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How To Spend Mother’s Day [2020] With Your Kids

How To Spend Mother's Day [2020] With Your Kids

Well, By now all the viewers out there know me as the Parenthood/Motherhood blogger –  It is my 20th blog on Piggyride which coincidently falls on Mother’s day – A day of recognition for mother’s love celebrated all over the world.

Indeed, I take pride that I am known for being a motherhood blogger in my span apart from my other career accomplishments. 

I wrote my first blog on one of the other popular blogging sites 2 years back out of choice, the reason for writing was it was my first day of my daughter at playschool. I was going through mixed feelings.

Then, I wrote a few blogs over there and left it as it is and got busy with my work – Yes, I am a Digital Marketer and SEO Analyst by Profession!

Fortunately, 5 months back I started off my blogging journey on this platform again, and trust me I am overwhelmed every minute for it. It is the voice of my feelings about being a mother. It is love, struggles, sacrifices that the journey of mothers goes through!

How To Spend Mother's Day [2020] With Your Kids

There is no synonymous for Mother’s Love – their love is unconditional. So, let’s take a pledge to celebrate mother’s day by wishing all the mothers with our hearts and honor them each day of the year for everything.
I am the mother of a 4-year cheerful girl and for her, whatsoever day is she is one who needs attention and she should be the focal point.

Be it my birthday, her dad’s or her’s – Be it children’s day or Mother’s Day She is one who needs pampering, a chance to cut a cake and at times a gift too. I remember this valentine my husband got 2 roses, needless to say, one was for her! After all, Love for children is natural and endless. 
This Mother’s Day as we are already home and obviously no outing due to lockdown which is for our own safety.

I am spending my full day with my girl, though we are always together. Today It is going be an amazing treat to me to cherish the relation of being a mother.
For those who have toddlers, mothers can help them in making beautiful memories for themselves this Mother’s Day.

Things I am going to on this mother’s day and would suggest you also try-

1. No work

 I am a freelancer and yes at times of urgency I work on weekends.  But I am not available for work today. I have finished the deadlines for my work prior to time.  Time is the greatest gift you can give your child.

At times, my daughter asks me if I can work later and see her ongoing craft and contribute to it. I without a second rush to the hall with her.

2. Less To No Screen Time

 I am one who uses phone most of my time because of most of the work requirements, answering queries, replying to blog comments and more. For this Sunday, I will be minimizing it or can go completely by not using it! Again, to spend more time with my Little one.

3.  Help Them Making A Card/ Some Craft

I heard my husband was telling my girl, tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and my daughter within a second said oh means we have to get a rose for mummy! And within a fraction of a second came another line from her only – oh we can’t go out, there are germs(referring to coronavirus). With another pause, we will draw a rose at home! 

Help Them Making A Card/ Some Craft

 I was amazed to see her love and idea. I will help her to make the one and help her to express her feelings. It will be her first-ever handmade card. Last year, I remember she got me a rose and chocolates along with her dad and tried to wish me with broken words(she was less than 3 years back than).

4. Make Them Your Friend

Well, my girl to close to 4 years old, this Mother’s Day I thought of introducing the concept of sharing things with me related to anything. I have seen even small kids unintentionally lying to parents out of fear for the smallest things, like spoiling a mat, messing up with parents belonging, etc.

Fear should never be a factor for your child to hide things from you. I am going to teach her the basic concept of good touch and a bad touch too.

5. Doing What They Love

Well, my daughter has two things which have immense love for – One is swimming other is Dancing. She can dance anywhere on anything – Be it even a 10 second ringtone.

She is a born dancer. She performed well at the stage even at the age of 2.5 years without any fear.  She loves dancing to the core and luckily, we have a live dance session today on the piggy ride.

I have told my daughter about it and I have already answering her unending queries. She is excited and I am happy for her too.

When you are a mother, the smallest things related to your children give you the biggest memories for life

– Nafiya Ayub khan

What are you doing on this Mother’s Day ?

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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I love you bio more than the article itself. I wish health and prosperity for you and your child. For Birthday Wishes for mom, visit us


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