Are you a mother who is constantly juggling so many responsibilities that you are unable to look after yourself? So, discover the 9 doable self care ideas for working moms. Everyone needs self-care, but working moms require it even more. So, If you’re struggling with how to take care of yourself while also working and taking care of your kids, you’re at the right place. It’ll also tell you why self-care is vital and how to make it easier to fit into your busy schedule. Self-care is not a luxury. Moreover, it is a necessity.

Humans need to recharge their bodies and take time for themselves from time to time. Because we are not a body with a battery, but a body with a soul and a brain that needs time to be more productive. Yes! I agree that family is vital, but make sure to keep your physical, mental, and emotional health on priority.
It is not uncommon for mothers to work to provide for their families. However, working mothers often experience a dilemma of balancing their family life and work life. It can be challenging for mothers to take time off from work because they are worried that they will not be able to make ends meet. In addition, they may feel guilty if they are not there with their children.
The article discusses the importance of taking time off from work and how it can help mothers recharge their bodies and mind. As a working mom, you need to find a way to balance both responsibilities to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So, let’s discover the self-care ideas for working moms.
9 Doable Self-Care Ideas For Working Moms
1. Stay Physically Active
One of the most fundamental self-care ideas for working moms is to take care of their physical health. It’s high time to understand that your physical health should be a priority. It’s one of the most vital busy mom tips. Are you one of those moms who feel that visiting offices and finishing household chores is enough of a workout? If you think the same, you’re probably wrong!
Most of the time, it’s a mental workout rather than a physical workout. As a result, it’s essential to take the time in the morning for your body to complete a simple 15-20-minute exercise or yoga to get your day started on the right foot.
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2. Try Out The 11 Minutes WHB Exercise

Did you know how breathing helps recharge the brain and the tired body? Breathing allows you to make yourself conscious and aware of your body. It releases all the suppressed stress in the body and makes you more relaxed and energetic. You can try out the Wim Hof Breathing 11 minutes breathing exercise. Moreover, it’s one of the best doable self-care ideas for working moms.
How To Perform Wim Hof Breathing Technique?
1. Inhale and exhale deeply 30 times.
2. Now, hold your breath for 30 seconds.
3. Take a recovery breathe in, and release after 10 seconds.
4. Repeat the step 1
5. Hold your breath for 1 minute.
6. Then, take a recovery breath in, and release after 10 seconds.
7. Lastly, Repeat the step 1
8. Hold your breath for 1 minute and 30 seconds. ( This is challenging, but you can inhale if you want.)
9. Now, repeat the recovery breath.
3. Cook Your Favorite Meal
One of the most beneficial self-care ideas for working moms is cooking for themselves. Mommies often cook according to the family and their kids. I know you’re one of them too. But what about you?
Mothers often overlook their taste buds. Thus, it’s therapeutic to make a dinner of your choice once a week.
Moreover, If you don’t feel like cooking, go out to your favorite restaurant with your favorite pals to enjoy your favorite cuisine. You can enjoy a hearty meal without stressing about your children in a comfortable ambiance.
4. Hunt Your Hidden Childhood Hobbies

It’s the best restorative self-care routine for busy moms. There must be several things you enjoyed doing the most in your childhood. Thus, marriage, kids, and job often diminishes the importance of skills
. Moreover, your skills and talents are repressed or hidden under the responsibilities. So, create a list of things you enjoyed doing in your childhood and catch on to them every week.
Be it sketching, writing, reading, painting, or something else. Figure out and enjoy the hobbies and skills. Bring back your childhood and feel the positive vibe of it. You can consider it one of the most refreshing self-care ideas for working moms.
5. Go For A Solo Shopping

Life doesn’t offer you time to shop and buy stuff for yourself after having children and working full-time. Shopping takes on a new meaning after children, as it is always about kids.
Furthermore, if children visit a mall, they throw tantrums to purchase toys and other items. It is always so exhausting to go shopping with kids.
So, this time, you can plan a solo shopping trip and pamper yourself with items you’ve wanted for a long time.
It’s possible that starving yourself of things you’ve wanted for a long time would make your life tedious and monotonous. So, go get all of your essential stuff now because you deserve it.
6. Guilt-Free Work-Life Balance

Mothers go beyond their mental and physical health boundaries for their kids and work responsibilities. Thus, you must find a guilt-free balance in your life to live a healthier life. The perfect work-life balance is a fine line that you need to navigate by building healthy habits while eliminating unhealthy ones which affect your mental health.
Do not work overtime at the office and set a time limit for yourself. Allowing your office hours to invade your personal life is not a good idea. Set reasonable work boundaries to prioritize yourself and your family.
You may use a variety of children’s-related online apps to help you stay organized and make parenting easier. You can also download the PiggyRide app and check out our blogs related to Parenting and courses that can help you and your kids in many ways to flourish.
7. Go For The Refreshing Walks

You cannot underestimate the power of nature. It will make you feel alive! Walk on wet grass and appreciate the beauty around. Nature always helps you to rejuvenate through the daily hustle and bustle.
So, enjoy the peaceful and blissful view of the beauty. Moreover, commit to taking time for yourself by participating in everyday green tasks such as watering your plants, composting, building a bird feeder, and picking up fallen leaves.
Additionally, if you have a hibiscus plant, don’t forget to relax with a pleasant hibiscus tea.
8. Don’t Expect Perfection

Allowing things to be as they are and not expecting perfection from their family, children, or themselves is one of the greatest self-care ideas for working moms. Life will never turn out the way you envisioned it for yourself or your children.
In life, striving for perfection usually causes anxiety and uninvited worries. Furthermore, it is in the essence of parenting to always grow and improve while also learning new things.
It’s fine if the kids made a mess in the room; don’t worry about it; who will make a mess if the kids won’t? Allow yourself to relax and enjoy the moment. Sometimes letting things as they are is one of the best self-care tips for moms.
9. Disconnect & Recharge Via Travelling

Travelling instills a tremendous amount of happiness and vitality in one’s life. It is a fantastically stimulating experience and one of the finest ways for working moms to take care of themselves. It is also one of the best and most refreshing self-care ideas for working moms.
So, visiting different areas once every two months helps heal your health and mind by introducing you to new people and exposing you to diverse cultures. Mountains and beaches are two of the world’s oldest healers, and they may help you disconnect from your daily responsibilities and work.
Moreover, Travelling also introduces you to new people, cuisines, locations, and more. This will make you physically healthier.
Aspire to travel throughout your life. Believe me, if you start seeing different places, meeting new people, and spending evenings outdoors viewing beautiful sunsets and participating in different activities, you will undoubtedly feel more energized.
Life isn’t supposed to be lived in a fixed place. So get out there, see different places, learn about new cultures, and renew your mind.
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Take Away
For any woman, motherhood is a life-changing experience. It’s the most challenging work because there are no internships or practice opportunities. You can think of it as your life’s greatest challenge. Every mother tries her hardest to offer the best for her children.
As a result, before any work or duties, it’s vital to take care of yourself and your requirements. Motherhood isn’t supposed to be perfect, but it is supposed to be beautiful! It’s full of ups and downs, tears and joy.
As a result, prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental health. These 9 practical self-care ideas for working parents can help you have a more balanced and healthy life as a mother. Additionally, if you’re looking for additional parent-related blogs, visit more blogs and make your life easier by devoting 5-10 minutes to reading. We work hard to make your life easier by providing tips, ideas, suggestions, and guidance about children. We also provide online classes for kids to keep them busy while you’re at work. Our classes will help your child upscale their skills!
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