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How To Talk To Your Daughter About Periods [6 Effective Tips]

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Periods

As a daughter first and later as a mother of a girl child. I found myself very lucky to share a bond of a daughter with my mom and likewise a motherly bond with my daughter.

For many, having a girl child is a challenging task but I take it as a pleasure as I have some wonderful lessons to share with my girl and one of those is guiding her on her first periods. Yes, you got it correct Menstrual Guidance for my girl child on her first period.

Let’s go-ahead to have a look at 6 tips for guiding your daughters about their first Periods.

1. Share Your Story With Them

Being a sibling of an elder sister I got to learn all this from my elder sister along with my mom. I was 13-year-old when I entered this new puberty stage and luckily I was at home but unluckily my mom and sister were not around me.

Whilst this situation I was able to handle myself in absence of them with the pieces of learning I found from both. I tried to manage things and called them up after walking myself out from that crick time to tell about the same. I shared this incidence with my girl kid made her know that it is not something very casual and congenial.

2. Let Her Know What It Is

Yes, an explanation is needed about what it is actually? You as a mother must be friendly to your daughter and let her know that what is this major thing in a girl’s life. Some of the important questions that you must discuss with your girl are-

What it turns up into?

Why it is important?

Why does it happen?

At what age it starts and for how long it stays?

Make her feel comfortable about this so that she can feel happy about getting it instead of being embarrassed or shame. Tell her it is a milestone every girl has to achieve in her life.

Related Article: 7 Secrets Of Raising A Confident Girl Child

3. Talk To Her About The Supplies Needed

Don’t switch your TV channels while any sanitary napkin commercial is broadcasting. When your girl kid is nearly around 8 to 12 years old, as this is the age when sooner or later girls start bleeding.

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Periods

This TV commercial will help you to develop a platform to speak about the supplies and the items needed during periods and what is this commercial is for. With this, you can start your conversation about what the periods are and what is required when you are entering your periods’ stage.

You can help with the usage of it and the ways to maintain primary hygiene and a spotless time.

4. Eliminate The Myths From Her Mind

We have reached the 20th century but still, there are myths related to menstruation evolve around our society which results in girls being shameful of bleeding.

Her friends may tell her don’t go to the worship room or temple, don’t wash your hair, do not talk to anyone about periods, all these things can make her anxious, sometimes sick and sad she can feel dirt for herself and can hurt her mentality.

Thus, you must help her dispel these myths and letting her know that it’s a natural process and you are not the only one who undergoes this, tell her other women to have this time too.

5. Avoid Negativity

Most importantly, Mothers can only help their dolls in removing the negativity about menstruation cycles. Back pains, lower abdomen pains, stress, irritations are not the ones you can count as negative aspects of periods. While these are some hormonal symptoms in your life that you are growing and entering adulthood.

Tell her that it is a natural process of becoming a woman and again all women share and bear this.

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6. Mark the Date & Carry The Necessary Items

Guide your baby girl about First practice of keeping the record of dates she is having her periods as this cycle continues in every 29 days, so it is likely to get repeat nearby the dates as of previous months and hence can keep herself ready with the first aids required like pads, some painkiller, wearing dark shades and avoiding heavy burdens.

She can also discuss these things with her friends so that if they are around her in school or play areas that can be of much help in need.

Take Away

The more kids know about hormonal things and personal hygiene, the more they can be confident in their own while facing such or other hormonal or puberty signs, it is always advisable to be open with your kids at times when it is required for their mental awareness.

Writing about this for girl child brings me thought about speaking about this to your boy child too. It is indeed required that boys are also aware of this and can show respect for their, sisters, friends, partners, and every next woman they are meeting up.

Did you like the guidance above? Share your story with us of how you had been guided by your mom or you guided your daughter.

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Priyanka Mishra

Hi! I'm Priyanka Mishra Vajpai.
I am working with Mahindra Defence as an Analyst and mother of two.
I enjoy traveling to peaceful scenic places. I am also a music lover and writer/ blogger in advance who enjoys reading and is a shopaholic.

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Manisha chaturvedi
Manisha chaturvedi

It’s very important and a topic that every parents should know …. From a perspective of mother I will surely share it as much as I can …. Thankyu once again ❤️❤️

Mansi Chaturvedi
Mansi Chaturvedi

Really appreciative work