Schools across the country are set to reopen from 4th April 2022 onwards and we can understand the fact that your kids must be super excited to kickstart their academic journey and meet their friends. However, with the excitement comes stress and a lot of anxiety about whether is it safe to send your kids to school during the time of the Covid pandemic? Therefore, in this article, we will focus on the essential back-to-school safety tips for kids during the covid-19 pandemic. These back-to-school safety tips will not only keep your kids safe but will also help them to create awareness about the same amongst their classmates and friends.

School Safety Protocols on Covid-19
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1. Prioritize the Importance of Mask

Mask is the most important and perhaps the only sword with which you and your kids can fight back the deadly covid-19 virus. Before your kids start their journey towards school, make sure that you give them enough time to wear a mask for prolonged periods. It is a known fact that kids learn by watching their parents and caregivers, so make sure that as parents you set the right example in front of your kids.
Make sure that your kids wear the mask when out in public and they shouldn’t complain. Give your kids the freedom to choose the mask that they want to wear and let them practice this at home. Use different creative ways to make your kids understand the importance of wearing masks and how can it stop the spread of germs.
2. Carefully Review and Understand the Covid-19 Safety Protocols

You cannot afford to be careless with your kids especially when the 4th wave of Covid-19 is around the corner. So, to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 infection in kids, it is imperative that as parents you must encourage your kids to review and understand all the covid-19 safety protocols. Make sure that you ask your kids to wash their hands for 20 seconds, use a handkerchief while coughing or sneezing, and maintain social distancing. These are the basic safety protocols that will keep you and your child safe in the long run.
3. Properly Study the Covid-19 Symptoms

Again the covid-19 symptoms can vary greatly from one child to another. So, make sure that you properly study and monitor the symptoms, and if your child feels sick don’t let them go to school. Listed below are some of the common symptoms that you must look for-
i) Cough
ii) Fever
iii) Fatigue
iv) Headache
v) Body Ache
vi) Diarrhoea
vii) Loss of taste or smell
viii) Nausea
ix) Sore throat
x) Shortness of breath
xi) Loss of appetite
xii) Abdominal pain
In case your child is experiencing any of the following symptoms then make sure that you isolate them in a room and keep them away from all your family members. Get in touch with your child’s pediatrician rather than visiting their clinic. Once your child recovers from the virus, make sure that you get them tested and send them to school only with a negative covid report.
4. Set Up a Healthy Routine

Today kids around the globe are learning everything virtually or through a hybrid model of school. So, the families need to set up healthy and constructive routines so that they can keep their kids mentally and physically fit.
a) Follow the same bedtime routine that you would follow if your child was going to school physically.
b) Make sure that your kids brush their teeth, get dressed, and wash up properly as if they are getting ready for school.
c) Follow the same meal timings.
d) Don’t forget to add a separate time for free play or recess.
e) Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
f) Communicate with your kids to keep a tab on their mental health and wellbeing.
Do not leave this habit in between. With schools reopening this measure will help your kids to get to their old timetable effortlessly.
5. Limit the Screen Time

As the schools are set to reopen after the massive gap of 2 years make sure that you don’t expose your kids to news and other distressing information. We know that parents are already stressed about sending their kids to school during the time of Covid-19 infection. So the best way to stay safe is to avoid watching the news and other distressing shows. Rather you can ask your kids to play around with you at home.
6. Vaccinate Your Kids

It took more than a year for vaccinations to reach the public and make sure that as responsible parents you get yourself and your kids properly vaccinated. Vaccinating your child on time will not protect them from Covid-19 infection but it will also enhance their immunity. So, before your kids start with their schooling make sure that you get them vaccinated.
7. Be Kind and Compassionate

Another effective back-to-safety school tip for kids is to teach them how to be kind and compassionate. Well, the covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented disease of our history. This is the time when one needs to be kind and compassionate towards others. Therefore, make sure that you teach your kids about the act of kindness and compassion. And you can do this by inculcating kindness in your behavior too! Now is the right time to be kind and show your kids how to be empathetic towards others and their caregivers and parents.
8. Follow All the Necessary Cleanliness Protocols

Not only outside but it is important to maintain cleanliness at home too. Make sure that you thoroughly clean your house, organize and stock with the hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, disinfecting wipes. If needed try to keep 2-3 PPE kits at your home too especially from the safety point of view. Remember that health is wealth. So follow all the required safety protocols and keep your kids safe and healthy.
Related Article: 10 Tips to Protect Your Kids from the Possible Third Wave of Covid-19
Final Words
These are the 8 important back-to-school safety tips that will keep your kids safe and sound especially when the schools are about to open. It will take time for your kids to settle down to their old routine. So, give them sufficient time to get used to their new surroundings and routine. There can be a possibility that your kids may get overwhelmed but as parents, you must comfort your kids.
We at PiggyRide are committed to providing the best learning environment to your kids. Apart from offering the best learning environment, we are constantly striving to make the parenting phase a memorable experience for you and your child. So, pack the school bag of your kids and set them on a transformational journey of being the best student they can be.
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