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How Reading Is Important For Children

When was the last time you asked your kids to read a book other than their coursebook?

Do your kids daily reading habit includes reading their coursebook and Facebook posts?

If yes, then you’re making your kids one of the countless people who don’t make a habit of reading regularly and miss out on the biggest habit of several benefits.

“According to a study if your kids are studying just 15 minutes or more per day, then  they are improving their reading skills at an accelerated rate.” 

Reading has no doubt a significant number of benefits, and here’re with this infographic we would like to guide you that why reading is so much important for your kids.

Take Away

Going through the infographic, you must have gained this information that how reading every day can change your kid’s life.

As a parent, you should always show your kids instead of ordering them to do. So here is a suggestion for you- start reading in front of your kids and make them feel that the habit of reading is a cool and interesting thing and see how they’ll develop this habit soon in themselves. 

Let us know about some habits that your kid would like to see in your kids and we will guide you on how to develop that in your kid in our next write up.

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Namrata Kashyap

Namrata Kashyap is an Inbound Marketer and Writer who enjoys reading and drafting interesting and valuable content. She is a Manager in Content and Marketing in PiggyRide.

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Parul Wagh
Parul Wagh

Hi Namrata,

Your blog made a nice read and I do believe habit of reading is boosted with storytelling.

I am a Storyteller and would love to interact with children online. Do let me know if your team is interested to have me on board.

Parul Wagh