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5 Ideas To Develop Your Kid’s Creativity At Home

5 Ideas To Develop Your Kid's Creativity

Early years of growth and development in children, rings in endless curiosities. No wonder, every child starts with scribbling before learning how to draw a straight line. Parents may often end up watching their kids always wanting to do things differently. The urge to the same thing in different ways can be referred to as CREATIVITY.

According to a survey by IBM, creativity is the most important factor found for leadership and success in professional life [business outweighing integrity and global thinking].

Image Source: Clutch

Creativity is a natural trait, very much present in kids. As a parent, we focus on healthy eating for well being of our kids. Sowing seeds of creativity in their minds and nurturing them at the right time is equally important. Let us have a quick glance on effective ways to nurture creativity and the relevant benefits:

1. Home – A Creative Studio

Caring a lot about keeping your home well organized and clean?

A sheer satisfaction for us the parents, but a dull playground for the creative minds of our children.

Being messy is nothing but a symbol of an active mind indulged in creative activities. Let a corner of your home serve as their own studio where they are free to try their hands-on assembling objects, making new crafts, making silly posters, trying to grow a plant on their own. 

Spending hours in their own space and trying new things daily can increase their creativity significantly. The ad on benefits is independent learning and development of self-confidence.

2. Best Out Of Waste

Let all the waste cardboards, newspapers, used bottles, and caps and stationery find the perfect destination – junior inventors at home. Parents should always encourage children to get creative with waste materials at home and design something on their own.

This not only feeds their imagination and understand dimensions but also teaches them the value of conserving waste things as well as resource management and problem-solving. 

Ideas To Develop Your Kid's Creativity

3. Befriend The Explorer

Parents are the best well-wishers for their children. But let this not hamper their creativity. Love the explorer in them and allow them to choose their own ways of doing things wherever possible.

A busy and occupied mind is much more important than an inactive mind which is only allowed to follow or receive. Their efforts may not give the desired result, but trying by self gives them a sense of achievement and vibes of positivity.  It also enhances their decision-making skills.

4. Encourage Team Play 

To complete a picture, we connect the dots. Something similar happens when we ask kids to work as a team and collectively solve some puzzles or try DIY Projects. The individual ideas are like the tiny dots which when synced, give rise to a new picture. That is where creativity nurtures as children develop a zeal of learning new things in a creative atmosphere. 

5. Provide a Creative Platform

Imagine a textbook without any pictures or illustrations? No one would be interested to read it!

Experts say that children learn more by attractive visuals and practical illustrations rather than simply talk and guide the method. This is where online creative classes come in handy to provide the just-right creative platform for kids.

With the advent of digital education, a wide range of creative classes can be accessed on a fingertip. 

So, let the creative muscle of your child develop and activate the cognitive skills and help them perform better both in academic and non-academic activities, by attending creative classes. If you want your kid to discover their inner strength and creativity, you have to allow them to explore different activities.

Explore 10K+ courses with PiggyDiscovery and help you kids in enhancing polishing their creativity.

Vibha Gupta

I am an educator as well as a content writer by profession. I love to interact, teach, and write. A successful corporate journey, accompanied by vivid experience in the field of education, training, and development as well as content writing mark the important milestones of my career. I wish to serve my readers a platter of write-ups, that connect, inspire, and leads to the opening of new avenues. I am an avid reader, thinker, and an optimist.

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Zenat Buddhvani
Zenat Buddhvani

It’s very nice article

Megha Sharma
Megha Sharma

*The presentation is very well made.
Very nice vibha keep it up. Awesome work πŸ™‹πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Jay Saini
Jay Saini

Very Impressive and inspiring…πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Reena Verma
Reena Verma

Hi Vibha,

Loved this post!

Lots of good advice here, and yes, you are right, one cannot deny the power of a simple ‘ creative corner’ dedicated to the children at home where they can have their own messy ‘ in progress innovations’ to promote application of hands-on learning.

As parents, it is our responsibility to encourage our child by providing the environment and resources necessary for cultivating confidence and creativity beginning at a very young age.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Mrittika Ghosh
Mrittika Ghosh

Nice article Vibha, to provide a right platform at right age helps a child to discover their innate talent and help them to think in more creative ways.

Anirudh Menon
Anirudh Menon

Adversity brings out the creative best. In this lockdown situation where everyone is struggling to follow this new norm, such activities really shape a child’s man. Thank you Vibhaag for enlightening us with these useful tips. I am sure every parent will take a cue from this. Well articulated Vibha.

Sahil Prajapati
Sahil Prajapati

Great Article….Vibha


Well-curated on the basics of the creative child mind.

Sahil Prajapati
Sahil Prajapati

Great Article….!!!!

Sahil Prajapati
Sahil Prajapati

Great Article to read Vibha…!!!

Prerna Ruchi
Prerna Ruchi

So lucid and convincing!
Very well written.πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Prerna Ruchi
Prerna Ruchi

Lucid and convincing!
Well written! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Lydia Dean
Lydia Dean

Very nice article Vibha, loved the content very inspiring and informative.
Creativity is the greatest form of self-expression. There is nothing more satisfying, for any parent, to find their children be able to express themselves freely and without judgment.

You may read this blog: https://www.reflectionorg.com/how-to-unlock-a-childs-creativity/
This blog will help you know the ways to unlock a young child’s creative potential.