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Awesome Parenting – 17 Ways to Bring the Best Out of Your Child

Children, the little miracles that make the life of parents wonderful. Each time I look at my daughter, I thank Almighty for giving me the best ever thing. She has made my life worth living and I become more focused since ever she was born. Parenthood comes with no manuals, yet we can create an awesome parenting journey and help ourselves to raise a confident kid and bring the best out of them.

Today I am writing my 100th Blog on PiggyRide, and it’s overwhelming for me. I wrote all blogs with a common aim in my mind, that is – making parenting journey and upbringing of kids easy for each parent out there. Be it a topic around heath or fitness of kids or be it developing their minds by picking an extra curriculum activity for better learning purposes, I tried my best to jot down the unique writing piece. I as a parent to my toddler know the struggles and concerns that we come across, hence I could write it all with personal experience & struggles in it.

So, coming back to my topic, I wanted to write something special today as a note of gratitude that I owe to PiggyRide and the Parents whose support helped me to come so far. For today, I chose the theme awesome parenting, where I will be taking you around 17 ways to bring the best out of your child. Excited?

awesome parenting

Here we go –

1. Never compare your kids’ achievements to anyone, not even a sibling. Encourage them to compare themselves to their own past performance. This is very important because comparisons hurt.

2. Encourage your child to take a front seat while choosing a field interest for themselves, be it picking a hobby or be it enrolling in any extra curriculum classes. Support their visions without forcing them or pressurizing them for some other niche because of no reason.

3. Encourage your child to read, it will open the horizon of learning greatly. Read with them, create a learning atmosphere at home, and watch them getting exposed to a sea of knowledge.

Related Article: 10 Reasons Why Book Reading Is Important for Kids

4. It is good to appreciate their effort, celebrate small wins.  Set aside a wall/corner of your home for displaying creations and certificates and awards. It motivates them to do better.

5. Share inspirational stories of family members who succeeded in life, even you can share your own achievements. I keep on telling my daughter about this. She hears to them very carefully.

6. Take out time for them, that’s the best gift you can give them. Have a regular family time for reading, eating together listening to music, going out, talking and communicating. This helps them to bond well and keeps their back strong. This is very important to build the journey of the awesome parenting

Related Article: 10 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Kids

7. Apart from food, clothes and schooling, make sure you provide them with the things that will help them explore learning.  Maybe a guitar, or painting material or booking an online class or workshop for them to keep them engaged.


8. Accept if they make mistakes/failures.  We all are humans and make one. Don’t raise hue & cry over it, and don’t drag it to all. Sort it down with your kid. Also, there is no point of embarrassing them in front of others for the thing that is already gone, instead teach them/counsel them for future.

9. Have realistic expectations, and age specific one as well, don’t expect your 8 year to behave like a 15 year. Don’t bring unnecessary pressure to them, let them learn, and grow with time.

10 Allow your child to participate in school extra curriculum activities that interest them, All work and no play made Jack dull boy, remember?

11. Discourage gender bias. Make sure you don’t support it, neither make your kid to get exposed to such things. Expose your child to both feminine and masculine toys and activities. Similarly, teach them cooking is not for women only, the same way earning and spending on family is not men only.

12. Apologize when you are wrong, admit your mistakes. Apologizing to Your kids builds humility and respect, and clears the pathway for better connection with them.

13. Give them a chance to explore and try things. Let them fail, get hurt, and make mistakes. Let them learn of their own in their style.

awesome parenting

14. The most effective way to get kids to speak to you and to others respectfully and to interact with others nicely is by doing exactly that yourself when you interact with your child. Be a role model to them, they learn what you showcase, not what you tell.

15. Stand back and watch your child blossom with confidence, don’t let anyone comment on their choices, instead stand with them like a pillar.

16. Give them responsibilities, it makes kids strengthen their abilities, turning them into strong individuals. Start slowly. It would be unrealistic to expect your kids to be able to manage things of their own. Pick a single thing and assign and hold them accountable for it.

17. Prioritize their mental health, make sure they are comfortable of their problems with you. Talking about mentally strong kids and not talking about mental health is absolutely not a good idea. Talk with them, keep on checking with them, and if you find anything unusual take it up. Seek medical help if required.

Important life lessons

Well, there are unending tips that I can share here, so that you make your kids smarter, sharper and confident. For today, I am wrapping it here and will come more amazing topics for making your parenting journey incredible. Do share your tips on today’s theme – We are listening!

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.