Learning, Playing, and Exploring any games is something incredible for children. It not only keeps them occupied for good but adds great value to their life. When we speak of mindful games, Chess tops the list which is also known as “The game of kings”. Chess is one of the finest games which children should try to explore for leveraging best out of it.
Chess requires concentration and Sharpness to play hence makes a get smarter. Let’s explore some more benefits of playing chess for kids:
1. Enhances IQ & Logical Thinking
Chess is a mindful game, which apart from concentration and focus needs logical thinking, attention, planning, and reasoning abilities for hat moving those knights and rooks around the board. This definitely raises a person’s intelligence quotient to a great extent.

2. Builds Confidence & Self Esteem
Playing a game and then making the right moves makes the kid feel the power of being capable of taking risks hence making them decision-makers. This enhances the power of self-esteem and Builds confidence.
3. Increases Creativity & Problem Solving
Chess greatly increases originality as each time kid plays it, he/she needs to play different moves hence making them creative and Problem solvers.

4. Sharpens Memory
Playing chess needs a strategy, right moves, and tactics. The one who plays Chess and is a good player needs to remember how the opponent might have operated in the past and recalling the moves for winning is required. Hence helping in improving memory Powers.
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5.Encourages Hard Work
As Chess is played well and is Win on spot makes one work hard with focus and the ultimate determination. Lose your focus, lose a move. Hard work always pays!
6. Prevent Alzheimer’s
This is one of the best benefits that a person gets out of playing chess i.e it Prevents Alzheimer’s in old age. The individuals who are regular chess players for them the brain works like a muscle, it exercises regularly, hence decreases the risk of dementia. Which also reduces the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, and depression.
7. Enhances Dendrites
Learning chess in early Childhood makes dendrites (Tree-like branches that conduct signals from other neural cells into the neurons) to grow, without stopping. Learning chess is a continuous activity that helps the growth of dendrites. So, moving the Chess pieces is not an ordinary activity, it is the result of raising intelligence due to neurons.
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8.Improves Spatial Skills
Chess requires moves deep, visualizing the changes, picturing a position some moves down the line, analyzing it minutely hence improves Visualization and Spatial Skills in a child.
9. Planning & Foresight
Planning is one of the important skills that an individual can have, being organized, and planned is always a big Yes. Planning is an important characteristic feature of all chess players; they plan and predict all the time. Hence improves Planning and Foresight skills.

Playing chess go far from the board, and prepare the person for life difficulties, and problems, teach them how to solve hurdles in a creative way. Encouraging your children how to play chess, can be one of the greatest things that you can do for them.
Have you tried Exploring PiggyRide for your kid’s Chess classes?
Well, PiggyRide offers basic to advanced level chess classes. The classes will cover all fundamentals, basics of the game, legal moves of the game along with decision making and strategical thinking.
It motivates you to win even when things are not going well.
I never knew that playing chess can help with memory! My mom was telling me last night about how her memory has been getting worse lately for the past couple of weeks, and she was wondering how she could improve it. I’ll make sure to pass this information along to her so that she can look into learning chess sometime! https://gmandreygutov.com/coaching-philosophy/