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Mystical Facts Around ‘Good Friday’ That You Should Know

Good Friday is a significant festival in the Christian calendar. And in this article, I will focus on its significance and bizarre facts. Indian festivals are the heart and soul of our rich culture and traditions. Festivals are used as a medium to commemorate life-changing moments and events in every religion’s calendar. Moreover, Christian festivals primarily focus on the events associated with the life of Jesus Christ. Don’t you find it strange that a day known as “good” actually represents Jesus’ death?

So, for your better understanding and comprehension, we have curated a helpful guide on some important facts and myths revolving around the festival.

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Good Friday Celebrations 2022

This year it will be celebrated on the 15th of April, Friday. Christians across the world observe the crucifixion and the death of Jesus on this day and later celebrate his resurrection on an Easter Sunday.

Most parts of the world declare this day a national holiday. It was on this day that Lord Jesus or Jesus Christ was crucified on a wooden cross. As per some scholars, Lord Jesus was betrayed by Judas and was later sentenced to death for claiming to be the Son of God. To add to this, many people believe that Lord Jesus died because of the sins committed by people and that’s why the Christians do not celebrate this day as Good Friday but remember his suffering and his journey. People don’t believe in decoration and no mass is held in the church.

Now let’s take a look at some of the lesser-known and interesting facts associated with the auspiciousness of Good Friday.

1. Different Names for Good Friday

The festival is known by many names for instance- Easter Friday, Black Friday, Great Friday, Holy Friday, or God’s Friday and Mourning Friday. However, there is still no evidence concerning the naming of the festival. While for some people it is an auspicious day but for others, others believe that good is a gradual change from god.

2. Impact on Communication Channels

As per the data gathered by Broadcasting Act, Radios and Television stations in and across New Zealand are not supposed to broadcast anything between 6:00 am till noon. And this measure is just a way to showcase your respect for different religious processions. And the same law is applicable for Christmas, Easter Sunday, and Anzac Day.

3. Real-Life Crucifixion Scenario

You won’t believe it but back in the Philippines, the entire crucifixion scene is reenacted with people who volunteer. Apart from this ritual, many people also prefer to fast and pray and refrain from eating meat.

4. An Unheard Tale About Holy Saturday

Again this is not a known belief but the Saturday after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday is known as Holy Saturday. Whether it is a good Saturday or a Good Friday, these holy days also mark the end of Lent which is 40 days and it comes before Easter Sunday.

5. Myth Around Washing Clothes

Another superstition is that if you wash your clothes on this day then the head of the ho could die. Some people say that Lord Jesus was slapped in the face with a wet garment when he was on his way to crucifixion, and that is why clothes on this day are considered to be a sin!

6. Chronicles About the First-Ever Good Friday

As per the data cited by authors, Justin Taylor and Andreas Köstenberger the first-ever Good Friday was celebrated on 3rd April, A.D. 33. So they were the first people to find out about the significance of the festival and how it came into existence.

7. Significance of Maundy Thursday

The Thursday that falls before the Good Friday also has a name and it is known as Good Thursday or Maundy Thursday. The word Maundy is derived from the Latin word mandatum, meaning commandment. And the Maundy Thursday is used for symbolizing the commandment given by Lord Jesus at his last supper.

8. Importance of Hot Cross Buns

The hot cross buns are known to have magical powers. As per some people, you can keep a hot cross bun for almost a year and it would not go moldy. Moreover, hot buns are special delicacies that are made on Good Friday and eaten on Easter Sunday. Many people believe that the hot cross bun is baked with the sweetness of good luck and fortune.

9. Go For A Haircut

Are you planning a hair makeover this year? Well, then grab your scissors and give your hair a new and refreshing look. As it is said that going for a haircut will prevent toothaches for the rest of the year. Apart from toothaches, a haircut on a Good Friday will also prevent headaches.

10. The Importance of Good Friday Eggs

Eggs that are laid on a Good Friday can never go bad. Moreover, in Ireland people celebrate Good Friday in a much more optimistic manner. As already stated, people believe that eggs laid on this day will not rot. And that is why some people hold onto these eggs for decades to prove this myth.

11. A Mystical Tale Around Kids Born on Good Friday

A child who is born on this day and baptized on Easter Sunday is known to possess healing powers. This is simply because Lord Jesus died on this day and also had the healing powers. Therefore, kids who are born on this day are said to possess similar healing powers.

12. The Realistic Power of Hot Cross Buns

Some people believe that sharing hot cross buns is considered to be auspicious because it will strengthen your friendship that will last through your lifetime. And if you will recite a rhyme while enjoying your sweet treat that is “half for you and half for me”, you will be blessed with lasting relationships.

These are the 12 quirky and bizarre superstitions associated with the Good Friday tradition and festivities.

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Final Words

These are the 12 mystical superstitions associated with this festival. The festivities vary across the world. For example- Germany and New Zealand have some special laws to safeguard the occasion, and as per some legends eggs and buns that are blessed on this day will never go bad.

So, these superstitions will give you an insight into what people believe and think about the festival. Therefore, the entire team of PiggyRide is wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous Happy Friday. Lord Jesus bless you all!

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Ridhi Dogra

Hi Friends! I am Ridhi Dogra.
I am working as a Content Writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in Home Science and I did my post-graduation in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University. I am an avid reader, a passionate traveler, and a movie buff.

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