Being parents is not easy at all, and that’s clear to everyone out there. You just don’t raise your kid, rather you make an individual, you make a person who in the future will have a contribution to his/her family & society. Parenting is one of the toughest yet cherished relations that we embrace with full love, sacrifices & passion
Being a mom of my 4- year Proactive girl is the biggest joy that tops my list. Raising her, watching her growing with each passing day brings tremendous joy to me. The journey of parenting has been amazing which has given me experience, joys, and needless to say brought good challenges as well.

I am jotting down my 50th blog today on Piggyride & to make it extra special, memorable & worth reading will like to talk about
35 Parenting tips that can help all parents out there.
1. Appreciate Their Little Efforts
Appreciation is one of the best things that make kids happy and gives them the potential to give the best. The more we appreciate them more confidence-building is enhanced.
2. Encourage Their Choices
Let your kids make choices when it comes to choosing their fields of interest – Be it choosing music, drawing or coding, etc. You need to give them full support and encouragement so that they can do well in it with confidence. My Daughter loves Dancing over the drawing and I openly heartily let her participate etc in the same.
3. Let Them Do Things Themselves
Let them organize things themselves when they mess it up- Taking responsibilities makes kids confident, mature, and independent. Treat children-like children and teenagers like teenagers, no vice versa is healthy to act. Boost their confidence in each phase of growth as per their age.
4. Set Routines For Them
Routines, Timetables, and Schedules for your kids to make them disciplined. Even if fails to some extend at any point in time but still, it makes you know how far you have reached and what can be the next milestones in raising them.
5. Encourage Curiosity
Children ask questions, answer them, don’t ignore them at any cost. Sometimes they ask questions that may seem a bit silly but answer them to understand them. Mostly Toddlers ask questions before sleeping, answer them in a good tone for letting them sleep with Peace.
Related Article: 5 Amazing Tips To Build Confidence In Your Kid
6. Making Them Try New Things
New things, new challenges, and new learning opportunities open the horizon for confidence. Trying and succeeding gives confidence and a sense of pride in children helping them to try bigger things in life.
7. Keep Promises
Never lie to your kids and make false promises – Not only it is rude but making them lie in the future and also makes them lose trust in you. Make sure you make promises that can be fulfilled.
8. Set Acceptable Rules
Setting rules is very important as it makes kids follow the schedule. Make sure you set rules which make sense and not just for the sake of it. Sometimes bending a rule for a day won’t do harm. Don’t pressurize kids for anything, make rules which make a good impact, and are helpful.
9. Having Meaningful Conversations
Having Meaningful Conversations From Time To Time can help you to mold your kid the way you want, make sure you mold the right way, and into a better person. They often come with questions, answer them keeping in mind that they are in the learning phase.
10. Maintain Calmness Always
Parents have to watch their actions before jumping into imparting morals to their kids. They need to remain calm while handling kids, Yelling is fearful for kids – A BIG No! It makes them grow with low self-esteem.

11. Maintain a Loving & respectful Environment
Children learn most of the things at home and with parents, they are impacted by the environment to a great extent. So, it is your responsibility to be respectful to everyone at your home – Your spouses, family, Maids, and Helpers.
12. Being Polite & Respectful
Always watch your tone, Being Polite & respectful with your kid even when you are angry makes a good impact and has positive results in the long run.
13. Expand The Kid’s Concern
Children are good mostly to siblings, cousins, friends, however, our challenge at times is to make them care about someone outside the circle – Like a new student in the class, someone who doesn’t speak as good as him/her, or someone who doesn’t have the same financial status.
14. Refrain from Giving Harsh Punishments
I am never in favor of punishments, especially harsh ones – Like hitting or making them stay in the room Isolated Speak eye to eye, tell them it made you angry and how it hurt your expectation. Allowing them to interact and know why they behaved unrulily can help you to guide them for avoiding any mistakes.
15. Helping Children To Manage Their Feelings
Some kids happen to be getting angry very quickly once they reach a certain age. At times some happen to be shy, envious or have negative feelings. Spot them and Regular mentor them to overcome such things.
Related Article: 5 Unique Tips To Build Consistency In Your Kid
16. Say No To Unrealistic Expectation
Parents dream high for their kids out of love; they spend tons of money on education and stuff but that never gives a right to a parent to set the unrealistic expectation for the things which either a child is not interested in or is not capable of doing at certain age/Phase.
17. Giving Time And Attention
Kids are attention seekers nonetheless of their age. They need your time and attention. Make sure you give them positive attention by frequently communicating & spending quality with them.
18. No Comparisons
Comparisons are Poisons – Slow ones. They create a rivalry between siblings and at times with cousins etc with whomsoever you compare them. So never ever do it. It is important that children know that they are equally loved despite being different, maybe grade-wise or anything.
19. Be Relaxed While Handling Them
Being relaxed is an all-time favorite therapy for anyone. It surely helps in making a person calmer. If you are a homemaker or someone who works from home especially while managing a toddler is literally draining.
20. Be Their Role Model
Behave properly with your spouses, your behavior is noted by your children especially teenagers, they grow up watching you and get influenced by everything you do. Set examples and be their role model.

