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Let Your Kids Uncover The Reality Behind Pi Day

Every year on the 14th of March, Pi Day is celebrated to recognize the importance of the mathematical constant, Pi. The term ‘Pi’ is used as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. The value for Pi is 3.14 diameter while its value is 3.14. Larry Shaw was the first person to recognize the importance of Pi in the history of mathematics. In 1988 he even organized a large-scale celebration at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, in the United States of America.

Pi Day Wishes

However, in 2029, UNESCO at its 40th General Conference decided to observe and celebrate Pi Day as the International Day of Mathematics. Apart from its use in Mathematics, Pi is also used in different subjects including Physics, and Astronomy. Furthermore, Pi is also used in architecture and construction-related areas and it has been an integral part of everything is from bridges and arches to the Pyramids of Giza.

On the occasion of Pi Day, we have curated a helpful guide that will take you through the magical wonders of Pi and will also enable you to uncover some of the amazing facts associated with Pi Day.

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Surprising Facts About Pi

1. The symbol of Pi has been used for more than 250 years. Initially, the symbol was first discovered by William Jones, he was a Welsh mathematician. But later on, the symbol was brought to everyone’s notice by the mathematician Leonhard Euler.

2. It is not easy to determine the exact value of Pi, so we can never find the accurate circumference of a circle.

Poster on Pi Day

3. Pi was a part of Egyptian mythology. And the people in Egypt believed that the pyramids of Giza were ideally built on the principles of Pi. You’d be surprised to know that the vertical height of the pyramids shares the same and the direct relationship with the perimeter of their base.

4. The calculation of Pi is also used as a stress test for a computer. The test just works like a digital cardiogram because it is used for indicating the different levels of activity within a computer processor.

Albert Einstein holding a pie

5. International brand Givenchy sells men’s cologne with the name Pi. The company markets its products because of the ability to enhance the attractiveness of intelligent and visionary men.

6. Incidentally, the world’s most famous scientists share an interesting connection with Pi Day, including Albert Einstein, NBA all-star Steph Curry, Actors Billy Crystal, and Michael Caine, and Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Biles.

Poster on Pi Day

7. To date, people across the globe are racing against each other to calculate more digits of Pi in a never-ending race. Back in 2010, a Japanese engineer and an American computer geek broke the record for the most number of pi digits by calculating 5 trillion digits of Pi. And do you know what is interesting? There were no supercomputers used. All that they used were desktop computers, 20 external hard disks, and their intelligent brains.

8. The Greek letter π was the first letter of the word perimeter. And as we know, pi is the total ratio of a circle’s periphery to its diameter.

Food Pie

9. As already mentioned, 3.14 is used as an absolute value for Pi because it is an irrational number, and it continues on forever and ever.
π =3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693…

10. There are numerous ways to celebrate Pi Day including munching on circular-shaped food items such as cookies and pizzas, solving fun-themed pi maths puzzles, and learning interesting facts about pi and Pi Day.

Pie Approximation Day

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Final Words

These are the 10 interesting facts related to Pi and Pi Day celebrations. You can utilize this day to make your kids aware of the importance of mathematics and you can undertake various creative activities to explain to your kids the importance of Pi Day. At PiggyRide, we offer interesting and highly engaging interactive online Vedic math classes for your kids. These online math classes will educate your kids on all the important topics and fields revolving around the subject.

Furthermore, for kids who are math-phobic, these online Vedic math classes will come to their immediate rescue. With quick tips and tricks, your kids will be able to solve all math-related problems easily and effectively. So, enroll your kids in our online Vedic math classes and let them ace the basics of the subject confidently.

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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