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6 Quick Hacks To Complete Your Board Exam Syllabus

It’s the board exam season and I am pretty sure that most of the kids are struggling with the board exam syllabus. After all, completing the entire syllabus in a day can be an upheaval task for many students. But don’t worry because in this article I will share some quick and easy ways using which you will be able to complete your board exam syllabus quickly.

As you know, data sheets have already been announced, and students are busy preparing for their upcoming board exams. However, the majority of the students are still struggling with how they should start the syllabus. Do not stress! In case you have less time for board exam preparation, then diligently follow these effective strategies and hacks to study well for your upcoming exams. These tips for the board exam syllabus will help you to prepare for your exams easily.
Mentioned below are some easy and effective ways to study and complete your board exam syllabus within a short span of time.

Related Article: Effective Practices To Follow A Day Before Your Board Exams

1. Thoroughly Analyse The Previous Year’s Question Papers

I was told in school that the previous year’s question papers can be a big saviour for the board exams. Hence, this is absolutely right. It is an important hack to complete your board exam syllabus on time. With board exams approaching, you don’t have much time to study each and everything in depth, so to score good marks in exams, you must use your time properly. Start your exam preparation by analysing the last year’s question papers and as per your course syllabus. And for this, you must adhere to the following pointers-

a) Try to collect last year’s question papers for at least 5-10 years.

b) Carefully check the weightage of each question and section and this will give you clarity about the chapters that are less important.

c) This exercise will also give you an insight into the questions and chapters that are tough, average, and easy.

d) All this will help you understand the important topics from every chapter which you should study for your board exams.

2. Make A Time-Table As Per Subject Priority

Once you have the access to all the mock and previous year’s question papers you should make a timetable based on the priority topics and important chapters which should be based on different parameters including- questions, marks weightage, and difficulty level. Follow the pointers mentioned below-

a) Allocate sufficient time for each chapter as per the priority and start with the chapters that carry more weightage or easy chapters. This will save you time and effort for effective exam preparation.

b) Most importantly do not make changes to your timetable frequently. Just follow your timetable as per the priority and follow it for better and more effective results.

3. Make Pointers While Studying

This is one habit that I have followed with all my heart and soul. Moreover, when you start with your board exam preparation, properly read the topic which you should learn, and then make pointers for better understanding and comprehension. To make this process simple, you can use bullet points, special symbols, or even mind mapping that is different visual representations for your answer and related topics. You can also make use of colorful highlighters and sticky notes to further simplify the process of studying.

4. Avoid Cluttering Your Study Space

When you are studying for your board exams you must avoid all types of distractions. Kids will never be able to study when they will have access to laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc. as all these things will constantly distract them. Avoid keeping all these devices around your study space as it will waste your time. Therefore, you should only keep things like pencils, notebooks, question papers, textbooks, etc on your desk. Make sure that you keep all the things within your reach so that you don’t have to get up frequently or leave your studies in between.

5. Do Not Take Long Breaks

Everyone says that frequent periods of break are important for the normal and healthy functioning of the human brain. Ideally speaking you should take 15 minutes of break every 45 minutes round of study. It is advisable that you should not split the 15 minutes break into 10+5, 5+10, or 5+5+5 minutes because you can easily get distracted by this pattern of breaks. So to maintain proper concentration and focus take small breaks in 1 hour which is 60 minutes equates to 45 minutes of study+ 15 minutes of break.

6. Eat and Sleep Well

Out of everything to study well and complete your board exam syllabus on time you must eat healthy and rest well so that you can keep your brain active all the time. For this, you should follow the tips listed below-

a) Sleep for 6-7 hours.

b) Eat healthy fruits and vegetables including fruit juices and smoothies.

c) Take out time and indulge in some physical activities and exercise including meditation, yoga, and Zumba. This will help you improve your mental fitness.

d) Last but not least, avoid junk food, sugar, and caffeine-rich food items because all this can make your body tired and you will not be able to focus.

Related Article: 8 Smart Study Tips For Board Exams 2022


These are the 6 effective hacks that will help you to complete your board exam syllabus on time. Make sure that you don’t overburden your brain with 12 to 13 hours of study. So, it’s better to adapt yourself to a more strategic and comprehensive approach while appearing for your board exam in 2022. Board exams might scare you but it is something that you should not be scared of.

Properly plan your time, take short periods of break, and don’t forget to go through these 6 tips to prepare yourself for board exams in 2022. And if you want your kids to relax and unwind, then you must connect with PiggyRide. Ranked as the best platform for kids we offer highly interactive and immersive learning experiences for your little ones. You can also take 1:1 classes with our subject experts and clear all your doubts easily. So get ready to pass your board exams with flying colors.
All the best!

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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