Kids are prone to germs, so developing immunity in kids is an absolute need. On the top of that present pandemic situation has created a mess, and it’s important that we ensure that kids are safe & have good immunity. Fighting with Minor cold, coughs help to develop immunity in kids to a greater extent. As parents, we can set certain things that may help kids to boost their immunity immensely well.

A few of them I have jotted down for all of you out there. Let’s dive in it –
1. Introducing Healthy Food Eating Habits
Having healthy diet which includes all protein, calcium, iron, vitamins etc. is the key to develop immunity in kids. Some of the most common foods that boost immunity are carrots, cucumbers, green beans, oranges, watermelon, lemon and strawberries. All of these contain carotenoids which are the best immune booster for kids.
Similarly, having milk, eggs & soups are healthy. Children apart from having 3 major meals, can have 4 -5 small serving in a day. Also sugar intake should be limited. Appealing breakfast, juice in the brunch, home cooked different varieties of lunch & dinner and health evening snacks can be served. Also, please avoid force eating, impart exercise habits and eating together are some good habits that can be focused on.
Related Article: 5 Easy Tips To Make Your Kids Eat Healthy Food
2. A Good Sleep Cycle
Having good sleep plays a vital role in overall well-being of children and hence helps in boosting immunity as well. Kids at least need 10+ hours of sleep. It includes night sleep as well as afternoon naps. Relaxing and resting of mind is always important for any individual, so is for kids. Having good sleep is soothing & keeps one happy & stress- free.
Similarly, having good pattern & fixed time schedule for it is highly recommended. Make sure if you focus on it as well. Building the basis of daily exercise, walk, a quick shower has many instant benefits for relaxed night sleep.

3. Personal Hygiene Habits
Cleanliness is next to godliness, heard of it? Well, this indeed true and should make sure we teach hygiene habits to the kid since early childhood. Cleanliness is one of the basic etiquette for well-being. It includes all -Hand hygiene, dental hygiene, hair hygiene, personal hygiene etc.
Encouraging & helping kids to remain hygienic helps to stay healthy & lessen the chance to fall for disease. Make sure to tell them the benefits of it especially when they are in early childhood.
Related Article: 5 Personal Hygiene Habits You Should Teach Your Kids
4. Exercises & Mediation
Staying fit needs little efforts, so does have a good immune system. Exercises, walking, cycling are always a good choice for kids. Similarly, mediation in the form of yoga etc. are helpful. Meditations are soothing & it helps to soothe child’s nervous system, improving their overall immunity. Ready for exercises along with your kid from today?
5. Don’t Miss on Immunization Schedule
Ensure that the vaccination schedule advised by the pediatrician are always done timely with no compromise. This is vital for all vaccines, both mandatory ones & other seasonal ones. Keep check on your children vaccine card and make sure you through it each month, at least up to 6 years when there are many dozes pipe lined. Take time & go to do it, nothing is more important.

6. Avoid Giving Antibiotics Until Sheer Necessity
Antibiotics can be the first & quick step to get rid of illness, but they often wipe out the good bacteria along with the harmful ones thus compromising the body’s immunity. So always ask pediatrician’s advice instead of giving it yourself, also don’t pressurize them to prescribe antibiotics for every ailment. I am lucky in it; my pediatrician is one of the finest doctors I have met he never prescribers any until sheer necessity.
Take Away:
Parents are on toes always so that kids stay happy, healthy and safe from any illness. Nothing pains us more than seeing our little one fall prey to even a minor cold/cough. As the child begins preschool, these become more common and seemingly impossible to avoid so building immunity should be focused. So, make sure all the points you follow the quick tips that I jotted in the blog. Do you have more tips to share, feel free to drop them!
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