21. No Bullying Guidance
Teach your Children especially teenagers not to bully anyone for anything. Be strict enough at this point. Teach them kindness at all stages of life.
22. Teach Your Kid How to Become a Responsible Citizen.
Teach them etiquette regarding obeying traffic laws, using public transport, behavior in public places, and respecting everyone they meet outside. Be it a Waiter, or a janitor.
23. No Means No
Yes, the policy of No means No. Whatever the circumstance if it’s wrong, and not in the rules. Don’t encourage it ever, no matter what tantrum he/she throws, be it home/public/ Friends place.
24. Never Publicize Their Failures
If your child is weak in mathematics/ or he/she was not selected in a Hockey team of the school; – Stop telling who visits you especially in Infront of your children. Don’t embarrass them, Inspite appreciate them what they are good at.
25. Magic words
Teaching them to use magic words: Sorry, Please and thank you. Use these words yourself too, whenever required, they too will get used to it. These words bring vibes of mannerism in a kid, who surely grows up as a decent adult.
Related Article: Top Secrets To Raise A Disciplined Child [Infographic]
26. Eat at least one meal Together with Family
This is one of my favorite things, Heard of Saying Family who eats together stays together?
27. No Favoritism/Gender Biasness
As a parent, I don’t feel either of the children can be more loved, and especially on the basis of gender/accomplishment but still, sometimes our actions may give wrong vibes. Take care of your words and actions.
28. No Hitting:
Have you ever did it? Did you fall guilty afterward? Are you still, doing the same when they are unruly? Please Don’t hit children. It devalues the image of the parent and affects the image of the child negatively.
29. Always be Truthful
Make sure you never lie not even for fun. They grow closely watching you and your actions each time.
30. Respect Parenting Differences
This happens, you and your spouse won’t be on the same page at times while raising your kid. Make sure you don’t argue/fight for it in front of your child. Discuss it later & sort it out.

31. Make Them Learn to Save the Environment
Teach them to save nature, Greenery, and the environment. Make sure whenever they go out they don’t litter roads or waterbodies.
32. Don’t accept disrespect from your Kid.
Make sure your kid doesn’t respect you, any family member, or any elder. Set the limits & tell them the consequences of behaving unruly.
33. Teach Them Good Morals
Don’t forget to teach them Life values and Good morals. These are the pillars of raising excellent individuals and you need to teach them right from an early phase of childhood.
34. Never Doubt Your Parenting Ways
Never take the harsh words or comments of people to your heart when it comes to your parenting. Always remember There is nothing like Perfect Parenting & everyone is running their own battles.
35.Go On Vacations With Family
Make good use of the breaks or holidays, going to vacations or fun day outings always bring cheerfulness to your kid’s face. Give them memories for all life.
Kid’s are sunshine to our lives – We as parents love them with all our hearts and without any selfish gains. Things don’t always work perfectly but patience and calmness can help you a long way. Being a parent has been my biggest strength & am overwhelmed today by everything that parenthood has brought in my life- One of them is paving a way to write Parenthood Blogs for PiggyRide.
I am sure many of you will like to add more parenting tips to my blog. Please share it right away – We are Listening!
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