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5 Unique Tips To Build Consistency In Your Kid

Consistency is an essential ingredient of success and makes one organized for a lifetime. Setting schedules and routine makes one balance things and make good use of time. Consistency can be inculcated in the early stage of childhood which makes it easy for children to continue the legacy for it.

Consistency allows parents to set boundaries and expectations which is useful for making a strong foundation in the upbringing of the child. It also makes them well behaved and disciplined. Let me take you around 5 tips to improve the habit of consistency for your kid.         

1. Be Consistent Yourself

This tip works for everything, most of my blogs have this point mentioned. It means children watch your actions than listening to your words. If you want your children to follow something, make sure you set an example for them by yourself. Be a role model for them

2. Start With Small Tasks

Don’t rush to set long schedules and routines for your kids all at once. Start with small baby steps. Example – If you want them to start with praying, drawing, or setting their room for each day. Don’t ask them right away right from today. Start initiating one task for a week and then keep on adding new things. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day?

Pick a few things on priority first, which you know makes them happily do it. Tell them the advantages of that task and implement a consistent response

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3. Set Routines – Yes, It Works!

Routines, Timetables, and Schedules work always. Even if fails to some extend at any point in time but still, it makes you know how far you have reached and what can be the next milestones.

Personally, I am very organized since my childhood when it comes to both my personal and professional life. From school days to college life I used to have my mindset on what to learn for in a particular month or before the examination (Day-wise time set for different subjects). I can proudly say I always used to follow it. I am continuing the legacy of being organized, I set my daily goals weekly goals, and so on. This all has been possible because I was habitual to setting routines since childhood.

So, it’s time for parents to help kids to set their routines with normal expectations. Parents can also help them to understand that it is necessary to have a sense of security and enhance self-discipline.

Tips To Build Consistency In Your Kid

4. Set Rules That Makes Sense

Setting rules is very important as it makes kids follow the schedule. Make sure you set rules which make sense and not just for the sake of it. Sometimes bending a rule for a day won’t do harm. Don’t pressurize kids for anything, make rules which make a good impact, and are good to go.

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5. Check with Other Parents

You can take the help of friends and family to know more ways that have helped them to do set consistency for their kids. It is necessary to keep in mind, all kids are different and unique. What worked for them, may not work for you and vice versa. But yes, trying is a good option. Sometimes it works wonders.

Bringing Consistency in your kids takes time, patience, and energy for parents, and sometimes we fail initially. It is also important to be a flexible parent who can change the routine as per convenience at times. Being both consistent and flexible is beneficial, as it makes children develop confidence and secure individual.

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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