The old memories of the year 2020 still flash by, where the pandemic had taken a toll on everyone, and that also paved the way for the lockdown and work from home culture leading to the onset of the sedentary lifestyle. Apart from work from home culture, even education has gone online and kids across the globe have resorted to online learning. Working from home and attending online classes has become a “new normal” for most people across the country. Therefore, it becomes even more important to take care of your and your kid’s health in an effective way. Yoga is one of the best ways by which you can successfully achieve this uphill task. It is a beautiful art that will teach your kids the ability to unite the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects within your mind and body.
To raise awareness about this ancient practice and its importance in people’s lives we have curated an extensive guide on some of the important yoga poses for kids that will help them to stay mentally and physically fit and healthy.

Importance of Yoga for Kids
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, children had an extremely active lifestyle because they participated in co-curricular activities and various outdoor sports. But, with Covid-19 spreading like wildfire, the only way to stay safe is to stay indoors. Hence, in tough situations like these practicing yoga can be very useful for them. By practicing the basic yoga poses for kids, they will work on their core strength, endurance, and it also improvises aerobic capacity to a great extent. As per research conducted by top universities, they told that yoga also helps in improving resilience, focus, memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and it can also minimize stress and anxiety in them.
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Considerations to Follow While Practicing Yoga Poses
For small kids and children, yoga is considered to be a good thing as their bone is extremely flexible and there is no risk for injuries too. Therefore, you should make sure that your kids practice yoga under your guidance or someone who is the expert in this field. Practicing breathing exercises or using play-way as a method can help in strengthening immunity even in preschoolers. However, for children who are in the adolescence stage, precautionary engaging in yoga is recommended, as there is a greater risk of overstretching injury in them. And please take note of this in case your child is having an existing injury or any other prevalent problem related to bone development, they should always consult a doctor/ physiotherapist before participating in such tough activities.
Guide for Practicing Yoga Poses for Kids
Yoga poses can be extremely relaxing and is a great workout option for adults. Yoga is a great way to help your kids deal with stress effectively and think more positively. The mentioned yoga poses offer an array of benefits such as better digestion, metabolism, blood flow, and hormone secretion, thus, leading to better stress management.
1. Child’s Pose

A child’s pose is an excellent stress-relieving yoga pose, with a range of hormonal and metabolic benefits. It is a great pose for relaxation too. Listed down below are the simple steps using which your child will be able to perform this pose with ease.
i) Ask your kid to kneel on the floor, with both the knees and feet joined.
ii) Now fold and bend the knees, and ask your child to sit back on the heels.
iii) Let them keep their upper body straight.
iv) Raise the hands straight overhead.
v) Make them bend forward down so that the chest touches their knees.
vi) Let the hands rest.
vii) Ask your kids to now stretch their upper body forward, and ensure that the forehead touches the ground.
vii) Breathe slowly and stay in that position for 20-30 seconds.
Simple Modification- You can also ask your child that rather than resting the head on the floor, you can keep a block of sponge or a soft cushion below the forehead, for comfort.
2. Tree Pose

The tree pose will teach your kids how to balance, cognitive control, and they can use their nervous system effectively. Listed down below are the simple steps using which your child will be able to perform this pose with ease.
i) Firstly, ask your child to stand straight in a mountain pose.
ii) The spine should be erect, shoulders pressed down, hands by the side of the body, and legs and hips wide apart.
iii) Now let them shift their body weight to the right leg, and let them lift off the left foot.
iv) While balancing on your right leg, let them lift their left foot, and place it against the right thigh.
v) Try not to slip, balance well, and remain still.
vi) Let your children raise both their hands in front of their heart, palms should be together, and raise your arms over your head.
vii) Breathe steadily and ask them to be in that position for 30 seconds.
3. Thunderbolt Pose

The thunderbolt yoga pose for kids helps in improving digestion, metabolism, and blood flow. Listed down below are the simple steps using which your child will be able to perform this pose with ease.
i) Kneel, with both the knees and feet together.
ii) Keeping both the knees and feet together, lower your bottom and sit back on your heels.
iii) Ensure that the upper body is straight.
iv) Now ask them to raise their hands straight up.
v) Bend down so that your chest touches the knees.
vi) Extend your hands forward so that they are touching the floor.
vii) Stretch your upper body forward, and slowly touch your forehead to the ground.
viii) Hold that position for 20-30 seconds.
4. Crocodile Pose

The crocodile yoga pose is a restorative yoga position that helps in stimulating the central nervous system. This pose also offers various respiratory benefits. Listed down below are the simple steps using which your child will be able to perform this pose with ease.
i) Let your kids lie on their front and the top of their feet should be touching the ground.
ii) Ensure that their elbows are resting on the ground.
iii) Now ask them to lift their upper body so that they can open their chest and release tension.
iv) Take a note that the shoulders are nicely pressed down, and the chest must be extended out.
v) Ask them to breathe steadily.
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5. Legs Up the Wall Pose

Legs up the wall are a good yoga pose for the proper functioning of your nerves and ensure a stable blood flow. It offers great relaxation. Listed down below are the simple steps using which your child will be able to perform this pose with ease.
i) To start with this yoga pose, make sure that your kids are sitting sideways right next to the wall. Also, make sure that their right hip and shoulders are as close as possible.
ii) Keep a check on them and ensure that they stretch out their arms and extend them straight out.
iii) Breathe comfortably and let them stay in that oose for a minute.
Final Verdict
Practicing yoga daily will help your kids in training and improving their central nervous system for healthy and efficient brain activity in small children. With a healthy and well-nourished nervous system, your kids will also develop many intellectual and cognitive skills for dealing with stress. Over a while, these yoga poses will also help in optimizing hormonal and metabolic activity. To help your little kids have better cognitive skills, you can enroll your children in the online yoga classes that are being offered by PiggyRide. These online yoga sessions will train your kids from the start and will help them to ace this skill with grace and perfection. Moreover, by practicing yoga under the guidance of experts and experienced yoga teachers, your kids will be able to perform all the yoga poses with confidence.
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