Learning multiplication tables is extremely important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and by mastering the art of multiplication, you can do anything! First and foremost, by learning and memorizing multiplication tables, it becomes easy and simple for your children to work out complex mathematical problems. By mastering the multiplication tables, children start using their creativity and visual thinking skills to answer questions. Today, you can also consider the option of enrolling your kids in an online Vedic maths class for overall growth and development. Furthermore, this will help them to solve questions revolving around multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division. Before we get into the depth of understanding the basic hacks and tricks for learning multiplication tables, let’s try to understand what is a multiplication table?

What is a Multiplication Table?
A multiplication table can be defined as a comprehensive list of multiplications that shows the results of multiplying one number by a set of other numbers. In fact, as per some research conducted by mathematicians, they stated that thoroughly memorizing multiplication tables doesn’t help kids to learn and form connections between numbers or understand the basic rules of multiplication. Maths that is based on a practical approach, or using different ways to help kids do math activities in real life, is considered to be more effective than just teaching the facts.
Magical Tricks of Learning Multiplication Tables
Before we take a look at some of the popular and easy magic tricks through which your child can learn multiplication tables from 11 to 20 in a fun way, it is important to motivate them so that they are not stressed or overwhelmed. Firstly, you need to explain to your child “why” learning multiplication is important. If you can convince your child, you’ll be able to motivate their friends and classmates to learn, because it is vital for the learning process.
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How to Master the Multiplication Tables?
Perhaps one of the easiest ways to learn multiplication tables from 11 to 20 is by engaging your kids in a range of activities that will help them to actively memorize multiplication answers by simple repetition technique. Here’s how.
1. Hack for Table 11
In the multiplication table of 11, you will get the product of multiplying 11 with whole numbers. Learning the table of 11 is comparatively easy when compared to other multiplication tables. The multiples are always a repetition of the same digit such as 11 x 1 = 11, 11 x 2 = 22, 11 x 5 = 55, 11 x 9 = 99, etc. Mastering the multiplication table of 11 is important while solving mathematical problems that are based on the important operations of multiplication and division.
a) Quick Tips for Table 11
• The first 9 multiples of 11 are very simple to memorize.
• To calculate the 11 times table for 2 digit numbers, there is an underlying magical trick. By multiplying a two-digit number with 11, the sum of the digits of the number should be placed between the two digits of the original two-digit number. For example, when 11 is multiplied by 16, take the sum 1 and 6, that is, 7. Now, place the sum that is 7, between 1 and 6. The resulting answer is 176. Hence, the final product of 11 and 16 is 176, that is, 11 x 16 = 176.
2. Hack for Table 12
Did you know that to date 12 men have walked on the moon? The majority of us follow the 12-hour time system. These facts clearly emphasize the importance of the number 12 in our lives. Learning and mastering the multiplication table of 12 gives us an advantage when dealing with problems that revolve around the number 12.
b) Quick Tips for Table 12
• The multiplication table of 12 doesn’t have any rules or guidelines which will make its multiplication easy to memorize, but if you will notice carefully you will realize that there is a fixed pattern for every five multiples of 12 that is, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, and so on.
• With careful observation, you will see that these multiples are always repeating, which means that the students can easily remember these digits to ace the multiplication table of 12.
3. Hack for Table 13
The multiplication table of 13 comprises the multiplication of 13 with whole numbers. Understanding and knowing 13 times tables make learning extremely easy in secondary school and even beyond. Along with the table of 13, kids must also learn its division facts. For instance, division facts for the table of 13 are 39÷ 13= 3, 52÷ 13= 4, 65÷ 13= 5. This will also help in building a strong foundation for dividing large numbers.
c) Quick Tips for Table 13
• To master the multiplication table of 13, first, you need to memorize the 3 times table. The multiples of 3 are as follows- 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and so on.
• Now, to obtain the multiples of 13, add natural numbers to the ten’s digit. Hence, the table of 13 can be obtained by using the following formula that is: (1+0)3, (2+0)6, (3+0)9, (4+1)2, (5+1)5, (6+1)8, (7+2)1, (8+2)4, (9+2)7, (10+3)0= 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 117, and 130.

