Creating a mandala is extremely self-soothing and relaxing. We have listed down the 6 benefits of online mandala art classes that you can derive by enrolling your child and let their creativity nurture. Creating a mandala is extremely self-soothing and relaxing. Mandalas have been an integral part of our lives for a very long time. Whether it is the Onam mandalas made of flower petals to the colored ground rice for Diwali.

Mandalas have cultural and religious significance. Derived from a Sanskrit word, “mandala” means circle. It is regarded as a sacred symbol that is used to facilitate meditation in the Indian and Tibetan regions of Hinduism and Buddhism.
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Today, when education has gone online due to the ongoing pandemic, the online mandala art class will come to your immediate rescue. The online mandala art class will not only keep your child busy but will enhance their creativity levels. The ultimate aim of mandala art is to promote serenity, reflection, and the concentration of energy at one focal point.
Mentioned below are some of the important benefits of mandala art, which will benefit your children in the following ways.
1. Helps in Generating Circular Harmony
According to Buddhists, the circles used in Mandala help people to order their inner-self. And because of this, it can be extremely helpful for children to color mandalas from a very early age. Coloring mandalas helps in strengthening visual stimulation in children. Apart from this, it also helps in improving creativity, imagination and they are able to find harmony in their emotional disorder.
2. Enhances Concentration in Children
Over a year it has been observed that by enrolling your child in an online mandala art class, their concentration levels have improved to a great extent. Ideally also, while coloring mandalas children should be silent and focused on what they are doing. The cognitive skills in your children will subsequently increase and their imagination, attention, and flexibility will improve. However, in order to promote visual stimulation in children, it is important that a child must finish the mandala to achieve the right balance of the visual and emotional effect it offers them. In today’s time, children are extremely competitive and they tend to finish a mandala on time so that they can show them off to their family and friends.

3. Helps in Developing Coordination and Psychomotor Skills
The use of mandalas can help in strengthening psychomotor skills in your child. It further helps in improving their motor skills in their hands and fingers. This gradually helps in enhancing the brain connections in children between two and eight years of age respectively. It will also help in improving the accuracy of their writing skills, as well as the basic skills that are needed to tie shoelaces or manipulate certain objects.
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4. Introduction to Geometric Shapes
Painting mandalas is an excellent technique to enhance the cognitive abilities of your child. It will allow your little ones to expand their knowledge revolving around various geometric shapes and patterns. This is due to all the new colors, geometric shapes such as circles, triangles, stars, among others, sizes, and even emotions that they will be dealing with. In addition to this, mandala art will also help in stimulating a child’s aesthetic sense.
5. Helps in Increasing Self-Esteem
One of the noteworthy benefits of introducing your child to an online mandala art class is that it helps in increasing self-esteem. In coloring mandalas, a child creates their own original drawing and this helps in developing their cognitive and psychological abilities. This not only increases their self-esteem but also makes them more confident. As a result, they will be able to deal with all the difficulties effectively and effortlessly that they might encounter in their way.
6. Works Well for Kids with Special Needs
Especially, for children born with special needs such as Down’s Syndrome or those who suffer from autism, painting a mandala will be of great help in controlling their movements. Painting a mandala also helps in promoting relaxation and enables children to express themselves. In addition, hyperactive children will find the most creative and fun way to be calm and relaxed.

Final Thoughts
It is important that you should pay attention to your child’s cognitive skills and development. By enrolling them in an online mandala art class, you will be taking your first step forward in this direction. Painting a mandala will help in increasing the concentration levels in your child. It will also make your children familiar with geometric patterns and shapes. Introduction to mandala art will help in improving coordination and enhance their self-esteem level to a great extent. Being a parent, you cannot force an art form on your child. Give time to absorb the true essence of the mandala art and some space where they can master this art.
Have you checked some of the finest and the best mandala classes in Bangalore at PiggyRide? Enhance your kid’s creativity with a fresh start and enroll them in these super-fun and engaging mandala classes.
That was a fantastic post! I had no idea Mandalas & meditations are so prominent. These days, I’ve been studying and reading a lot about mandalas. I’m curious if any of you have any further resources to contribute. It appears to be difficult to discover the latest information on the website. I came across a couple of websites that are related. One of the websites is The majority of the website does not update frequently enough to help me learn faster. Is there anyone eager to help?