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The Significance of the Baisakhi Festival

The Baisakhi festival in Punjab commemorates the Sikh New Year. Every year, the date for the celebration falls on April 13th, and after 36 years, it falls on April 14th. In this post, you will learn about the significance of Baisakhi festival & kids’ celebration ideas. 

Baisakhi festival 2022

The significance of the Baisakhi festival is that it brings together the whole devotees from Punjab as well as many people from the northern part of the country to celebrate in appreciation for the abundant harvest of the crops. 

Baisakhi derives from the Hindu calendar month of Vaishakh, which begins with Chaitra and ends with Falgun. Furthermore, some think that with a bountiful harvest, this season reflects optimism, and happiness, and represents new beginnings.

History And Significance Of Baisakhi Festival

Significance of Baisakhi festival

The significance of the Baisakhi festival is the day when the 10th Sikh leader, Sri Guru Gobind Singh, established the Khalsa Panth Of Warriors at Anandpur Sahib in 1699. Guru Tegh Bahadur was beheaded during the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb’s Islamic sharia reign. So, Guru Gobind Singh Ji established the Khalsa Panth Warriors during this period. 

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji encouraged everyone to come forward if they were willing to devote their lives to the community, but only 5 persons came forward from a crowd of thousands. Furthermore, he baptized those five people with holy water and founded a Khalsa group of five members. They are also known as “Panj Pyare.”

The motive behind Khalsa Panth Warriors was to protect the innocent from religious violence and bloodshed. Moreover, It was designed to teach followers that no ritual is greater than the Divine, and people should not give in to any misconceptions or any sort of myths. 

Furthermore, many Hindus take a plunge in holy water to start the New Year on a joyful note. As a result, the significance of the Baisakhi festival is to let go of the past and welcome fresh beginnings in life by paying thanks to the dieties.

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How Do People Celebrate Baisakhi Festival?

baisakhi festival in Punjab

People celebrate Baisakhi with zeal and joy since the festival’s essence is newness and abundance. In honor of Baisakhi, the Gurudwaras are adorned with lights, flowers, and other decorations. Moreover, many devotees rush to the Gurudwaras to bathe in the Sarovar (Holy water) and eat and serve langar to one another.

Furthermore, The Sikh community carries Nagar Kirtan processions where the devotees chant holy hymns, bhajans, kirtans, and various food stalls are set up to provide food for the devotees.

The Panj Pyare wears saffron robes and carries the Nagar Kirtan processions. Moreover, the significance of the Baisakhi festival demonstrates the vigor and freshness; ladies also wear new clothes to commemorate the start of the new Sikh year.

Moreover, Devotees execute a 48-hour Akhand path in Gurudwara, which brings tranquility and vitality to the entire community. Furthermore, the devotees also perform dances and share sweets with each other to celebrate the occasion.

 The devotees are also encouraged to perform daily activities in the Gurudwara, for example, performing kirtan and bhajans with the devotees and sharing sweets and snacks with the community throughout the day. 

The kids also perform the martial arts activity ( Gatka ) with sotis ( wooden sticks ) with each other.It showcases the skill of fight, endurance, discipline, confidence, self-control. The significance of Gatka is to show power and self-control at the same time. It’s an art which signifies the need to protect oneself when only needed.

Hindus also take dips in holy water such as Ganga or Kaveri during the Baisakhi festival. They also visit temples to show their devotion to God. 

Baisakhi Celebration Ideas For Kids

1. Perform Folk Dance

Baisakhi folk dance

It is one of the most fun-filled and joyful Baisakhi celebration ideas for kids. A whole family can dance together and welcome the new solar season with lots of energy and fun. The kids can wear traditional clothes and celebrate at home. The whole family can also take 1:1 bhangra dance classes and enjoy the Baisakhi festival.

2. Flying kites To Celebrate Baisakhi Festival

kite flying on baisakhi 2022

Kids love to fly kites, and kites are the expression of joy and happiness. Kites can be a wonderful way for kids to celebrate. Kite flying also signifies letting go of the past and embracing a more positive future. Apart from it, if your child, you can also engage them in making saffron-color papercraft kites to celebrate the Baisakhi festival. The saffron color plays a vital role in the culture of Baisakhi. It also signifies the beginning of the solar month. 

3. Coloring Activities

baisakhi celebration ideas for kids

Khanda is the Sikh religion’s symbol, and it’s made up of two kirpans, which represent the necessity of fighting for what’s right. There’s also a circular ring inside that represents the God one. Take a print of the image above and have your children decorate and color it. Also, explain its significance to them.

4. Storytelling – Significance Of Baisakhi Festival 

Storytelling about sikh traditions and cultures

Sikh culture and customs are also known for their bravery, heroism, and humility. So tell them a few morality and virtue stories. Also, inform them that it is a day to honor the Gurudwara and to commemorate the Baisakhi festival, as well as the coming of the new solar season. Finally, instill in your children a sense of pride in their culture and traditions through storytelling. 

5. Make Your Kids Understand The Meaning Of 5ks Of Sikhism

The 5ks of sikhism

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji specified important guidelines for all Sikhs to follow when wearing the five kakaras. Kesh (Sikhs cannot cut their hair), Kangha (a wooden comb), Kara (an iron bracelet), Kirpan (a knife for self-defense), and Kachera are the five Ks ( cotton ).

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Take Away

People offer their prayers and gratitude for the abundant harvest. People celebrate the Baisakhi festival with fervor and zeal by performing folk dances, and religious songs, eating together to celebrate the solar month together. Let your kids know about the significance of the Baisakhi festival & try out these children’s celebration ideas.

The team of PiggyRide wishes everyone a very Happy Baisakhi. Wish you an everlasting abundance, laughter, happiness, and learning opportunities. Keep growing and keep learning.

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Nidhi Arora

Hi Friends! I am Nidhi Arora.
I am working as a content writer with PiggyRide. I graduated from Delhi University with a bachelor's degree in literature and am currently pursuing an MA in Literature. I am an enthusiastic reader and a dedicated writer.

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