4. Hack for Table 14
Memorizing and learning the multiplication table of 14 can be a tedious task for primary schoolers. Knowing a table of 14 is the prerequisite while learning mathematics. So let’s take a look at some simple tricks that will help your kids in learning the table of 14.
d) Quick Tips for Table 14
• To master the multiplication table of 14, first, you need to memorize the 4 times table. Therefore, the multiples of 4 are as follows- 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, and so on.
• Now, to obtain the multiples of 14, add natural numbers to the ten’s digit. Hence, the table of 14 can be obtained by: (1+0)4, (2+0)8, (3+1)2, (4+1)6, (5+2)0, (6+2)4, (7+2)8, (8+3)2, (9+3)6, (10+4)0 hence, the final multiples will sum up to the following digits mentioned below:
14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98, 112, 126, 140, and so on.
5. Hack for Table 15
The table of 15 is very easy to learn and memorize. The table is generated by multiplying the number 15 with all the natural numbers such as 15 x 1 = 15, or 15 x 2 = 30. Here 15 and 30 are multiples of 15.
e) Quick Tips for Table 15
• To quickly learn the multiplication table of 15, there is a hidden trick. To ace this trick you should have a basic knowledge of one’s place digits, ten’s place digits, odd numbers, and even numbers. The trick is that in the resultants, the one’s place will always follow the pattern of 5-0. For example- 15 x 1 = 15, or 15 x 2 = 30.
• Similarly, for ten’s place value the digit s will always follow the pattern of 2 consecutive even numbers and the next 2 consecutive odd numbers. For example- 15 x 1 = 15 (odd number at ten’s place), 15 x 2 = 30 (odd number at ten’s place), 15 x 3 = 45 (even number at ten’s place), and 15 x 4 = 60 (even number at ten’s place).
6. Hack for Table 16
The multiplication table of 16 is made by multiplying the number 16 with different whole numbers. The overall transition from finger-counting to mental arithmetic beings with the help of learning and mastering multiplication tables.
f) Quick Tips for Learning Table 16
• 16 does not have any special rules or guidelines which will make the multiplication table easy to understand, but there is a definite pattern for every 5 multiples of 16 that is: 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, and so on.
• The last digit of these multiples is always repeating.
7. Hack for Table 17
Did you know that the multiplication table of 17 can make kids better at maths? The multiplication table of 17 can be an essential tool which the kids can use for even solving long multiplication and division-related questions. Hence, memorizing the multiplication table of 17 makes it easier for the students to evaluate complex math problems too.
g) Quick Tips for Learning Table 17
• To understand and learn the multiplication table of 17, your kids need to have a basic understanding of the multiplication table of 16. Let’s take a look at it:
• 16 x 1 = 16
• 16 x 2 = 32
• 16 x 3 = 48
• 16 x 4 = 64
• 16 x 5 = 80
Now you have to turn the multiples of 16 into the multiples of 17, by adding natural numbers from 1-10 to the multiples of 16. In this way, your kids will be able to learn both the multiplication tables quickly. For example:
• 16 x 1 = 16, Now add 16+1 = 17
• 16 x 2 = 32, Now add 32 +2 = 34
• 16 x 3 = 48, Now add 48 +3 = 51 and so on.
8. Hack for Table 18
You will be surprised to know that the multiplication table of 18 comprises double multiples that we can obtain from the table of 9.
h) Quick Hacks for Learning Table 18
To memorize the table of 18, there are some special tricks that your kids can follow:
• You can learn the table of 18 with the help of table 19 simply by subtracting 1-10 natural numbers.
• All you have to do is subtract the same number from the multiples with which you are multiplying 19. For instance:
19 x 11 = 209, Now subtract 209-11 = 198. Similarly, 19 x 12 = 228, Now subtract 228-12 = 216
• Ask your child to thoroughly memorize the table of 8. Hence, the first 10 multiples of 8 are 8, 16,24,32,40,48,56,64,72,80, and so on. Lastly, ask your child to obtain the multiples of 18, add natural numbers to the ten’s digit that is (1+0)8, (2+1)6, (3+1)4, (4+3)2, (5+4)0, (6+4)8, (7+5)6, (8+6)4, (9+7)2, (10+8)0 = 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, and so on.
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9. Hack for Table 19
Did you know that 19 is the eighth prime number, a number that can only be divided by one and itself? Let’s take a look at some of the quick hacks to memorize the multiplication table of 19.
i) Quick Hacks for Learning Table 19
To memorize the table of 19, there are some special tricks that your kids can follow:
• The table of 19 follows a pattern for every 10 multiples. Hence, all you have to do is write the first 10 odd numbers in a proper sequence in the ten’s place.
• Now, ask your kids to start writing from the reverse side, that is from 0-9 in the unit’s place. For instance
• 19 x 1 = 19
• 19 x 2 = 38
• 19 x 3 = 57
• 19 x 4 = 76 and so on.
• Another way of memorizing the multiplication table of 19 is by writing down the entire table of 19.
• The multiples of 9 have been mentioned below: 9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72,81,90 etc.
• To find the multiples of 19, ask your kids to add the natural numbers to the tens digit for the multiples of 9. Hence the table of 19 goes as follows- (1+0)9, (2+1)8, (3+2)7, (4+3)6, (5+4)5, (6+5)4, (7+6)3, (8+7)2, (9+8)1, (10+9)0, the multiples have been mentioned below:
19, 38, 57, 76, 95, 114, and so on.

10. Hack for Table 20
20 is the smallest primitive number. Learning and memorizing the multiplication table of 20 is important for a child’s elementary education. Let’s take a look at some of the quick hacks to memorize the multiplication table of 20.
j) Quick Hacks for Learning Table 20
• To master the multiplication table of 20, first, your kid needs to memorize the 2 times table. The first 10 multiples of 2 have been mentioned below- 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18, and 20.
• Now, to obtain the multiples of 20, add 0 to the unit’s place in the multiples of 2. For example:
• (20 x 1 = 20)
• Similarly, (20 x 2 = 40) and (20 x 3 = 60) and so on.
Key Learnings
These are some of the effective tips and hacks that will help you in mastering the multiplication tables from 11 to 20 with confidence and ease. Moreover, you can also enroll your kids in online maths workshops.
At PiggyRide, we offer an extensive range of classes & workshops that will help your kids to master the art of learning multiplication tables. From online Vedic maths classes for kids to abacus classes & workshops, you can enroll your kids for immersive learning experiences. And you know what is the exciting part? The kids are trained under the guidance of experienced and well-qualified teachers. Let the learning journey of your kids begin today.
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