Children are a blessing that each parent adores all their life, no matter how much a child grows, a parent is always concerned about their health, well-being, career, and prosperity. Someone rightly children outgrow laps but never the heart and mind of the parent.
Being concerned about various spheres is a good thing and one of the aspects that top the list is the mental health of the child- which includes all age groups – Toddler, Children, Pre-Teens, and Teens. Neglecting symptoms for the disturbed mental health of any age group by saying what will cause depression? and they are too small for it is absolutely unacceptable. The mental disturbance is not specified to any particular age, gender, or social status. It can happen to anyone.
In order to play a part of a responsible parent, we need to provide an environment for our kids so that that is brought up with good mental health. It’s simple to follow and equally toxic if ignored at right time. So, Let’s explore what a child needs for good mental health.
1. Love Them Selflessly
Love them, love them, love them – Yes, Selfless love is all that they want. Love them with their flaws, don’t compare them and hurt them. Not everyone can become Einstein. It’s completely okay.
2. Talk with Them
Talking, communication, and interactions are the oldest ways to give relief to anyone’s stress (if any). Talk with your kids, both when are happy or low. Try to know it well instead of spying (Yes, some people do it with Teens) -Ask them directly and build their trust in you so that they can share it. Talking is the best therapy for good mental health.
3. Give Your Time & Be Friends
There is no synonymous for the time – Time is the greatest gift that you can give to your child. Children crave your attention and time. Give it to them without asking. Spend time with them after your working hours and weekends. Use the time to know and interact with them. I ask my daughter at times what do you want randomly out of love – and her reply is Get yourself a Sunday (Which means a day off from work)

4. Say No To Unrealistic Expectation
Parents of course dream high for their children; they spend tons of money on education and stuff but that never gives a right to a parent to set the unrealistic expectation for the things which either a child is not interested in or is not capable of doing at certain age/Phase.
I remember seeing a woman scolding her son (Not more than 8 years old) in a public park for not able to play good cricket on spot but what I noted was – Her son was maybe some 3-5 years younger than other players. He was not trained maybe and a little incapable as compare to other trained players. It was very immature of her, First embarrassing him in public, and second, demoralizing him. Such things are toxic to mental health.
5. Set Acceptable Boundaries
Set the rules and boundaries but make sure they are relevant and acceptable. When I say relevant and acceptable it means setting boundaries that makes sense and are helping anyway. I know someone who does not let her kid play with society kids because she does not like it herself – Reason Unknown!
In such cases, children may turn rebel, feel isolated, and may remain shy for no reason.
6. Provide A Safe & Healthy Home Environment
There is no place like home and no teacher & role model like Parent – Follow it religiously. Make sure you do justice to both statements and give a safe, happy, and healthy environment to your kid.

As a parent, I know most of us are already following it but still, at times things fall out of our hands which is unfortunate and unavoidable. In such cases, if you come across extreme mood swings, volatile temper, persistent sadness, and hopelessness of your child, seek medical help, don’t neglect it. “It’s No Shame” – the life of your kid and sound mental health is your priority.
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