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A Cab For Your Kids, Is It Really Safe?

As parents with children, there are times when we find ourselves in helpless situations especially when it comes to getting our children to their school or after-school activities. With our older kids, we might have thought about letting our kids take a cab ride alone to get them to their classes or school.

We even become judgmental and look upon such parents with disdain and horror for allowing their child to travel alone but busy parents with few other options do see cab services as a possible solution to get their kids to reach their destination.  

But, is it really safe to let them travel alone?

Let’s do some fact-checking

Both Uber and Ola have definite rules regarding travel with minors, under the age of 18.

According to Uber, a rider must be at least 18 years of age to have an Uber account and request rides. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by someone 18 years of age or older on any ride. [Source]

Ola follows with, ‘Customers must not book rides for children under 18 years of age unless they are accompanied by an adult for the entire duration of the trip. [Source]

So, this definitely is against their company policies. Yet, we have parents relying on their services for their children. 

The drivers perhaps are unaware of the rules and hence picking up minors. We overlook the fact that these drivers do not go through a very stringent security checklist. The screening process that any cab service provider company uses is minimal. 

Are we really confident of the drivers we send our kids with, entrusting them with the safety of our child?

Can you rest assured about the safety of your child? We think not!

What is the alternative, you may ask! How do we manage our hectic schedule, balance everything and also without fail, take our children to places where they should be? No parent ever wants to compromise on the security of their children and you don’t have to start now. 

PIGGYRIDE is the answer!

If you’re looking for a transportation solution to get your children to their school, institutions, birthday parties and more, then a transport service which is meant to serve adults might not be ideal unless you can also be in the car with your children. 

This is where Piggyride comes in. Piggy Ride allows you to easily set up a time for pick up and drop home from your destinations on days when you have scheduling conflicts. Or if you want a regular pick up on a certain time of the day, every day, Piggy Ride helps with that too. Unlike other cab services, Piggy Ride is regulated, and all drivers undergo thorough different steps of verification including a criminal background check and police verification. 

You can read more about the safety features of PiggyRideClick here

PiggyRide cab
PiggyRide Cab

Not only that, they have a full stack of complex tracking and surveillance technologies to make your child’s ride a safe and comfortable one. From Vehicle Immobilizers, Smart Video Surveillance (inside the car and the traffic outside with the help of outward camera), Geofencing to Live GPS Tracking, they have all their security features in place. Your child is the safest when he/she is riding a Piggy Ride

No more worrying over your child’s safety. No worrying about juggling around to accommodate your schedule.

You sit back and relax and let Piggy Ride take over! Take a Piggy Ride today to find out more!

And do not forget to share your feedback with us. We are waiting to hear from you. 

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Sudha Jain

A deep-rooted passion, writing for me is as much a pleasure as it is business.
I have written for a number of English Dailies including Deccan Herald and The Hindu, covering a range of subjects from homes and interiors, lifestyle to education. I am currently working with several companies such as KITES senior care, Footprints forever store, Piggyride, etc. as content writer and blogger. I am also a trained counselor for adolescents and adults.
My life’s passions are my two daughters, my husband, family, books, music, writing, nature and traveling, not necessarily in that order.

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