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What Are The Dos And Don’ts For My Kids While Travelling Through A Cab?

We know what’s it like to be a parent of a stubborn kid or listening to the pleading of your kids to do what they want to do. Sometimes we even allow our kids to let them do whatever they want. But these decisions should never be taken lightly.
There are some points which should be taken care of on a strict basis to avoid any future untoward.
We make sure that all our drivers are well- trained & can check if the kids are following the right way to travel or not. Here are some points that you should be sure when your kid is traveling in PiggyRide or any cab.

While boarding

#Wait for the Car maintaining at least 10ft distance away from the roadside

#Wait for Car to reach the halt completely before approaching it

#Use the car’s door handle to board into Car

#Watch traffic carefully while boarding the Car

While inside the vehicle

#Try to stay in your seat calmly; always wear seatbelts

#Keep aisle clear of school bags and other items

#Keep your head & hands away from the window

While getting off the Car

#Wait for Car to reach halt completely before rising from the seat

#Look left and right side before stepping out of the Car

#Use handles to exit Car

#Never walk behind or right in front of the vehicle

#If looking to cross the road, maintain a distance of 10ft in front of Car

#Wait for a signal from the driver before crossing the road to ensure he/she can see you

#If you have dropped any personal belonging near the Car, tell the driver or wait for Car to leave and traffic to clear before retrieving the item

These are some of the points that your kid should be byhearted to have a safe & happy ride to their schools or institutions. If you have a kid of 5 yrs or less never step back in asking for a booster seat for your little one.
At PiggyRide we are obsessed with safe & professional commutation and helping to inform parents about the best measures to take for safety in their vehicles. PiggyRide is way different from other cab facilities when it comes to the safety of kids.

When you reach the milestone of one of your children being able to learn all these important points, we want to make sure you do this in the safest way possible.

Have we missed any point, that you would like us and other parents to know about? Please comment below we are listening!

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Thanks for sharing the article, really loved it.

Mark Jackson
Mark Jackson

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