Being a parent is a responsibility and mostly raising a child into wellbeing is an incredibly challenging task. It is said that children are like clay and it is up to a parent to mold them, the way they want.
No parent comes with an experience of its own, with the time a parent becomes robustly well in all spheres of parenting.
Raising a child well and being a good parent at the same time should be always balanced out. Trust, bonding, love is some of the beautiful ingredients that make life easy for the family.
So here I take a pledge to share 5 simple parenting tips which may help you down the lane with a smooth bonding:
1. Appreciate Your Child
Appreciation is one of the best things which I personally endorse in any role of life. I like people who appreciate the efforts of others and simultaneously I appreciate everyone who is worth it.
So why not to appreciate your children more often? Children love when someone appreciates them for their good things. I still remember my parents use to appreciate me a lot in front of everyone for being a sharper kid and I would feel an invisible crown over my head every time.
Needless to say, I do the same with my kid. I appreciate her little efforts; she may less understand it as of now but a grin on her faces says it all. Her swag while walking out of the kitchen (helps with getting plates etc) after getting praises is worth watching.

2. Giving Time And Attention
Who does not like attention? So is for children! children are attention seekers nonetheless of their age. They need your time and attention. Make sure you give them positive attention by frequently communicating with them.
I have come across parents whom you ask where are you children at times? They are Like maybe at some class or with friends or down in a jogging park. Being clueless is not a good sign. Don’t confuse personal space with a lack of communication factors. Communicate more to know them.
3. No Comparisons
This is something which I personally hate for any relation, for any role. literally for anything – x and y!
Comparisons are Poisons – Slow ones. They create a rivalry between siblings and at times with cousins. So never ever do it. It is important that children know that they are equally loved despite being different, maybe grade-wise or anything.
My grandmother used to say “Children are Like eyes, both are equally important and being loved by an individual. Nothing Like favourite should be a question even” (Mind you I used to ask her who is your favourite among me and my brother).
So Next time your children ask you Whom you love more – You are free to answer them back with my grandma’s Lines – Plus it should be much shown by your actions, which is more important.
4. Don’t Pour Anger On Them For Your Own Issues
No one is exactly 100% happy all the time. Everyone struggles with their own issues. Usually, when we, parents are struggling for something related to your work stress or any other, we end up pouring down our frustration back at home – Mostly on our children. This is something very illogical and irresponsible on our part. We need to check ourselves to teach them and set an example.
5. Be A Role Model
The future of the world is in our own hands!
Treat your spouses with respect and calmness, your daughter and son are keeping you in mind for their future. Set an example, be a role model for them. Teach them no gender is superior, both are equal when it comes to rights as well duties.

Good parenting is not only enrolling children in the best schools, taking them abroad on vacations, spending enough on their outfits and taking them for out for entertainment on weekends. Good parenting is rather making them good humans with moral values and kindness.
What are some of your parenting tips?
Nice …