Recently PiggyRide has launched a new feature known as the ‘title badges’. Technology has changed the way we live. Right from the way we eat food to the way we live and the way we study everything has changed. Talking about the impact of technology on learning it would not be wrong to say that online learning has become the “new normal”. With schools going online and virtual learning becoming an integral part of every school curriculum, we all have witnessed the transformations experienced by our education sector.

And when talking about online learning, we would like to talk about how PiggyRide has been constantly trying and striving to make online learning a smooth ride for the children in our country. In a brief period of time, PiggyRide has managed to carve an identity for itself by delivering excellent quality online classes for kids based on their age, skills, and interests. Moreover, as parents, we understand that apart from book-based learning, extracurricular knowledge is also of utmost importance. At PiggyRide, you can enroll your kids in a multitude of various online classes- from online chess classes to online music classes the list is endless.
And the best part about our online classes is that our platform will enable you to connect with the best and most experienced teachers and instructors that will play a key role in shaping your child’s creativity. To make online learning more smooth and transparent we have been introducing new technological features that will enable your kids to use their skills to the maximum potential. Recently, PiggyRide launched a new technological feature known as Title Badges. In this article, we will be talking about the need of introducing the title badges and what are the different types of badges introduced.
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What are Title Badges?

Title badges can be defined as a visual representation to notify people that you have earned mastery in a particular course or have aced a particular skill-set like a professional. The best part about PiggyRide title badges is that they are not only cool and fun to add to your usual wardrobe, but you can also share them with your friends.
Why There is a Need for Title Badges?

A PiggyRide title badge is much more than a shiny piece of metal. Well, it is a treasured possession that represents your knowledge and experience revolving around a particular skill or an extracurricular activity. Moreover, title badges are also used for representing responsibility, commitment, and recognition. It will enable your friends and family to know your understanding level of a particular subject.

For instance- if your child has mastered the beginner’s level chess then they will be entitled to “Chess Enthusiast”. Similarly, if your little wizard has mastered the intermediate chess level like a professional they will get the title of “Chess Champ”. These title badges will enable your kids to work hard towards achieving the excellency level of a particular subject or an extracurricular activity they are interested in. These title badges will also create a sense of collective belonging and will also encourage your children to work towards their goals.
Different Types Of Title Badges Introduced By PiggyRide
PiggyRide offers an array of different online courses and therefore, to help children measure their progress and proficiency level let’s take a look at some of the title badges introduced in different categories.

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Creativity has no restrictions or rules. Whether your child is interested in learning and mastering the game of chess or dance, you can explore a range of different online courses on the official website of PiggyRide. To add to this, your kids can take their online classes from anywhere in the world. PiggyRide is your one-stop destination for all the online extracurricular activities and fun. We offer the best and the safe space for your creative kids to discover and work on their new skills or even polish their existing skills through our special 1:1 live activity classes. Hence, wait no more and enroll your kids in our online classes today and let them earn a title badge and flaunt amongst their friends!