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7 Tips For Parents During Online Classes Of Their Kids

2020 brought challenges for parents, all of a sudden, the lockdown in the march was horrible news. One day your kid was going to creche/pre-school and the next day the world was shutting down. Everything seemed a mess, handling home, kids, and work all of a sudden made a new topic for parents. No nannies, no house helpers, no tutors added to the misery. 

But we all tried to cope with it by giving our best, be it parents, teachers, kids, basically everyone. we have come so far, and it’s close to 1 year now- we learned to cope with most of the challenges in our own ways. When it comes to me the biggest challenge after work-home balance was making my 4-year toddler attend online classes for her school & other activity classes. Initially, it became difficult but where there is a will there is a way.

online classes tips

I got the idea of writing this blog when a few of my friends approached me to share some tips to manage the Online Classes of Their Kids.  Being a full-time working parent & associated with a company that provides extra curriculum activity classes made me do plenty of research for this topic. Moreover, what I researched I applied it to my kid and hence jotting it down for other parents out there.

1. Creating A Schedule for Better Consistency

The first & foremost important thing is to create the schedule. Without proper organizing & fixing the schedule things never go well.  Don’t make kids do things randomly, it affects their consistency as well. For me, my daughter has school online classes which they have fixed themselves & for her activity online classes, I picked one slot and have fixed it. This helps me also to remain with her that time as I do my priority tasks before or after the specified time.

Related Article: This Is Why You Must Enroll Your Kids For Online Classes [5 Reasons]

2. Designated Place for Attending Online Classes

Yes, online classes can be attended anywhere but for proper concentration and getting that positive learning vibes a designated place is required. I have seen parents making attend online classes in every corner of the house- in balconies and at times in halls where other members are watching Television. It really sounds bad!

3. No Distractions for Proper Concentration

Make sure you have allotted space for children’s study time with the least possible distraction. No matter if they want to do it by sitting or ground over a rug or on the table – only comfort matters. Another thing to be noted here if you are sitting with them during their classes, don’t use the phone or chat over it, Give your time in a proper way. There is nothing more important than their learning & a better future.

online classes tips

4. Introduce Different Online Classes

All study & no extra-curriculum activities make kids dull for sure. So, make sure they attend some extra curriculum activities which they find interested, be it dance, music, chess, coding, or art. This will make them keenly interested in academic school online classes as well.

Have you explored PiggyRide for online extra curriculum activity classes? If not, then check right away!

5. Communicate with Teachers Online

Communicating regularly with teachers specifically if you have a toddler and being clear about their syllabus etc. is a good idea. Also, polite replies & feedbacks to be shared for better understanding.

Related Article: 7 Important Tips For Teachers Taking Online Classes

6. Celebrate the Achievements

When kids used to go to school & after coming back showed us notebooks with 5 stars on them, we use to cherish it and appreciate them. we can do this in the present scenario too. This would make them feel online classes are as important as going to school was.

Last week, my daughter was asked to sing a rhyme and name pet animals, a kind of test in her online classes. She answered excellently and the teacher also made students applaud her.  We also appreciated her, made her favorite sweet dish and I made it a point to say good words all day like, my daughter knows it all, she is sharp. I love you etc. I am sure such appreciating words, and celebrating minute things helps kids to grow confident.

online classes tips

7. Allow Them to Interact with Their Friends & Cousins

Make sure they interact with their friends and cousins via video calls, you should not stop them. This makes them comfortable for making video interactions which help them for their routine online classes as well.

Take Away:

Initially, All Parents struggled a lot while making kids attend online classes with concentration & focus. Also juggling between our job responsibilities & kids gave many headaches but we did it. At times we turned cranky, restless & felt disappointed but that’s okay. Tips, tricks & hacks helped us in a better way.

We are sure you guys might have learned many more things to deal with your kid while they are attending online classes. Will you mind sharing them with us & other parents who will be reading our blog?

Read more tips, tricks, and hacks for better parenting now on PiggyRide Now.

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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