The outbreak of the covid-19 virus has made every one of us realize the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness. Therefore, to avoid the spread of Covid-19 infection you must be vigilant and follow some essential cleaning habits to avoid the spread of the covid-19 virus. In fact, to date, various researches are being conducted on the Covid-19 virus, because of its rapid mutations and the associated risks. Though the virus mostly spreads through the respiratory droplets of an infected person, which later gets into the mouth, nose, and even eyes of the people around.

People can also get infected by touching their mouth, nose, and eyes after coming into contact with the infected person or a surface. The virus has the potential to survive on surfaces for hours up to several hours. And do you know what’s the good news? Just follow simple cleaning habits to avoid the spread of Covid-19 infection. In this article, we will throw a light on different and effective cleaning habits to avoid Covid-19 infection.
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Important Cleaning Habits To Avoid The Spread Of Covid-19 Infection
1. Personal Hygiene

The best way to stay safe and healthy is by ensuring that you don’t compromise with your personal hygiene at any cost. And this step will ensure the well-being of your entire family.
a) Avoid Touching Your Face

As already stated above, you must not touch your face with infected and dirty hands. Therefore, avoid touching your face, nose, and mouth.
b) Don’t Cough or Sneeze on Your Hands

This is another important way to prevent the spread of covid-19 infection. Make sure that you either use a handkerchief while coughing or wear a mask so that you don’t end up coughing on people around you. This step will further reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
c) Maintain Social Distancing

“ 1 Kadam Ki Duri Hai Zaruri”. Keeping this motto in mind, make sure that you are maintaining a proper distance while talking to anyone. Maintain a distance of 1 meter or 3 feet.
d) Make Mask Your Best Friend

Mask is the ultimate sword with which you can win your battle against the Covid-19 infection. Make sure that you wear a 3-layer mask in public. In summers you can opt for masks made out of cotton as you will breathe more easily and comfortably.
e) Wash Your Hands

Just like a mask and social distancing, even washing your hands is very important to stay safe against the virus. Therefore, this is one of the most essential cleaning habits to avoid the spread of Covid-19 infection. Wash your hands with soap and water for a period of 20 to 30 seconds. Make sure that you and your family members wash hands before blowing your nose, sneezing into a tissue, before and after removing your mask, while using the washroom, when you leave and return to your home, and before and after eating your food. Apart from washing your hands, make sure that you carry a pocket sanitizer wherever you go.
2. Home Cleanliness

Just like your personal hygiene, even home cleaning is of utmost importance when it comes to the covid-19 infection. You must thoroughly clean and disinfect high-touched surfaces in your home on a daily basis to further cut down the risk of infection.
a) Cleaning and Disinfection of High Touch Surfaces

Every home is different when it comes to interior and architectural design. However, the most commonly touched surfaces include doorknobs, tables, chairs, kitchen, and bathroom surfaces, taps, switches, mobile phones, computers, tablets, keyboards, remote control, and toys. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you thoroughly disinfect and clean all the things mentioned above.
b) Things To Use For Cleaning and Disinfecting

If a surface is dirty and unhygienic, start by cleaning it with soap or a mixture of detergent and water. As a next step, make use of a disinfectant product consisting of alcohol or bleach. Avoid using vinegar and various other natural ingredients. In most of the areas in your home, it might get difficult to disinfect with sprays and wipes, so make sure you use soap and water to clean those surfaces.
c) How to Disinfect

While cleaning your surfaces, make sure to not wipe off the cleaning solutions once you have applied them to the surface. Most of the disinfectant products such as wipes and sprays-, should stay wet on the surface for several minutes for effective results. As a caution of advice, always read the directions before using the product and follow all the necessary protocols to avoid damaging sensitive items like mobile phones and other electronic devices. You can also consider the option of using wipeable covers for your electronic gadgets.
3. Laundry Cleaning

Apart from cleaning home surfaces and maintaining personal hygiene, another thing that is very important is laundry cleaning and maintenance. Listed down below are the different ways by which you can clean your laundry items.
a) Make sure that you use the possible warmed water setting and thoroughly dry the items.
b) If a person is sick, wash their laundry separately.
c) In case you are taking away dirty laundry from a sick person, make sure that you wear gloves and a mask.
d) Clean the laundry basket according to the instructions for different types of surfaces.
e) Make sure that you wash your hands after handling dirty laundry.
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This helpful guide will help you in protecting yourself and your family from the deadly covid-19 virus. Make sure that you take all the necessary precautions and steps to limit the contamination caused by airborne droplets or from touching surfaces with your dirty and contaminated hands. Make sure that you disinfect your home especially when someone is sick or someone who has been infected with the virus. And make sure that you keep the disinfectants out of your children’s reach. By following these simple and effective steps you can surely win a battle against the Covid-19 virus.
PiggyRide is India’s leading online ed-tech platform that not only offers comprehensive online courses for your kids but we also offer parenting tips and advice to make your parenting journey truly worthy. In such hard times, make sure that you don’t stress yourself and your kids. Maintain a happy and positive environment around them. You can keep your kids busy by enrolling them in our online classes and free workshops that will make them more creative and will enhance their skills. Remember to fight back the novel covid-19 virus, all you need is your mask and sanitizer. For further assistance and queries, you can post your questions on our Q/A section.
Remember prevention is better than cure, so stay safe and healthy!
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