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Excellent Tips For Balancing Studies with Extracurricular Activities

Do you want your child to acquire the most valuable skills of 2022? So, extracurricular activities help students develop career-ready skills of their choice.  Isn’t this amazing? This article will assist you with excellent tips for balancing studies with extracurricular activities.

Did you know companies like Google and Apple require no degree or prior experience to join them? Because, in the next 5-10 years, skills will speak more than just a piece of degree in hand. Hence, developing skills beyond textbooks will provide a comprehensive edge over others. Moreover, it’s a healthy habit for kids to balance studies with extracurricular activities. 

Academic studies are bound to a few concepts, but exposing your children to extracurricular activities will help them develop life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving ability, analytical thinking, creativity, reasoning skills, and multi-tasking. Thus, as parents, give your kids space to explore their interests, passion, and hobbies through extracurricular learning. 

In this competitive world, instilling skills and being an all-rounder is more beneficial than restricting children to a four-wall classroom learning. So, here are the excellent tips for balancing studies with extracurricular activities.

Excellent Tips For Balancing Studies with Extracurricular Activities

1. Create A Proper Time-Table 

Creating a proper timetable for balancing studies with extracurricular activities is the best way to give water to your child’s budding skills. Typically, students and parents focus primarily on creating a schedule for academic subjects. However, you can schedule extracurricular activities in between their study sessions. 

Furthermore, it can help students build life skills without compromising their studies. For example, if your child enjoys playing cricket or badminton, you can enroll them in respective coaching and create a timetable for them that will support their passions and interests.

There are a lot of extracurricular activities for kids which can help them build necessary skills which will also help them in their careers. Like, these activities can help your child to develop communication skills, leadership skills, empathy, confidence, sportsmanship, problem-solving skills, and more.

Related Article: 7 Essential Tips To Prepare Your Child For Preschool

2. Manage A Healthy Lifestyle

Managing healthy and positive sleeping and eating habits can help you balance your academics with extracurricular activities more efficiently. It might sound simple, but there are a lot of factors to take into account when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Having good food and sleep is extremely important in your daily life to stay active, energetic, motivated, and focused. 

Sleeping on time and including a lot of veggies in your diet will not let your kids feel lethargic or sleepy after a long day. They will still feel motivated enough to pursue their passions and find time for online extracurricular activities.

It is also an effective way of de-stressing yourself after a hectic school schedule. In addition, if kids will sleep and eat much better, they will perform better during your classes and beyond them.

3. Let Kids Choose The Unique Extracurricular Activities

online chess classes

It’s a proven fact that kids will find it less hectic if they choose an activity for themselves. They will be more motivated if they can choose the activity they want to do rather than being forced or pressured to learn something.

There are a lot of extracurricular activities for students to pursue, but pushing your kids into learning something they’re not even interested in will always create resentment.

 Moreover, if you pressurize kids for some activities, it might be hard to fit into daily schedules, and children will need a lot of time to prepare themselves mentally.

This is why it is essential to let your children choose whatever extracurricular activities they are interested in and set up things so that they can find the time to practice them.

4. Ditching Offline Classes Over Online

Choosing online extracurricular activities over offline classes is one of the best tips for balancing studies with extracurricular activities. It saves a lot of travel time. Moreover, it can be difficult for a child to find skilled tutors and classes near your location, but online classes have overcome geographical barriers. 

So, children can study from anywhere and also choose their tutors. Furthermore, kids can save more energy if there is no travelling time. Also, this is a proven fact that travelling always makes kids feel lethargic and sleepy. However, if a child is interested in classes that can only be taught offline, the above points are necessary to note.

5. Devote Time On Weekends

The point is to incorporate extracurricular activities in a kid’s life. So, if not possible daily, you can enroll in 1:1 online extracurricular activities that will provide you complete flexibility in choosing timings and days. Moreover, weekends are the best for kids to channel their energies through creative and unique extracurricular activities.

 Activities like online sketching classes, online dance classes, or music classes can help kids be more productive on weekends. It is a great way to let them be more focused, creative, and energized. It can help kids get closer to their passions, as well as enhance their personality and individuality. 

So it’s important to make extracurricular activities a part of your child’s life to assist them with building the right skills for future success! It’s also important to allow them to express themselves through many creative and unique activities that they want to pursue. Moreover, It increases their confidence and boosts their self-esteem, as well as makes life more rewarding.

Related Article: 6 Surefire Ways to Encourage Kids For Extracurricular Activities

Final Thoughts

Extracurricular learning and academics go hand-in-hand and none’s value can be undermined without the other. Hence, the key is to let kids choose unique extracurricular activities according to their interests.

If that’s not possible daily, you can enroll them for online extracurricular activities which provide complete flexibility in choosing timings and days. Moreover, such activities channel their energies through creative and unique learning and keep their mental health in check.

It helps them get closer to their passions and become more productive and efficient over the long run. Such online extracurricular activities help them boost their self-esteem and confidence, which is an essential part of human development. 

These 5 excellent tips for balancing studies with extracurricular activities will help you to manage time. Moreover, PiggyRide is a leading platform that offers unlimited extracurricular activities for kids according to age and interest. You can check out PiggyRide’s website and browse its courses. These classes are led by expert and professional tutors to provide the best and the most engaging extracurricular learning experiences.

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Nidhi Arora

Hi Friends! I am Nidhi Arora.
I am working as a content writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in literature and am currently pursuing an MA in Literature. I am an enthusiastic reader and a dedicated writer.

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