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7 Tips to Solve Social Anxiety Problems in Kids

Social Anxiety is not age specified, it can be found in kids as well. It is recommended for all parents to remain alert. If you notice any symptoms such as Irritable, snappy, curtness in their behavior, concentration wanes or change in eating pattern, etc, then chances are your kid is struggling with Social anxiety.

Social anxiety

Social Anxiety can be caused by a number of things – a few of them can be:

#If you change your location, move to a new country, they don’t find new friends or you join a job and they begin to feel lonely which they were not used to.

#Someone bullying them at school or at tuition or just in the park.

#Physical Shortcoming (Which they feel)

#General Anxiety related to studies or examination results, Peer pressure, etc

So, what should you do to solve social anxiety problems?

It’s not so difficult to let your kid come out of social anxiety problems but yes it needs a proper way and good efforts to do so.

1. Communicate with Your Kid

Talking, conversations and regular communication with your kid is the key aspect for letting them come out of any anxiety. Make sure they are very comfortable in sharing it with you. Be a friend to them especially if they are teenagers. Sometimes they might have made a mistake and they genuinely want need to get over it. Your support only can help them to overcome the anxiety.

2. Meditation Activities

Sometimes anxiety just pops in without any reason in particular – may be just uneasiness or tiredness because of studies, etc. In that case, sit with them, try breathing techniques, yoga and meditations.

social anxiety

3. Teach Problem Solving Skills

Help your child identify her problems and brainstorm potential problem-solving strategies to come out of them. For example, if your kid is scared of public speaking and he/she has a class presentation next month, for sure they will have anxiety. So, pull up your socks and help them to overcome them. Let them practice it before the mirror, or record it for them on your Phone. As a child, I always used to practice my morning assembly speeches before the mirror to regain my confidence.

Related Article: 10 Ways to Raise Mentally Strong Kids

4. Help Them to Enhance Friendly Behaviour

For example, you have moved to a new place or you have changed your kid’s school, it’s quite possible they feel lonely and get some anxiety. So, in order to overcome, teach them some skills to enhance their friendly behavior – Like greeting, being a conversational starter, listening & responding.

5. Make Them Confident

Make sure you inculcate confidence in them even if they are not doing as per your expectation. Help them to understand it’s okay if things don’t fall at the expected place each time. They should not worry, and embrace anxiety for small things. Also make sure you never compare them for XYZ things with their friends, cousins & not even siblings. It’s stressful.

Social anxiety

6. Teach them to be Kind with Themselves

It’s important for them to face their fears and overcome them with time. Meanwhile, they need to be kind to themselves. They should not avoid things as a tool to cope. This won’t let the anxiety go, rather teach them to be not harsh to themselves by locking them inside the room or stopping attending social gatherings.

Related Article: Top 6 Ways To Nurture Your Child’s Mental Health

7. Professional Help

In case you tried everything and the anxiety is still there for weeks, it’s better to take professional help -There is no shame in it. Your child is important than anything else. The social anxiety disorder is very treatable and kids can learn to cope with their symptoms in a better way after professional help.

Take Away:

Social anxiety problems are common with kids these days. Love, communication, and good behavior of parents will go a long way in helping the kids to overcome it. In most scenarios, parents themselves with dedicated efforts can cure anxiety in their kids. Apart from it make sure you provide a good and healthy environment at home. Live with peace and harmony & spread happiness and be your kid’s role model.

Would you like to share any tips for overcoming anxiety in kids? Do share, we are Listening.

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Nafiya Ayub Khan

Hey Folks!! I am a Computer Engineer by Qualification, Digital Marketing Specialist by Profession and Blogger by Passion. Having immense love for my daughter and great interest in writing turned me into a parenthood blogger as well.
I am a LinkedIn Enthusiast and an individual who values time. My career journey has an exposure of working with full time & freelancing roles with multiple startups in India as well as overseas - PiggyRide, Kreserve, Houston best Limo Ride, Samvruddhi Technologies, Eresolute, Sal Dela Tierra solutions, Pocket52, Career Kashmir and Groxery.

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