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How to Teach Kids to Read – Raise a Reader

Has your kid started reading with confidence, or you are about to encourage your kids to read?

Reading for kids – one of the most basic but challenging thing for any parent to make kids do & learn. Learning to read efficiently is one of the magnificent skill a child can acquire. The excellent reading & literacy skills are the key to success for any individual. Developing reading ability or reading habits takes time & patience, nothing is easy nor impossible. All you need is to guide kids to read with proper pathway and realistic expectations.

No two kids can master reading at the same time or pace, so never set milestones by comparing to other kids even if they are siblings. Set their own milestones according to their pickup and interest level. Most kids probably learn to read between the ages of 5 and 7.

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Quick Tips to Teach Kids to Read –

1. Phonics

Phonics – a method of teaching to read by correlating sounds with symbols in an alphabetic writing system. It is very common among kids to learn with the help of phonics. For example, kids learn that the letter D has the sound of “b” as in “boy.” Then they learn how to blend letter sounds together to make words like ball.

Kids need to have a proper understanding of what they read; they must be able to do it quickly without stumbling over words. Phonics facilitates that process in a smooth & excellent way. Have you explored Phonics classes with PiggyRide?

2. Start with Familiar & Routine Words

whenever you start asking your kid to learn reading, start with familiar and common routine words. This might include their own name, location, favorite things and other concrete nouns that can be enhanced using images as well.

You can use words in your routine conversations to make them learn it religiously. Practice makes everything perfect.

Related Article: 5 Effective Tips to Improve English-Speaking Skills of Your Kid

3. Don’t Rush

Make a calendar, may be weekly based to make kids learn and read and going forward try revising the older words etc. Remember quality learning is more important than rushing for learning more in quantity.

Also, as earlier specified, set their  own milestones and let them learn at their own pace without rushing.

kids to read

4. Repetition & revising

Reading words that contain the same letters and letter combinations and seeing those words multiple times helps kids practice early reading skills in a superb way. It enhances their reading capability with speed and accuracy. They don’t stumble for such words if they come across them. Show them and make them read such word combinations.

Make it routine every day for 5 to 10 minutes, however, sometimes you can skip it if required. No hard rules.

5. Engage them in a Print Stuff Environment

Create quick opportunities to build your child’s reading skills by creating an easy and quick Print stuff environment at home. Seeing printed words on posters, charts or infographics enables children to see and apply connections between sounds and letter symbols with ease and convince.

Always remember images speak louder than words, whatever their learn and read with pictorial representation, they won’t forget it.

6. Practice what You Preach

Read with them, not only their books, but also you can read your stuff, just to make them realize how important reading is. Haven’t they copied from us to use mobile phones and watch stuff from it? The same way reading can be instilled and will prove to be wonderful for them.

Whenever you want your kid to learn or pick a skill you need to show it via setting example and not just imparting in words.

kids to read

Let’s know some Benefits of Reading –

# Improves Memory

# Enhances Critical Thinking

#  Improves General Knowledge

# Develops Language & Communication Skills

# Develops Hobby

Related Article: 10 Reasons Why Book Reading Is Important for Kids

Take Away:

Reading is one of the incredible learning that can help kids to develop themselves in a better way. Encouraging kids to read & can be immensely helpful in instilling this wonderful habit and overall academic performance.

Kids who consume books from all genres gain a deeper understanding of everything around them hence making them sharper & smarter. Did you find this blog interesting? For more interesting Parenting Blogs don’t miss checking the blog section of PiggyRide Now!

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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