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Helpful Tips To Overcome Procrastination During Exam Times

Examination season is around the corner and it can be stressful and nerve-wracking. On one hand, stress can be a big motivator, while on the other being too nervous or tense can cause problems, and even lead to a mental breakdown or anxiety. To help you with your exam preparation, we have come up with a helpful guide on how to overcome procrastination during exam times. Gone are the days when students used to put in months of hard work and efforts for exam preparation, today the scenario has completely changed.

To add to this, kids prepare to study only 2 to 4 days before exams. This is not the best and the healthy way to approach an exam. It’s time to wave goodbye to your procrastination and adhere to a proper and systematic exam schedule. Start your day by making a list of all the exams and the dates. Once that is done, properly prepare and organize your study. Try to achieve the perfect balance between studies and exam preparation.

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Let’s take a look at some of the simple and effective ways to overcome procrastination during exam times.

Effective Tips To Overcome Procrastination During Exam Times

1. Revamp Your Study Space

a study desk

Procrastination can be caused due to a multitude of factors from uncomfortable sitting arrangements to bad lighting. So start by properly utilizing the study space, and spread out your books and notes evenly. Try to get rid of all sorts of distractions, and make sure you feel 100% comfortable and fresh. For some kids, this means complete silence, while for other kids listening to music can give them peace. Today, kids have become so particular that they want everything to be clean and tidy and this will help them to concentrate better while other kids thrive in a more cluttered environment. Try to experiment with what arrangement will work the best for your kids.

2. Try To Take Short Periods of Break

kids taking break while studying

No matter what your brain also needs rest just like your body. Continuous hours of study is not possible especially when the brain is tired. So dedicate 25-30 minutes of break for yourself. Try to make productive use of your break time or free time by doing something that you like whether it is listening to music or reading a book for that matter. Short periods of break will keep your brain active and fresh. Moreover, it will enable you to stay focused.

3. Keep Moving Your Body

girl cooking

Another way to keep up with your studies is to move your body around and this will further help in stimulating the flow of blood in your body. And this can be easily done by doing simple activities such as taking a shower, cleaning your workspace, stretching, or simply taking a walk. In the end, the choice of movement is not important but pumping blood to your body to stimulate the brain to work is what matters. Sitting on the same chair for the entire day will not work for you as it will only increase your laziness.

4. Make Your Daily Tasks Visually More Appealing

colorful  notes

Another effective way to wave goodbye to exam time procrastination is to make your work desk and notes visually more appealing. Today, so many colorful stationery items are available in the market, and using that you can make your work desk more colorful and bright. From stick-on notes to neon-color highlighters. Seeing colorful and bright things around you will enable you to study and put in all your efforts for the upcoming exam season.

5. Celebrate Little Achievements

father surprising his daughter

Everyone loves surprises and celebrations. We know that kids love to watch cartoons more in comparison to their studies. So, to watch cartoons during the ongoing exam season, make sure that you complete all your assigned tasks whether it is the revision or completing a chapter in a day. Once you achieve all the tasks then don’t forget to reward yourself. By reward, we mean that you can watch your favorite cartoon or do whatever you want to do. Rewards will act as positive reinforcement for the kids and will motivate them to study harder.

6. Study When You Feel More Efficient

girl studying

While some kids are fully aware during the early hours of the morning while others can study at night. So for kids, it is important to listen to their body clock and study accordingly. Again parents should not force anything on their children and let them do what they want. Give your kids the freedom to choose the time and study that will suit them the best. And in all this make sure that they complete their 8 hours of sleep cycle too.

7. Do Not Stress

father daughter playing

Stress can only make things worse. So make sure that there is no panic and stress around your home. Every time your kids feel anxious or a little de-motivated try to cite real-life examples and make them understand how can they succeed if they will study hard. Take all the necessary steps to make your kids happy and provide a positive environment for them.

8. Eat Healthy and Exercise

Indian girl eating healthy food

This is again one of the oldest yet most effective tips that will help you to prepare your kids better for their exams. Avoiding aerated drinks and junk food can boost your academic performance as your blood sugar levels won’t go up. You can give your kids nuts, whole grains, and berries.

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These are the 8 helpful tips using which you can overcome procrastination in kids during exam time. We understand that examination season can be stressful and overwhelming for your little ones. But rather than fixating on that stress and causing anxiety, as parents you should talk to your kids and motivate them to study harder. Encourage them to do well in exams and not stress them to top the exams. All these measures will not help your kids to score well in exams but will also keep them happy.

You can also seek help from PiggyRide, India’s finest online learning platform for kids and parents. We will help you with all your exam-related queries and try to provide the best possible solutions. You can also explore our website and look for trending online courses for your kids. Our platform offers the best online chess classes. So, take your kid’s imagination to the next level with our online chess classes. Apart from chess, you can also explore different extracurricular courses.
Keep studying and do well in exams!

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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