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Tips for Child Development in First 5 Years

Child Development – As parents, we make it our motive to enhance development of our children. To make it happen, we leave no stone unturned, right from asking our moms, to our friend’s circle who are parents to researching online, watching YouTube and what not!

Early development plays an important role in overall well-being of kids, and the first 5 years are crucial. The new-born’s brain is only half the size of the fully grown adult, but by the age of three, it would have grown to ninety percent. So its important thing that to work on child’s physical and cognitive development at earliest.

Child development

There are a plethora of things/activities that parents can practice for child’s growth and development. In the first five years, good experiences stimulate children’s development in a better way. In fact, kid’s brains develop connections faster in the first five years than at any other phase of life. This is the right time when the basics for learning, health and social behavior throughout life can be inculcated.

When we talk about child development, it has to be for all physical, mental & emotional modules. Nothing should be brushed off. Also, you should also keep in mind that each kids picks up things at their own pace and time. No need to worry until it is delayed for prolonged time.

1. Physical Activities – Enhancing Physical Growth

Physical activities involve developing your body parts. The activities like running, happy dances, cycling are good for kids. Physical fitness is great and helps kids to remain healthy & sound.  The earlier a kid starts doing such activities that keeps them fit, the more they tend to grow physically fit.

Related Article : Benefits of Indoor Games & Extra Curriculum Activities for Kids

2. Communication – Develops Interactions

Man is a social animal, heard of it? Well, being social, talking to other people is always a key to remain well versed with world around us. Similarly, for kids’ communication is the key to socialize. Every kid is different & learns at their own pace to start speaking, so do not worry if your child is taking some time to begin. Help them with their first words, framing sentences and correct them politely and encourage them while they try speaking with others.

child development

3. Healthy Eating Habits – Overall Well-being

Eating healthy food is necessary for physical growth as well as mental development. Make sure you introduce healthy food habits in them, provide them with the nutritious food instead of junk. Having healthy diet which includes all protein, calcium, iron, vitamins etc. is the key to develop immunity in kids as well. So, consider this point and follow it religiously.

Related Article: 5 Easy Tips To Make Your Kids Eat Healthy Food

4. Calm Surrounding – For Happy Minds

Make sure you keep a happy environment at home, when I say it I am damn serious, make sure you keep arguments with your spouse/any member for any XYZ reason away from the kid. No need to do it in front of them nor drag them into it. It impacts their minds badly and affects their peaceful growth. Never Ever Do it – I repeat Never!

5. Help them to Pick Hobbies

For 1-5 years, at each stage kids behave different – For up to 3 years they can be occupied with random activities like playing with toys, puzzles etc depends upon their pickup and similarly 3 years onwards they can be encouraged for music, dance, drawing etc.

child development

Have you checked PiggyRide for fun activities for kids, regular courses & free workshops for development of kids? If not, check it right away. My 4-year-old girl enjoys dance workshops each weekend for free, you too can get your kid enrolled for it.

Wrap Up –

For Child’s Development, parents need to buckle up so that child is grows well. It needs patience and regular constant efforts. Apart from above-mentioned tips, it’s also important to spend quality time with your kids. The best among all gifts that you can give them is your time. Also, keep in mind that isolation or ignorance will have a bad impact on child brain development. So, get ready to brace up for your child development.

Do you want to share any experiences or looking for any activities for your kids? If yes, then don’t miss exploring PiggyRide!!

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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