence other people through persuasion. Hence, writing is one of the most effective ways which plays a pivotal role in enhancing brain development in kids. Always remember that, if creative writing is an art, your child is the artist!

Creative Writing

We bring you the list of effective strategies that will help your child not only improve their creative writing skills but also develop a writing niche.

1. Develop Regular Reading Habits

To start your kid’s creative writing journey, encourage them to read regularly. So let your child immerse themselves into the creative world of books that exists beyond reality. With repetitive usage of words, phrases, ideas, and styles, your child will build the ability to understand and comprehend. Keep them busy by introducing them to different genres, and watch their skills rise. At first, it will look a lot, but that’s ok! Encourage your child to read more than one type of book. In case their interest is inclined towards non-fiction, persuade them to try and read historical fiction. If they like superhero stories, introduce them to a story in which the main character is of different gender and ethnicity.

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2. Strategize Different Ways of Practicing

Just like any other skill, even creative writing skills take a lot of practice and patience. Let your kids climb the ladder of success by making them practice in a fun and creative way. Involve your little Shakespeare in an imaginative play and ask your kid to write down the episodes of the games they like to play. Let them think creatively, let their ideas flow in whatever direction they want them to go! Focus on such types of activities can be short-lived. Therefore, it is important to give your kids a dedicated writing space. You can create a writing space by filling it with colorful paper, or a kid’s journal, and colored pencils. Seeing all these items around them will create an urge in your kids to write.

3. Motivate Your Child to Write

Small children often find themselves in a fix, with an unusual desire to want to write. Even before they can form letters and phrases correctly, many children will claim they are “writing”. Let this desire grow! Once a child develops this sense that writing is powerful, and their writing matters, they will never give up easily. In case your child struggles with the physical process of writing, you can help them out. Make use of techniques such as talk-to-text features in apps. This will ensure that your child is not worried about the act of writing and pay attention to the creative ideas that are forming like the frothy waves.

Creative Writing

4. Make Use of ‘Impactful’ Words

Another effective way to improve your kid’s creative writing is by introducing them to powerful and impactful words, to draw the attention of their readers. You can help in this development by allowing them to give their favorite characters’ feelings. When writers allow characters to feel, they make them more relatable and interesting. You can help your child get there by asking relevant questions about the characters like- Why was the hero doing that? How was she feeling?

5. Practice Storytelling

Storytelling is a beautiful art that plays an important role in boosting a child’s creativity. Fictional stories can give rise to the imaginative and creative skills of kids. Let your child’s imagination flow freely, as they put together the missing pieces that will complete their story. You can together create and build stories, with each individual explaining a few lines of the story. Or you can pretend that you “got stuck” telling the story and need their help in completing the line. Let your story sessions reflect a dash of twists and turns, where your kid will be learning to drive the story forward.

6. Play Games

An extensive vocabulary is another important aspect of creative writing skills. To help your child build vocabulary, try playing different word games. Word games are a great choice because they emphasize the game, not vocabulary learning. The urge to win the game will increase their intrinsic motivation to learn the words. Such games are great family activities. In case your child is not competitive, you can also opt for various team-oriented options. You can introduce them to magnetic poetry, or games like world builders, or even a super cool journal where they can write down the words they’ve heard.

7. Create Timeline

Writing takes a lot of time and mental energy, so don’t expect your children to perfectly squeeze it into an already tight schedule. It is also important to ensure that your child has sufficient timeline and mental space needed to relax, unwind, and write.

Creative Writing

8. Provide Inspiration

The best inspiration for children to write comes from falling in love with the work of other writers. Motivating their love of reading will help your kids to internalize the way their favorite authors write. While you are reading out a story, it will allow your child to focus on the core aspects of the story. As children will read more, they build vocabulary and an understanding of how good stories develop. They will be able to properly execute these ideas into their creative writing.

Benefits of Creative Writing for Kids
Apart from understanding the different ways of improving your child’s creative writing, you also need to understand the importance of it.

a) Imagination and Creativity
Creative writing encourages kids to put their creative minds to use and practice their imagination. It also helps them in coming up with creative ideas and alternatives. This further broadens their thought processes, which can lead to success in all the spheres of life including problem-solving and analysis.

b) Self-Expression
Sometimes kids are always in a state of dilemma and they often experience difficulties in understanding and expressing their emotions and how they feel. Through writing, children are able to create a safe haven for themselves where they can easily express their creative abilities and this can further help them in expressing their feelings.

c) Self-Confidence
Creative writing enables children to assert themselves and express their opinions without any hesitation. These emotional developments can strengthen their self-confidence.

d) Communication and Persuasion Skills
A well-written piece of content involves a lot of planning, organization, and use of language to put forward ideas. It is an excellent way by which children can lay out their ideas and thoughts.

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Final Words

If you want your child to develop a niche for creative writing, make sure that they develop a regular reading habit. As a parent, you must introduce your child to new words daily as this will help in strengthening their vocabulary. Readout to them, play word games and give them enough time to practice the art of creative writing. As kids grow old, creative writing seems to diminish in them. Those intriguing fairytale stories of princesses battling dragons to save people are some of the best-selling stories that have been an inevitable part of our early childhood.
Lastly, if you need help, you can also check out the website of PiggyRide and have a look at some of our best online creative writing courses. These online creative writing courses will take the best creative writing skills out of your little one.

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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