Parenting – A beautiful relationship that comes with its own set of responsibilities at each phase. Parenting is never easy for any parent out there but yet it can be made a wonderful experience. Parenting is a blessing & being an awesome parent is a soothing feeling.
There is nothing like perfect parenting but each parent gives their best when to comes to upbringing their kids. Being a mom, I understand the struggles right from ‘Good News’ to each stage of a kid’s growing age. Balancing work-life, personal care, social life, and then of course upbringing takes toil of health us well.
I am a quite organized person & curiosity, exploring, researching for anything related to my professional & personal is always on my list. The parenting tips that you are gonna read in this blog I am following myself religiously.

So Let’s deep dive into the 7 beneficial early parenting tips that can help many of you out there. These are well applied including me & by many friends in my social circle. Trust Me, It is going to be Fantastic!
1. Showering Love More Often
Love is the universal language; it needs no other definition. We as parents fall in love with kids even before when they are born & we are at the top of the world once we hold them in our arms. No doubt, we love them selflessly but do you often say I love you, Kiss/hug them without any reason in the middle of your busy working day?
Maybe or Maybe Not – Just do it if you are not doing it more often! No matter how small is your kid, hugging them & kissing them often makes the bond healthier.
2. Doing Things Together
As a working parent I know it’s not possible to be available for your kid every day & every minute but yet you can take time after work and on weekends to spend any play with them including doing the fun activities together – No matter even if they seem funny to you. At times, my daughter asks me to behave like a student and she teaches me anything that comes to her mind. I am also supposed to talk like a kid when it comes to speaking – kid’s voice – You know?
Funny but it makes her feel happy & makes her feel that I am spending time with her.
Related Article: 35 Proven Tips To Be A Fantastic Parent
3. Having Conversations from Time to Time
Talking to your kids, even if they are not speaking properly yet is one of the best things. It makes them listen and curious and they enjoy it. Talk with them Like before giving preparing meal, tell them am making your favorite meal, before giving them a bath – start with something – going to have fun with Water toys. & similarly, every time try to speak with them. It makes a good impact on them overall.
I used to ask my daughter when she was 1 just, what you want to wear today? Though I know she was not speaking at that time but I used to do such many things to make her start talking. The little EEE, BBB were beautiful words to cherish back then.

4. Praising Kid’s Smallest Accomplishments.
I follow it religiously for everything that my daughter does, even if she paints not so good. I say it’s wonderful, not that I don’t take her to correct or improve, but I do it another day. I tell her we can practice it again today & it can give her 5 stars if we try another color etc. I never ever say it is bad nor I say other kids of your age are doing it exactly as expected of their age. I repeat Never I do that nor You should do it ever.
Praise their small wins & accomplishments. I remember my daughter won the Ist prize when she was 3 yrs in a talk show at her school where the topic was My home & She spoke just 4 lines; Till the day I praise her, also sometimes she talks about it & amazingly she remembers those 4 lines of her speech till now.
5. Teaching Good Habits & Words
Manners are something very basic, it’s never too early to start with it. Teaching your kid to say Sorry, Thank You, Wishing, etc should be taught as soon as they start speaking. Also, you should use these words while dealing with them.
Sometimes if my daughter says thank you to me and I forget to says You’re welcome, I being questioned by her Why I skipped saying it?

6. Visiting Pediatrician
No self-medication when it comes to your kids at least, not every time Calphol /Ondem works(medicines) & NO to google answers. Make sure you consult your kid’s pediatrician when he/she complains about anything.
I never do self-medication be it a cold or a stomach ache when it comes to my toddler – Visiting or Consultation Call is always preferred. When it comes to parenting tips, this tip I recommend to each new parent in my circle for sure – because good health is the priority.
Related Article: 5 Unique Tips To Build Consistency In Your Kid
7. Making Your Kid Social
Encourage your kid to interact with other kids whenever they get the chance, we live in nuclear families so it’s important to make kids learn interaction with different kids. It not only enhances social skills but makes them happy, and confident

Take Away
Small steps always help you to achieve bigger things. Early parenting needs to be done carefully so that you raise a good individual with all excellent traits in them. Nothing to stress, small baby steps and you are there with desire expectations. Each child is different what worked for me, may not work for you and vice versa, Try your way & you will see more good results. Never lose hope & always thank Almighty for everything.
Do share your amazing parenting tips with us – We are Listening!!
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