With exams approaching parents are on the lookout for different ways by which they can enhance their kid’s study skills. Concentration is very important and it also serves as the foundation for learning and mastering extracurricular activities and skills. For most of the kids, it can be slightly difficult to focus on more than 1 thing at once and that is quite natural simply because of their curiosity, and energy. In fact, both focus and concentration are essential ingredients for studying, completing homework, and completing all types of tasks.

While adults can improve their concentration by using simple and different exercises, however with kids the situation can be completely different. In this article, we will talk about the 6 different tricks to help your child develop effective study skills which in turn will enhance their focus and concentration. Parents can play a significant role in improving their kid’s concentration and focus. So, let’s take a look at some of the simple and effective tips that will make your kids more focused.
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Tricks To Help Your Kids Develop Effective Study Skills
1. Divide a Big Task Into Smaller Tasks
For kids studying and completing homework on a single day can be an overwhelming experience. The best part to make your kids focused is to divide their bigger tasks into smaller or sub-tasks. And you can easily apply this strategy to homework, household chores, and even when it comes to learning new skills. Carrying out minor tasks will play a key role in the completion of a major project. This will not only make learning easier and fun but it will also improve your kid’s concentration and focus. We must take all the necessary steps to make sure that our kids don’t feel stressed or overburdened with their homework or studies.
2. Indulge in Different Focus Games and Activities

Another great way to make way for effective study skills is to encourage your kids to participate in different activities and focus-based games. Since kids learn more by playing, it is always a good idea to make use of interactive games and activities to make learning fun and memorable. But make sure that you keep away all the gadgets, tablets, and mobiles and allow your kids to play with their regular toys, and let them participate in activities that will improve their attention and concentration.
Some studies conducted by universities-, showed that gadgets can reduce the attention span to a great extent and memory power of kids. So, make sure that when handling the gadgets to your kids, you must be extra careful and vigilant. From tongue twisters to spot the difference between and what’s missing, these are some of the activities that you can play with your kids.
3. Get Rid Of All the Distractions

Kids tend to respond positively in an environment that is soothing and mentally relaxing. But some kids can actually thrive even in noise and all the types of distractions. As parents, you must know what kind of environment will suit your kids the best and how it can help them increase their focus and concentration thereby improving their study skills.
a) Ambiance
To create a soothing and relaxing environment, make sure that you keep the room of your kids free from all types of clutter and noise. You can also make use of scented candles and incense sticks. These little things will play a key role in improving the study skills of your kids.
b) Gadgets
It is a known fact that various types of gadgets can distract your kids and this can further impact their focus. So make sure that from iPads to iPhones and television, all the gadgets should be switched off till the time your child is engrossed in studying. Or else, if needed you can keep them in a separate room. In case your child needs a laptop for studying, handover them the laptop and monitor your kids that they are only studying and not playing games.
c) Organize the Materials Properly
Make sure that all the stationery items are within the reach of your child especially when they’re studying. From homework books to color pencils, and even water. Double-check that all the necessary items are within the reach of your child.
4. Good Sleep and Break is Important

An 8-hour sleep is mandatory for the proper functioning of the human brain and mental health. Some kids are able to concentrate and study better after a good night’s sleep. A power nap for 20 minutes after school or in the afternoon can also improve your kid’s focus. Apart from sleeping, all the bathroom breaks, hunger breaks, etc. should be properly taken care of before the study time begins as everything can play a key role in improving your child’s focus.
5. Analyze and Understand Your Child’s Method of Learning

Every child has a different method of learning and it’s up to the parents to make use of different ways to teach their child. While some kids are able to learn and grasp everything when they see it, there are some kids who are able to learn and retain information when they hear. Properly experiment and analyze that which is the most suitable category for your child and start their learning process based on your findings.
a) Visual
With visual learning, we mean that your kids are able to understand and grasp what they see in front of them. This is a great way by which your child will be able to concentrate better and retain information for a longer period of time. When it comes to visual-based learning, you can adopt the following measures-
i) Flash Cards
Whether your child is learning a new concept or a new word, flashcards will come to your immediate attention. Therefore, writing down information on small colorful cards and showing that to your child will help them understand and learn these concepts easily and at a faster pace.
ii) Doodling
Doodling is another great way to learn and master new concepts when it comes to creative approaches to studying. We have always seen are kids scribbling while studying. For us, it can be a distraction while for them it can be a way to recall important information and concepts.
iii) Drawing
Who doesn’t like to draw? Asking your kids to draw what he or she is studying will help them visualize the answer. This will further enhance their fine motor skills.
b) Auditory
It means that kids are able to learn and retain information in an efficient manner when they hear something. So, if you’re focusing on auditory skills you can adopt the following measures.
i) Reading Aloudly
Today, there are an end number of skills using which you can improve your kid’s study skills. So another great way to make your child a better learner is by making them read aloud. In fact, audiobooks can be very effective and helpful for kids who can learn by reading out aloud.
ii) Music
Everyone is aware of the therapeutic properties of music. Therefore, to make your kids focus and increase their concentration music can play a pivotal role.
6. Creatively Channel Your Kid’s Energy

Some kids are energetic during the daytime while some kids are highly energetic during the evening hours. Studying and motivating them to participate in activities can help them stay focused. This will also make your kids active and efficient multitaskers.
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Final Words
Like any other activity or skill, using these measures you can improve the study skills of your kids and also improve their concentration and focus. Again, these tips will help you strengthen your bond with your child. Don’t forget to check out the official website of PiggRide. Ranked as the best online learning platform for kids, you can scroll through online courses such as online chess classes, online music classes, online dance classes, and a lot more. All these activities will help your kids stay focused and make them more creative. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced tutors who will help your kids in becoming more efficient. Apart from becoming efficient, our classes will make your kids a complete all-rounder!
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