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Pro Tips To Write A Perfect Essay

Writing an exemplary essay often proves to be a tedious task. The process to discover lengthy information from various resources, either online or offline, is full-time work. Then you have to start working on compiling all the data in hand. And lastly, represent it in such a way to make it more presentable for the people you are going to submit it to. It becomes challenging to find the best way to write an essay until it is not.

A person is writing on a copy

Essay writing expects creativity and logical planning from the writers. A thoroughly written essay evaluates the strength of critical thinking and the ability to be more agile and more responsive to the surroundings to represent your point in the best way possible. The most suitable way to write an essay is to focus on what is on your schedule. Essay writing helps people in developing argumentative capabilities using solid proof, analysis based on concrete debates, and interpretation of the resources they have learned & studied.

During your time of the study, whether as a kid or an adult, you get the opportunity to write numerous essays. Some of them are undoubtedly the best, while some of them are the worst, which reminds you why you need to work on your essay writing skills. Are you still contemplating how to work on your essay? Do not worry! We have got you covered. Here are the best ways to write an essay with ease:

1) Better Prepare Yourself Than Feel Sorry Later

Someone is writing

The best way to write an essay is to prepare by planning everything. To accomplish that, you need to organize a clear idea either on paper or on a digital device that explains what you are trying to achieve and how you are planning to do that. To get a definite result, you need to understand the assignment at hand. Try to comprehend its goal, its expected length, and the deadline. Next, work on the essay’s topic. The best way to ace writing an essay is to choose the topic you know about already or choose a topic where your interest lies. It will give you an upper hand in elaborating the things you have quite a bit of idea.

After finalizing the topic, dive into the research. Work on finding primary and secondary resources. It will help you in finding out more about the chosen topic. Now, come up with the perfect thesis. It is the central part of your essay where you try to prove your point by stating facts and figures that you have researched already. Also, never forget to outline the structure of your essay. It will help in completing the essay more professionally. And now, you are almost set to start writing the essay.

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2) Now, Come To Writing The Finest Introduction

A paper has introduction written on it

Working to start writing anything is the most crucial aspect. You always find yourself in the labyrinth of “where to begin?”. While writing the introduction, try to focus on writing something catchy, which tends to grab the attention of the reader in no time. The introduction part will take approximately 10-20% of your texts. The best way to write an essay’s introduction is by writing an interesting question in the beginning, a fact no one knows, or a statement that makes your essay topic more relevant. Try to give your reader a background on your chosen topic. A factual context that will make the reader understand in an instant what you are trying to say. Provide the references that you found initially and their relevance to the topic. Just the tiny bit of each point, and don’t elaborate on everything in the introduction. 

Now, come to the thesis statement, which provides a position on the topic and focus. In the long essays, you can show a pointer and explain what will be covered in the whole essay, whereas, in a short essay, you can explain a little about the topic that will come next.

3) The Central Part Of The Essay, the Main Body

Someone is typing on laptop

The main body is the part where you support your arguments, and provide the necessary information & proofs, all the while developing the idea about where the essay is heading and what is its purpose, to begin with. The best way to write an essay is to present more factual information and then explain the details based on concrete references. 

Also, the length of the essay body completely depends upon the type you choose to write. It usually comprises around 60-80% of the essay space. If you are writing a normal school essay, it can wind up in between three to four paragraphs. But if you are writing an essay for college or a scholarship, then you need to focus more on the pieces of evidence, factual accuracy, length of words, and so on. The best way to write an essay is to segregate it properly into paragraphs. It gives your essay a clear format and points out the main elements. You can use transition words to make your essay looks more academically inclined and adhere to the outlines.

4) Summing Up The Essay, Documenting Conclusion

A banner with a conclusion written on it

The conclusion is the final and last part of the essay. Here, you must explain your thesis or main part elaboration in concise points. Your motive behind choosing the particular topic, by binding all the elements you used while writing the particular essay, and also show the reader why your arguments matter or why anyone should be working on it. Your concluding paragraph must leave a lasting impact on the reader so that it stays with them for a long time. 

The best way to write an essay is to check its credibility. While submitting the completed essay, try to make sure that all the citations you used must be accurate and followed by the proper guideline.

Final Words

Essay writing is an art that not many people out there excel in. The best way to write an essay is to master the sentence construction, correct usage of tenses, follow the set guidelines, using concrete facts and statements, all the while sharpening grammar in the process. It seems monotonous in the beginning, but once you get the hang of the thing, it will be more delightful than anything in the world. 

If you are looking for a place where you can practice your English skill or work on grammar to write an impeccable essay to prove you are unbeatable, then look no further. Visit Piggy Ride, a website that has numerous online English classes suitable for kids and students from reputed & talented tutors. It is up to you whether you want to hone your grammar skills or learn English from the scratch; the choice is yours.

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Shireen Ansari

Hello Folks!
My name is Shireen. I work as a content writer at Piggy Ride. I completed MA in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Lucknow. I am a passionate writer and an avid reader.

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