Just like our education system, even our work culture has gone online and most of the companies around the world have resorted to working from home keeping the Covid situation in mind. People are being advised to stay at home, to avoid exposure to the pandemic. However, with your child at home, this can be a cumbersome task as you also have to cater to your little one’s needs and also meet professional deadlines, apart from your usual household chores.

Sometimes managing work from home with toddlers can be an upheaval task. There are parents for whom working from home is a blessing in disguise as they can do their work and look after their children easily. However, having your office at home can cause some serious problems especially when you have a toddler to cater to. Hence, in this article, we will be sharing some easy and effective ways that you can follow while working from home with toddlers.
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Effective Tips For Managing Work From Home With Toddlers
1. Get Up Early

This is one of the best ways to get the most out of your work. So, make it a habit to get up earlier than your usual time and try to finish as much work as possible. This is an effective tip for managing your work from home with toddlers. Make a habit of setting an alarm clock an hour or 2 before the day starts. In case you happen to be a morning person and your brain tends to be active at that time of the day, then tackle your projects at that time to avoid all the distractions. However, in case you are not a morning person then also you can utilize the time effectively. Start your morning by having a cup of tea or coffee, and then take time to organize yourself, respond to the office emails, and plan out your workday efficiently.
2. Properly Modify Your Work Routine

Working from home doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your daily household chores. That is why it is advisable that you should maintain a regular work routine that is from having breakfast on time to doing other activities throughout the day. However, with your toddler at home, you must do some modifications in your daily routine so that your workday doesn’t get hampered. In order to manage your work from home with toddlers, you must not neglect your physical and mental health. Make sure that when you get up, allocate some time for your physical health and well-being.
3. Plan Your Day in Advance

When working from home, make sure that you plan your day in advance. Keep a proper track record of your child’s schedule and the household chores that you want to do while also completing your work from home, and also assign the duties equally between you and your family members.
4. Divide and Share Duties

There is absolutely no need for you to overburden yourself with all the work and household chores. To do your work effectively with your toddler, make sure that you divide all the childcare duties and household chores equally with your partner. By doing this, you will be able to manage your work from home with toddlers more easily and it will also help you in getting all the work done on time. Furthermore, it will also help you in understanding and supporting your partner better.
5. Engage Your Toddler

Another great and effective way to manage your toddler and work from home together is to look for different ways by which you can engage your toddler and keep them busy. You can enroll your toddler in various online activities such as online dance classes, or online chess classes. These activities will help your toddler stay busy and you will be able to do all your work without any distractions. You can also explore the official website of PiggyRide, and explore their free workshops and online classes. Moreover, your kids will thoroughly enjoy themselves.
6. Work Towards Your Realistic Goals

To avoid clutter and stress, plan out and set some realistic goals focusing on your personal as well as professional life. These goals will help you in achieving your tasks and they will eliminate all the stress and anxiety from your life. Goals will also help you in striking a balance between your professional and personal life. To add to this, you will be able to manage the expectations of your child and others in a better way.
7. Make Way For a Nap Time

When you are a work-from-home parent, make sure that you have included a napping time for your child. Well, nap time is not only important for your work but it is also important for your child’s overall growth and development. If possible, try to encourage a long nap time of 2-3 hours for the toddlers.
8. Communicate With Your Child

Another great tip to strike a balance between your work from home with toddlers is that you should communicate with your kids more often. Though your kids are small, talk to them and try to explain to them the overall situation. Explain to them the reason why you all should stay indoors, and how it can help them stay safe. As a parent, make sure that you keep a sufficient amount of time for your child so that you can spend quality time with them after your workday is over. No matter what, keep talking to them and make sure that you are not neglecting their needs or their wishes.
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These are the 8 ways by which you can manage your work from home with toddlers effectively and efficiently. As working from home has become mainstream due to the Covid-19 pandemic, make sure that you stick to the above measures so that the entire process turns out to be a smooth journey for you and your child. If possible, try to arrange your work desk in or around your child’s room so that you are able to monitor your child and your work in a better manner.
This step might sound difficult, but trust us that it will make things easy and manageable for you. Implementing the right strategies will enable you to finish off your day with productivity. As we already mentioned above, to manage your work from home with toddlers in a better way, you can also enroll your kids in various online classes. At PiggyRide, we offer a range of comprehensive courses based on extracurricular activities and these are specially designed for your little ones. Because we have always focused on making learning more fun and collaborative, you can enroll your child in any of the online classes that will align with your child’s needs the best. And don’t forget that working from home can be hard on kids too. So, once you are done with your work, give your child plenty of time, and love.